White iced coffee: recipe with photos


2018-08-18 00:00:28




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Many years have Passed since then, as a little fruit of the coffee tree gave the people drink, which for many is not just a great start and a sure guarantee of a good day. In all that time they learned to cook it in different ways. One of the most popular is white glaze, the recipe of which is interesting at the same time its simplicity and originality. As practice shows, in recent years it appears more and more admirers.

Important details

Glace is essentially a dessert, whose name in French can be translated as “frozen” or “ice”. The reason for this mainly serves ice cream, which is added to the basic drink, thus turning it into absolutely new product. According to many historians, his homeland is Austria. However, in this country, he has acquired a special popularity. But the French were able to come up from his original drink, which was named ‘white iced”. The recipe differs from the classic version there is only one component. The result is a magical infusion that allows you not only to cheer, but to escape in a warm season from the unbearable heat.

white glaze recipe

Some skeptics Express doubts about the unique properties of this drink. At the same time, his fans believe white glace best of all known methods of preparing coffee. They believe that their favorite product is intended for gourmets and people who primarily appreciate quality.


What is the white glaze? The recipe for this amazing infusion is very simple. It combines all the familiar ingredients: coffee, sugar, milk and ice cream, which do not require any special preparation. Products connection occurs gradually, in the same sequence as listed. Complementing each other components create a drink that, according to experts, has many useful properties. Its distinguishing feature is a fairly high calorie content. It is necessary to consider those who are watching their weight and trying to control the nutritional value of all foods you eat. The rest can safely enjoy mouth-watering taste and unique aroma of a multicomponent infusion. In fact, coffee itself isn't dangerous. Made from ground beans, it contains only 2 calories. After the introduction of the additional ingredients, the situation is fundamentally measured. One just adds ice cream to each serving at least 160 calories. Sugar the figure is even higher. The result is a drink that gives a lot of strength and energy, which is enough for the day.


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Tools and equipment

What besides the products necessary to have in order to prepare and properly apply white iced coffee? The recipe in each case provides for the presence of certain utensils and equipment. You can pick up, considering separately each step of the process. First we need to prepare the coffee itself. It will be the basis for a future drink. To prepare it you'll need a coffee maker or an ordinary Turk. Here everyone chooses what he better to use. In the case where the product is produced in large volumes, you can use a special coffee machine.

Then the prepared drink to mix with milk. To do this, both must have the same temperature. Cool coffee is better in a natural way, the overflow of it on time in a clean container.

Next comes the final step. This will require special utensils. As a rule, ice-cream served in wine glasses or Irish glass with handle, on a short stalk. First, there is poured a measured quantity of coffee and milk, and then using a special spoon on top, you must place a neat scoop of ice cream. Fougeres with a finished product you need to put on a plate. And next, you have to put a straw or a dessert spoon. With all these tools, to cook and serve this coffee will not be easy.

Key products

It is Difficult to clearly answer the question of why do white iced. Everything depends on the recipe. For the simplest option is based on two portions of a drink you will need: 200 milliliters of strong coffee, preferably strong of roasting, the same amount of whole milk, a little sugar (to taste) and 90-100 grams of ice cream sundae.

what do white iced

To Prepare this drink is a snap. To do this:

  1. Make coffee. He, again, needs to be very strong, so it is better to choose the appropriate grain of roasting.
  2. After that hot drink must be cooled down. You can add the sugar after dissolving it will be difficult.
  3. Next, the cooled infusion to mix with whole milk in the ratio 1:1. This can be done in a separate bowl or pour the product directly into the glass.
  4. Use a rounded spoon to form a ball of ice cream and put it on top.

This product is better to drink through a straw, to be able to have fun, periodically alternating the different layers of the drink.

