Thermal processing of meat and meat products


2018-03-21 21:25:13




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How is the thermal processing of meat? This issue is addressed in the classroom technology in secondary school. Give an example of a development related to this topic.

heat treatment of meat

Feature meat

For starters, the teacher should acquaint the students with the main characteristics of this food product. What features has the heat treatment of meat. Lesson on technology (grade 7) focuses on the detailed study of the parameters of meat and its use as a food product. All technology lessons are aimed at introducing theoretical knowledge about obrabotka food in practice. That's what makes this subject interesting and exciting, gives girls the opportunity to feel like real Housewives, which can amaze with their culinary delights of your family and friends.

That meat is one of the most important components of nutrition. It goes well with the taste of various food products. Meat can be cooked many different dishes. In the meat combined muscle, connective, fat, bone tissue.

This product is a high nutritional value. It contains fats, proteins, vitamins, mineral components, extractives. Protein has amino acids that are identical in their characteristics protein in human muscle tissue.

Thermal processed meat increases the ease of assimilation of this product. In the body fats of meat have a hard shell, are located between the fibers. Thermal processing of meat leads to melting fat, which greatly facilitates the assimilation of their body. Due to the increased content of iron, phosphorus, aluminum, manganese, copper, zinc, b vitamins, fat-soluble vitamin A, meat nutritionists believe unique pantry useful for the organism substances.


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thermal processing of meat lesson technology grade 7


At the stage of formation of new knowledge the teacher asks the pupils work with the textbook. After studying the theoretical material, they fill the table “Heat treatment of meat and meat products”.

Then you can do a little physical break that consists of gymnastics for the eyes, exercises for arms.

An Example of exercises for the eyes. Need blinked a few times, then close your eyes, count to five. Repeat the exercise five times. Shut your eyes tight, count to three, then open your eyes. Repeat this movement 4-5 times.

Stretch your right arm out. Index finger slowly move left and right, up and down, count to four, then, look away, count to six.

thermal processing of meat and meat products


Next, the teacher asks the students a question about the types of meat. Heat treatment of the meat depends on what kind of product it is.

Veal, beef, pork, lamb require different processing temperatures. Teacher notes the importance of choosing a quality product. To determine the freshness of meat can be certain organoleptic parameters:

  • Appearance;
  • Smell;
  • Colour;
  • Consistency.
  • As subcutaneous fat, tendons, bone marrow;
  • The quality of the broth.

Quality meat

Heat treatment of poultry meat, in practice, is realized only after mastering students of theoretical knowledge. Children need to learn that the quality of the meat is covered with a thin crust of pale pink. When cut the meat should not stick to the fingers, the good product of thick consistency.

Veal is whitish-pink color, the cut beef red and pork is pink color.

heat treatment of poultry meat photo

Primary processing of meat

Let's Talk about how to provide primary heat treatment of poultry meat. A lesson on the technology associated with this subject may be accompanied by a slide show. They can provide all phases of mechanical (primary) treatment of meat products.

First, the meat must be defrosted to room temperature. Then it is soaked in cold water, cut off all the dirty places. Next, remove excess fat, sinews, films.

A Cut of meat is across the grain, in this case, its heat treatment is substantially accelerated. Cut carcasses chicken involves dividing it into parts, separating the wings, legs, highlighting the loin.

Fillet cut into pieces, rolled in breadcrumbs, get semi-finished products.

thermal processing of poultry

The specifics of the heat treatment of chicken meat

Teacher finds out the students if they have an idea of how you can heat as to distinguish the meat. Next is the slide show on the theme of “Heat treatment of poultry meat”.

Photos shown on the slides are a good example of the appearance of meat, depending on the type of heat treatment.

The Guys enter in the table the missing information, make corrections in its records.

Practical work

In the second lesson continues work on the subject, involving practical cooking soup with chicken and grits.

Each group works with a specific setproducts:

  • Rice cereal in the amount of 2/3 Cup;
  • Carrots 1-2 pieces;
  • Onions-2 pieces;
  • Fat – 30 grams;
  • Chicken;
  • One egg;
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

It will take a white A4 paper, markers, pencils, aprons, scarves. As additional homework the teacher can invite the girls to find material on issues related to the history of thermal processing of meat in Russia.

At First, the girls talk about the nutritional value of meat, the stages of primary processing, the nutritional value of meat, the sanitary-hygienic requirements to working with meat products.

The teacher Then introduces the future of hostesses with the rules of the choice of meat for thermal processing. For example, brisket can be selected for the production of schnitzels, kebabs, cutlets.

The Blade portion suitable for tasty stews. Pork fillet is ideal for pilaf, boneless blade used in the manufacture of cutlets.

The jelly is cooked from pork legs, knees, drumsticks, pork heads. When creating delicious meat dishes use all the options of heat treatment: boiling, baking, propuskanii, quenching.

Next, the girls learned the process sequence of preparing soup with chicken and grits.

After Studying the theoretical material in the textbook, they talk about primary processing of meat, cereals, vegetables.

Next, the teacher conducts a full briefing on labor protection, and only after that, students move to the practical phase of the work.

All work is performed under the guidance of the teacher. The girls working in the aprons, kerchiefs, to avoid getting hair in the soup.

The Teacher monitors each stage of work, pays special attention to heat treatment of meat.

At the final stage of the lesson is planned to organize a tasting soups, cooked different groups. A prerequisite for the implementation of each practical lesson of technology is the table setting. Tasting girls can invite the boys, the teacher, other teachers that are not occupied at this time.

heat treatment of poultry lesson on technology


After completing the process of tasting assumes a rapid survey on special cards. Next is the final word of the master. The teacher reminds the students that during the lesson were considered different variants of heat treatment of meat.

The Teacher notes that the acquired knowledge will be a good base to improve culinary abilities, can be used in everyday life.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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