How to prepare caviar from vegetable marrows? Recipe


2018-03-31 21:12:25




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Zucchini squash-tasty dish that is a traditional dishes of Russian cuisine. And easy enough for the body, healthy, low in fat.

All of this thanks to the wealth of vitamins, minerals, minerals, which are contained in the main vegetable - the zucchini.

Eggs contribute to a better functioning of stomach, intestine, gall bladder and kidneys. Especially squash dish is useful for those who suffer from hypertension, heart disease and blood.

Recipes squash caviar, considered in this article are simple and affordable.

caviar Puree of zucchini


Who among today's adults, whose childhood was spent in Soviet times, does not remember favorite squash eggs store-bought production? Bought parents often gave lunch in the school cafeteria or summer camp.

Can squash eggs to make this as a child, currently alone?

In this age of advanced technologies, including informational, there is nothing impossible for the modern man. This recipe is not a secret. In this article, it will also be described.

The Main components of this dish: ripe zucchini (young, slightly older, as well as zucchini, squash), carrots, tomato, onion. You can add a little pumpkin – for colour and taste (but individually), eggplant. And another favorite spices and garlic.

Some recommendations:

  • Thorough preparation of the vegetables (wash, peel and seeds).
  • Banks for preservation of pre-wash, dry and sterilized along with the lids.

The thrill of the taste of the dishes like recipes squash caviar with mayonnaise, Georgian and bitter with a bitter tomato. Original: mushroom, pumpkin, eggplant and other ways of cooking.


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Zucchini cooked for calf

Zucchini squash with onions

Easy-to-prepare dish the taste of which will not leave indifferent any man who loves caviar. Everything is done quickly and easily.

  1. Three tanks lay crushed using a grater and knife vegetables: zucchini (3 pounds), carrots (0.5 kg) and onions (1 kg).
  2. Vegetable oil (only need 200 milliliters) turn to brown and then mix the already cooked vegetables.
  3. Cook the mixture at not too high temperature for 2 hours.
  4. At the end of the process add the citric acid (8 grams), salt (50 grams) and sugar (20 grams).
  5. Squash the eggs home to spread on sterilized banks and roll.

Caviar zucchini with tomato paste

According to the recipe, in a dish, added tomato paste, spicy additives, spices. All of this makes winter the workpiece or the seasonal dish of unusual piquancy and pleasant taste.

From pre-cooked in vegetable oil (100 ml) in a skillet zucchini (1 kilogram) you need to make mashed potatoes (skip through the blender, food processor or a meat grinder).

Finely chopped vegetables - onions (200 g), carrot (100 g) - sauté until tender.

Mix Everything, add the tomato paste (100 ml), garlic (20 g) and parsley root (5 g) crushed, red pepper powder (2 grams), salt (10 grams), sugar (15 grams).

At the end of cooking to pour 16 ounces of vinegar.

Simmer the eggs of the squash at a low temperature, then place in a pre-prepared banks and roll.

the Process of cooking eggs

Step-by-Step Soviet caviar recipe

A Favorite of many a dish that recalls the happy times of childhood and youth, was prepared as follows.

  1. On a slow fire in vegetable oil (50 ml) to fry zucchini (1 kg), chopped coarsely.
  2. Chopped vegetables carrots (60 g) and onion (40 g) - sauté in vegetable oil until tender.
  3. Add the chopped garlic (10 g).
  4. To combine Everything and cook at low temperature until fully cooked.
  5. Freshly prepared vegetables to put in the bowl of a food processor and turn into puree state.
  6. Cook the mixture at low temperature, adding the tomato paste (100 ml), sugar (10 grams), salt (20 grams).
  7. Half an hour after the start of boiling, pour wine vinegar (30 ml), add black pepper powder (5 grams) and dried garlic (5 grams) and mix.
  8. To Lay eggs squash for the winter on pre-prepared banks and roll.

Caviar with bitter tomato paste

For lovers of food with an unusual bitter taste it is proposed to consider the following recipe.

