Natural and instant coffee: useful properties and contraindications


2018-04-28 13:00:32




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Each person has his own morning ritual, without which he can not Wake up. Someone who is not the morning without mini charging someone perfectly refreshing contrast shower. However, most people claim that the morning the day starts with a Cup of coffee. Useful properties of the drink repeatedly challenged by scientists, but in the end the researchers came to the conclusion that he is one of a kind and unique. It contains large amounts of caffeine, which tones the body. Despite intense effects on the body, the drink does not harm him. Let's learn more about its history, good and bad properties. And also about how to brew coffee.

A Little history

Coffee benefits

Coffee – an ancient drink, whose appearance dates back to the beginning of the XVI century. His birthplace is considered to be Ethiopia. There are many legends that explain how people got the idea of brewing coffee beans. One of them reads: one day observation the shepherd noticed that the leaves of the coffee tree strange affect on animals. Sheep and goats were most active after eating this plant.

To try out the wondrous power of the leaves, the shepherd gathered them and insisted on water. The resulting liquid was very bitter and tasteless, so the man threw the grain remaining after plants into the fire. Toasted seeds have issued a seductive fragrance. The shepherd drew attention to it and got out of the fire seeds brewed them with hot water and drinking the beverage. He liked the taste. He also noticed that after drinking it he became much more energetic. Thus, it became evident benefit of organic coffee. And people have begun to use it.


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How to make coffee?

How you can drink coffee

To reach consumers in this form, which we know it, the drink goes through a series of production processes:

  • The Collection of coffee berries. That the product does not lose useful properties, they are harvested by hand.
  • Cleansing grains. Save them from the pulp and other parts that are not needed for brewing a coffee beverage.
  • Drying. Processed grains put on a special drier where they remain for 20 days.
  • Classification. A dividing unit divides the small and large grains in separate bags.
  • Temperatures. There are four degrees of roasting coffee beans, which differ depending on the purpose for which they are intended.

To make a drink, you need to pomelit coffee. Beneficial properties just crushed grain proven by experts. Therefore, they are milled immediately before use.

Use organic coffee

Benefits of organic coffee

If we talk about organic coffee, the beneficial properties far exceed the harm that can bring the drink. We need to mention the following product benefits:

  1. Tones and invigorates. Probably each of you heard about that coffee beans help to Wake up. It is really so. The caffeine in the drink stimulates the nervous system, so it is easier to Wake up after sleep. In addition, the coffee beans help get rid of sleepiness, which many of us feel throughout the day.
  2. Helps to increase productivity. If you have nowhere to take power for the accomplishment of the mountains and solving problems, drink a Cup of refreshing drink: energy you will not hold.
  3. Contains a lot of vitamins. Natural product-a storehouse of useful minerals such as phosphorus, iron, sodium, etc.

Coffee, useful properties of which we have considered above, is not only delicious but also a healthy drink. It has a beneficial effect on the body, if its use to comply with the measure.

Instant coffee

In contrast to organic coffee, soluble product in “sticks” and the jars will not bring any benefit. Rather, it will only worsen the condition. Harm instant coffee is proven by medical doctors:

  1. Causes addiction. People who have been eat drink, say that you can't live without it a single day. Some experts say that coffee – a kind of drug. Though it acts on the body less powerful, but just as addictive.
  2. Contains a lot of preservatives. Proven that instant coffee is only 15-20% natural grains, and the rest – flavors and additives. They help to save on coffee production, but does not improve the health of the drinkers.
  3. Regular consumption of coffee can lead to cardiovascular diseases. As the beverage contains large amounts of caffeine, which can lead to excessive load on the heart.

the dangers of instant coffee

As we can see, the damage of instant coffee can bring damage to your health. Therefore, you should follow the dosage to craze such a drink did not lead to serious consequences. You don't know how much you can drink coffee on the day? Focus on 1-2 standard cups daily.

How to choose a coffee bean?

If you prefer to grind directly before brewing of the beverage, then most likely, you are wondering how to choose coffee beans. First of all, pay attention to the packaging. It should be solid. Grain should notto contact with air and the environment, otherwise they will lose their taste and smell.

Find out where the plant is grown. Note that the strong coffee is produced in Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, and Latin America. The package should be a transparent window so you can see the condition of the beans. They should not be chipping. It is desirable that they were solid. Please pay special attention on their color. Note: the lighter the coffee, so it is more acidic than the darker, the more bitter and stronger.

How to make a drink?

How to brew coffee

Many people Have the question: “How to brew coffee properly?” meanwhile, this procedure is no big deal. First you need to pomelit grain through a special machine. Then you need to take two teaspoons of ground coffee and add sugar to taste. Pour 150 grams of water and put on low fire.

Try not to allow full boiling of the beverage. Remove it from heat as soon as they see that on its surface formed small bubbles. After 5-7 minutes aromatic drink is ready. Will just have to pour it into a Cup and enjoy the marvelous taste.


Unfortunately, this drink can be consumed by everyone. Coffee has a number of contraindications:

  • Insomnia. Coffee tones up and invigorates. For insomnia these properties to anything.
  • Continuous heart palpitations. If you've noticed that because any, even the most minor stresses you have shortness of breath and a slight tachycardia, give up coffee. Also it is impossible to consume the drink to people who have suffered a myocardial infarction.
  • Hypertension. Not everyone knows about the ability of coffee to increase the pressure. But for hypertensive patients, it is extremely dangerous, as they can worsen mood.
  • Lactation period. Doctors say that excessive consumption of coffee beverage during breast feeding of the child can harm the quality of milk up to his loss.

Coffee reviews

If you have at least one of the above diseases or contraindications, the best solution is to abandon the fragrant drink.

Reviews coffee on

Surely the world will not find the man who would not love coffee. Reviews about this drink wave all doubts about its benefits, taste and aroma. People say that drinking a Cup of coffee in the morning adds energy and awakens instantly, even if you slept on the strength of 4-5 hours per night. For many a drink – this is the only way to Wake up and be productive throughout the working day. So, if you want to conquer the top and to reach your goals, start your day with a Cup of steaming coffee!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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