The Technology of preparation

For those who first decidedto prepare white glaze, recipe and photo will help make things right and not to make unnecessary mistakes.

white iced recipe with photo

All actions should be gradual, clearly following instructions:

  1. Before starting work on the table you need to collect all the necessary products.
  2. After this you should prepare a strong black coffee. This can be done in any convenient way. The classic version involves the use of the Turks.
  3. The Finished product should immediately sweetened. To make it better, then grains of sugar did not spoil the taste of the drink.
  4. The Product to set aside some time for final cooling.
  5. Combine it with milk, observing the proportions.
  6. Pour the mixture into the glass.
  7. With the help of a special device to form ice-cream ball.
  8. To Put it in a glass with a drink.
  9. Some recipes require additional components. For example, sometimes the finished product is sprinkled with chocolate.

Now you can safely drink to bring to the table. A straw or a spoon is better to put separately on a plate so people could choose which way to use the product.

Helpful tips

The Novice mistress, in order to figure out how to make a white glaze is really tasty, you need to learn a few tips from experienced professionals:

  1. Special attention should be given to the training of primary raw materials. Coffee grains should be grind right before you start work. So they will be better able to preserve the peculiar flavor.
  2. Some experts suggest brewing first pour ground the product a small amount of cold (ice) water and then add boiling water. In this case, get a nice thick foam.
  3. Hot coffee in addition to sugar, you can add a little cocoa powder. This will make the drink taste more delicate and refined.
  4. As a cold component of all types of ice cream it is best to choose ice cream. Having enough fat and the right consistency, it will allow you to obtain a beverage of the desired quality. Milk or cream ice use undesirable. The structure of these products is not so soft like ice cream. This fact may have a further negative impact not only on the appearance but also the taste of the beverage.

how to make a white iced

The rest only required the strict observance of the technology process.

Product Structure

There are several different options of how to make a white glaze. The composition of this drink may vary depending on the selected ingredients. Everyone has the right to choose the recipe, which he likes better. For example, milk can be replaced with whipped cream. The result will look different. In this case, the technology of production will change too. Chilled coffee can pour into a glass. From the top, as usual, you have to put a couple scoops of ice cream. A finish composition foam of the whipped cream. If you want you can decorate with chocolate shavings.

iced white composition

The thrill-seekers sometimes eliminate the quenching step. It turns out the original combination of hot coffee and cold ice cream. However, it's not exactly helpful for the teeth. Yes and ice cream with this method melts very quickly. The product in minutes loses its appearance. On hot days the drink can be supplemented with ice cubes. This will turn it into a real refreshing infusion that will help to maintain strength and to maintain a good mood in hot summer day.

Original version

Each person decides for themselves how to prepare white glaze. The one who is watching their figure, should try as much as possible to exclude from the high-calorie components. As a dietary drink, you can prepare the product which consists of the following ingredients: 1 Cup (100 milliliters) espresso, the same amount of cream (10%), 2 ice cubes 25 grams of chocolate (Gorky) 50 grams of ice cream.

how to cook white iced

To Make this drink very simply:

  1. First you need to make coffee. It will take some time.
  2. Then the chocolate needs to be dissolved in a water bath.
  3. Without waiting for cooling down, add the cream, coffee and bring mixture to a boil.
  4. In a few minutes the mass should be cooled in a natural way.
  5. At the bottom of the glass or glass put ice.
  6. Place ice cream on Top.
  7. Pour the cooled chocolate mixture.

Turns out very tasty diet drink with a pronounced cocoa flavor. And the lack of sugar makes it practically safe for the figure.

Article in other languages:

BE: https://tostpost.com/be/ezha-napo/19043-kava-bely-glyase-recept-z-fota.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/essen-und-trinken/19054-kaffee-wei-glace-rezept-mit-foto.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/alimentos-y-bebidas/19063-caf-blanco-glyasse-la-receta-con-la-foto.html

KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/azy--t-l-k-zh-ne-susyndar/19038-kofe-a-glyasse-recept-s-foto.html

PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/jedzenie-i-picie/19002-kawa-bia-y-glace-przepis-ze-zdj-ciem.html

PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/refei-es-e-bebidas/18999-caf-branco-glyasse-a-receita-com-foto.html

TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/yiyecek-ve-i-ecek/19049-kahve-beyaz-buzlu-re-ete-ile-foto-raf.html

UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/zha-napo/19026-kava-b-liy-glyasse-recept-z-foto.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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