  1. Alternately, sauté in vegetable oil (100 ml) zucchini (3 pounds), onions (1 kg) carrots (1 kg) - pre-shredded.
  2. Prepare a vegetable soup (using the meat grinder or blender).
  3. Cook the mixture in a saucepan over medium heat.
  4. Once boiling, add Epsom salt (30 g) and spices (red and black ground peppers), reduce the temperature to the minimum.
  5. Simmer for 40 minutes.
  6. The vegetables add a bitter tomato paste (100 ml) and vinegar (50 milliliters), cooking at low temperature for another 25 minutes.
  7. The Finished dish to put in sterile jars and roll.

Caviar with tomatoes and sweet peppers

A Very tender and sweet in taste dishout of this winter recipe.

Tasty canned mushrooms in this case is fully prepared in the pot and is in the process of sterilization.

In a container to put the black peppercorns (6 pieces), salt (80 g), bunch of finely chopped parsley. Add sugar (0.2 kg), vegetable oil (400 milliliters) and crushed tomatoes (1 kg).

Mixture stir, cook on medium heat until boil.

Add diced chopped zucchini (3 pounds) and sweet pepper (1 kg) to the spicy vegetable mixture.

Cook until boiling, then simmer for 50 minutes at a low temperature.

At the end of the process pour 100 milliliters of vinegar, add salt (80 grams) and sugar (0.2 kg), mix well.

Sterilize jars and lids for closing.

Put in a glass container the eggs, cover and put in a large pot of water. Boil (15-25 minutes).

Then each sterilized jar with the contents of the roll.

Finished eggs with bread

Caviar with mayonnaise

The Original recipe. Such eggs can be eaten immediately after cooking, or cuffed for the winter. The taste comes out tender, spicy, rich.

Pieces of onions (0.5 kg) and zucchini (3 pounds) in a meat grinder and grind, season the mixture with mayonnaise (250 ml) and tomato paste (300 milliliters).

In a saucepan, add the vegetable oil (100 ml) and vegetable mixture. Cook over medium heat until boiling, after another 60 minutes.

Add salt (50 grams), sugar (0.1 kg), red pepper powder (4 grams) – mix well. Simmer for another 60 minutes, stir occasionally so as not burnt.

In a sterile glass jar to lay eggs and roll up with the key.

Caviar with tomato juice

Delicious homemade vegetable caviar of zucchini that is seasoned with tomato juice, will be a good solution to decorate the table when the whole family in the country.

Zucchini (1 kg) grate and sauté in vegetable oil (50 ml) - to puree state.

Make a dressing of finely chopped carrots (100 g), onion (200 g), passerovannym in the pan.

Add the tomato juice (200 ml), spices, salt.

To Shift the squash mixture into the vegetable and tomato filling and simmer for about 25 minutes at low temperature directly in the pan.

Add the chopped garlic, parsley and dill, spices.

Quick recipe

Caviar squash to the summer table with the addition of tomato sauce is a favorite dish for friends and relatives. And it is fast enough.

Alternately, put the pot in small pieces onion (0.2 kg), carrot (0.1 kg) - to put out every ingredient in vegetable oil (30 milliliters) until tender.

Mix the vegetables, add the zucchini (500 g) and cook at low temperature until soft consistency.

In the vegetable mixture put tomato sauce (50 milliliters).

Parsley (15 g) finely chop, garlic (15 gram) grind through the frog, to add to the calf.

Salt (15 grams) and black pepper (2 grams) pour into vegetable dish, mix well.

Serve warm or cold.

Roasted vegetable caviar

Caviar “mosaic”

For lovers of spicy will be the way the recipe with plenty of herbs and spices. Very simple in terms of preparation:

  1. Squash (1 pounds), chopped cubes, soak in water for 20 minutes.
  2. Chopped onion (0.2 kg) with carrot (0.1 kg) sauté in vegetable oil (50 ml) until tender.
  3. Zucchini squeeze out moisture, add to vegetable mixture, cook over low heat for 30 minutes.
  4. Salt (15 g), spices, Khmeli-suneli (5 grams), red pepper (2 grams), chopped garlic (20 g), add and simmer for another 10 minutes.
  5. Add vinegar (16 ounces), chopped coriander (15 g) and mix.
  6. Distribute the caviar on a pre-prepared banks and cover with lid.
  7. Sterilize in a pot of water for 15-25 minutes (depending on the volume of containers).
  8. Roll the eggs zucchini in the winter.
    Squash puree

Recipe with mushrooms and herbs

For variety and to surprise relatives and friends, you can prepare and roll the squash the eggs for the unusual recipe. Mushrooms (forest, greenhouse) adds a meatiness to the dish, while herbs, spices and tenderness.

