Stuffed pancakes: recipes: stuffed pancakes for the holidays and everyday


2018-03-21 16:03:25




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Pancakes – the old national Russian dish that can be eaten as an everyday food, but very often you can see them on the holiday table. Such food can be called universal, because its taste depends on the filling. She can be sweet and salty, sour and spicy. Despite its apparent simplicity, all women should know how to cook pancakes, they turned out really tasty and unusual.

Pancake Cooking

Before proceeding to the review of the fillings, should be aware of the correct formulation and manufacturing process of this dish. It is actually quite simple, you only need to follow the recipe. To prepare necessary to take:

  • 200 grams of flour (before kneading it, be sure to sift);
  • 350 ml of milk 150 ml of water (if you want to make pancakes with milk filling, in this case, water need not be added);
  • 3-4 eggs;
  • A pinch of salt and a teaspoon of sugar (for pancakes with sweet filling, you can take a little more sugar);
  • 40 ml vegetable oil.

This is a classic recipe for pancakes and they had a nice yellow color, you need to use eggs. If such a product could not be found, you can pour about a teaspoon of turmeric.

Kneading dough and roasting

Now we need to start kneading the dough. In a bowl pour the required amount of liquid, add the vegetable oil, eggs, salt and sugar, mix everything carefully. Then add the sifted flour. Please note! Many people neglect screening, but it is extremely important in the preparation of any food made from flour. In the latter there may be different inclusions, and also it has the best properties, after this procedure.


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When all the ingredients are in the bowl, they should be very well stir, you can do this manually with a whisk, but it is best to use a mixer. Leaving no flour lumps, the batter it is recommended to drain through a sieve.

Take the pan and put it on the fire. Attention! If the roasting process will happen on a bad pan, how you have made the dough for any recipe, the pancakes will still stick and tear. Therefore, use only high-quality cookware. When the pan is hot, you need to pour small amount of batter, turning the pan in different directions so that the dough is evenly distributed over its plane.

Fry pancakes with two sides

Fry the pancakes on both sides and put on a plate or any other clean surface. This process of cooking basics finished. You can begin to review the most interesting pancakes with different fillings.

Simple meat filling for everyday use

The Process of cooking the filling will take even the most inexperienced cook no more than 20 minutes. Because of this, each person can prepare a quick and delicious dinner of pancakes with minced meat. To prepare the filling for 10 crepes should take 350 g minced pork 80 g onions and carrots. Also need about 40 grams of parsley or dill and a little tomato paste. From spices it is recommended to use thyme, salt, black pepper, ground coriander.

The brewing Process

Cooking pancakes stuffed with minced meat should start with the preparation of basic ingredients. Onions and carrots need to clean, and then rinse well. Finely chopped greens, vegetables cut into small dice. In order not to waste time cutting carrots can just grate on a coarse grater.

Put on the fire pan, pour vegetable oil and drop the minced meat. After a few minutes to put the vegetables. Fry all of 8-10 minutes, almost to full readiness of meat. So as not to overdry the ingredients, the cooking process should be done on medium heat. At the end of frying add the greens and add desired condiments.

While the main products are fried in the pan should warm up a small amount of tomato paste, sugar and 30 ml of water. To do it on a low heat. This procedure is necessary in order that the filling had a nice reddish color. Together with greens to the pan, add tomato paste. Mix everything and taste. Fold the pancakes envelope, optional fry in a pan until crisp.

Pancakes with meat

Dish for the holiday table

When deciding on the Banquet menu, be sure to pay attention to the filling for pancakes with ham and cheese. If done correctly, the dish is incredibly tasty and interesting. What is most surprising: the cooking process is very quick, so will still have a lot of time to cook the rest of food.

You Must use such products:

  • 200 grams of ham and the same amount of cheese;
  • Approximately 100 grams of broccoli;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 100 g Bulgarian pepper.

All of these ingredients have a distinct taste, so do not use a lot of spices. You can take just a little dried Basil or marjoram.


