How to make cheesecakes


2019-04-01 14:20:21




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It would Seem, what could be simpler than such familiar to Russians of cheesecakes that are made to cook for Breakfast, lunch or dinner? Indeed, for cooking need only cottage cheese, eggs, flour and very little time.

How to make cheesecakes

However, the novice mistress often complain that their curd fall apart while cooking or get a lush. To prevent this from happening, you need to know a few simple rules how to make cheesecakes.

Choice of cheese

What cheese to choose, so the curd is the most delicious and tender? Experienced Housewives are advised to buy the product average fat content and dry enough. Cheesecakes from wet or greasy curd will fall apart, then you have to add too much flour, which will make them look like cottage cheese fritters.

Many women know how to make pancakes really tasty. It is believed that it is better to use homemade cottage cheese. You need to take a three-liter jar of milk, add a spoonful of sour cream and leave in a warm place for two days. During this time the milk will turn sour and turn into yogurt, you want to discard in a colander with cheesecloth and drain off the whey. To the cottage cheese was more dry, it should be placed under the press, tying the gauze. In any case, it needs to be fresh and non-acidic.

The Secrets of cooking cheesecakes

Every woman can share her secrets of how to make pancakes delicious and tasty.

For Example, in order they were lush and soft, the cheese to wipe through a sieve. For those who like thick curd, flour you need to put more. To cheesecakes turned out to tender, the amount of flour should be abated.


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How to make a lush cheesecakes

In the recipe you can always make changes according to your taste. In cottage cheese, you can add vanilla, cardamom, raisins, pieces of fruit, berries, nuts, mint, lemon zest.

Experienced cooks know how to make pancakes fluffy and delicious. For this, they suggest instead of flour add semolina.

In order For the curd turned out rosy and tender, you need to pour into the pan enough vegetable oil.

The Curd can be prepared not only upstairs, but in the oven. How to make a cheese diet? To do this, they need to put in boiling, slightly salted water and cook until the float.

Any owner has the opportunity to show all their imagination when applying the finished pancakes to the table. Eat them with swept away, jam, honey, powdered sugar, berries. The curd can be taken with milk or serve with tea.

Ways of cooking cheesecakesThe classic Recipe of pancakes

The Way of cooking cheesecakes classic is very simple. To do this, break into bowl one egg and lightly beat.

Then add a little salt, to taste granulated sugar and whip again.

Then add in the egg mixture, about 400 g of cottage cheese, add a couple of tablespoons of flour and mix everything carefully. The formation of the curd mass round cakes and roll them in flour. Reheat on the stove pan with vegetable oil, which should be so much that it cover the cheesecake about half thickness. The curd and fry on both sides until Golden brown.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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