Put chopped zucchini (0.25 kg), carrot (0.15 kg), onion (0,15 kg) into the pan and sauté in vegetable oil (50 ml).

Then put everything in the bowl of a food processor and blend.

Wash and thermally processed mushrooms (200 g), cut medium slices and add to.

Add the onion (50 grams).

Fresh Dill (80 grams) grind, add to the mushrooms.

Add the vegetable puree and simmer all for 15 minutes.

Season with salt, pepper and crushed garlic the eggs, mix well.

To Put the dish in sterilized jars and roll up.

Fried zucchini

Caviar in a slow cooker

Especially for people who want to cook low calorie meals-ready-caviar of zucchini, because in cooking almost never used vegetable oil. But there will be plenty of tomato and spices.

Tomatoes (0.7 kg) pour boiling water for 15 minutes.

Onions (0.3 kg), carrots (0,2kg) and zucchini (2 pounds) finely chop and sauté alternately in a slow cooker (vegetable oil - 25 ml) in the “Cakes”.

All combine and add diced tomatoes, tomato paste (50 ml), salt (30 grams).

Simmer for 120 minutes (recommended mix). The eggs allow to cool and grind in a blender. Add spices, herbs, garlic.

If canning for the winter, the dish still needed to stew in the pan for 10 minutes and put in sterile jars for seaming.

Squash caviar with the addition of pumpkin

The Freshness of flavor, beautiful orange color and a pleasant aroma of caviar from vegetable marrows will give a pumpkin. Offer a recipe contains the vegetable in small quantities.

You Need to make puree of raw zucchini (0.35 kg), pumpkin (0.2 kg), carrots (50 grams), onion (50 grams) - with the help of grinder.

Cook the vegetable mix in vegetable oil (20 milliliters) at a high degree – 5 minutes.

To Reduce the temperature, add the tomato paste (40 ml) and simmer for 15 minutes.

At the end of the cooking process add in eggs chopped garlic,salt, pepper, parsley. Mix well.

Caviar squash with eggplant

This original recipe variety to the summer-autumn menu and a surprise new flavor of the dish. Also a calf can be rolled up for the winter:

  1. Preheat the capacity to extinguish the dishes (cast-iron pot, saucepan), add 150 milliliters of vegetable oil, chopped onion (0.25 kg) and carrots (0.2 kg) - fry, put in a bowl.
  2. Chopped eggplant (0.55 kg) and zucchini (0.85 kg) cook in vegetable oil in the same tank.
  3. Add the squash to the eggplant mixture with the onion and carrots and cook for another 20 minutes on low heat. Stir.
  4. Ready mix blend to a puree.
  5. Add the tomato paste (100 ml), sugar, ground pepper (red and black), salt.
  6. Cook another 15 minutes at minimum temperature.
  7. At the end of cooking pour 15 milliliters of vinegar and add the chopped garlic.

Caviar in the oven

A Great way to cook a healthy dish without frying in the oven. This will give the calf a special taste.

Preparation Method:

  1. Vegetables - carrots (100 grams), onion (150 grams), squash (400 grams) - peel and chop medium sized pieces.
  2. Tomatoes (0.4 kg) pour boiling water on a quarter of an hour.
  3. Put all the vegetables in a cast iron pot, add salt, spices, Basil and olive oil (25 ml).
  4. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 60 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. The eggs to turn into a puree with a blender, meat grinder.
  6. Serve warm.


It is Remarkable that squash the eggs can be used year-round: cook in season (summer and autumn), as well as to preserve for the winter. The more ways of storing - a great many. And most importantly is a natural, homemade product.

At the time cooking squash caviar (recipes in the article confirm this) is from 1.5 to 2.5 hours, plus the process of closing.

All products are recommended to choose fresh, high-quality, especially welcome home – with a suburban area or garden.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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