Follow the step by step instructions to make a truly delicious filling for pancakes with ham and cheese

  1. Take a small saucepan and fill it with water. Cabbage divided into smallerparts and throw it into the liquid. Put on fire and bring to boil. When the broccoli boil for 5-7 minutes, it should get it and put in a tank of ice water. Due to this, the product will not be too soft, and retain bright green color.
  2. While boiled cabbage, ham and bell pepper cut into strips. Cheese to grate on a coarse grater.
  3. Put on the fire pan, slightly grease it with butter and fry it with pepper ham, at the end of cooking to throw the chopped broccoli, pour all the sour cream. Add some spice.
  4. When the cream begins to thicken, add cheese and remove pan from heat. Wait until the mass has cooled.
  5. At the center of each pancake put a tablespoon of the filling. Take the edges and from above to collect in a single bundle. Tie pancakes cheese-pigtail or green onions or a sprig of dill. Put on a plate and decorate with greens.
Pancakes for the holiday table

Simple pancakes with cabbage

This recipe for delicious pancakes stuffed with cabbage is perfect for everyday use. Here there are a large number of vitamins, so this dish is recommended to eat at least once a week. Before cooking you should get these ingredients:

  • Cabbage-500 g (if not long time fighting, you can take Beijing or Savoy);
  • 100 g carrot and onion;
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste.

It is recommended to use spices: Bay leaves, cloves, allspice and peppercorns, salt and sugar.

Cooking directions

Cabbage is to chop thin straws, if you do not have certain skills cut, you can use an ordinary vegetable peeler. With its help it is possible to achieve a perfectly thin and even cuts. Peeled and washed onions cut into strips, carrots grate on a fine grater.

Put on the fire a frying pan with a thick bottom, pour vegetable oil, you can add a large amount of cabbage loves it. Fry until soft onions with a carrot, then throw the cabbage. All cook for another few minutes, then pour 50 ml of water, reduce to minimum heat. Cover and simmer for 40 minutes. If you want to use softer varieties of cabbage, the cooking time will be reduced exactly twice.

10 minutes before end of cooking add the tomato paste and all the spices. Mix well, bring the stuffing to taste. When all ingredients are ready, put the stuffing into a colander or sieve, until it has cooled slightly. Stewed cabbage to put on the pancakes and roll them an envelope.

In a large bowl, stir two eggs with the addition of a small amount of water or milk, dip the products in the mixture and fry them on the pan until the appearance of a pleasant rosy color. Now you know how to cook pancakes stuffed with cabbage.

Sweet recipes

Sweet pancakes

These pancakes can be a wonderful end of the celebration or they can simply use the tea as a daily meal. The process of making thin pancakes with filling is exactly the same as in previous cases. The only difference – in the dough, you can add more sugar.

Pancakes with Apple filling are very popular, it is very simple to cook, and apples – a cheap product that almost always lies in the refrigerator. For making the sweet filling for 10 crepes should take:

  • 400 g apples (recommended to buy durum);
  • One banana;
  • 80 grams of sugar and a small amount of cinnamon.
  • Serve this dish with sour cream for 10 units need about 100 g of this product.

Cooking Apple stuffing

Not to complicate the cooking pancakes with Apple filling, follow these steps:

  1. Wash and peel the apples peel and remove the seeds.
  2. Chop the fruit in small dice.
  3. Clear the banana and chop it with a fork, puree.
  4. Put on the fire pan, put it on the apples and cover with sugar. Turn to medium heat.
  5. When the apples slightly warms up, add banana and cinnamon, simmer for several minutes. If the filling for the pancakes turned out too sweet, add a little citric acid or lemon juice.
  6. Some time Later, stuffing put into the bowl. Put it on pancakes and roll convenient form.

Sweet pancakes at a Banquet table

Not everyone knows how to bake cakes or to make delicious desserts, in this case, the best solution to complete the celebration can become thin pancakes stuffed with berries. Of the 10 pancakes makes 20 small pieces, which will last for quite a large number of people. It should be understood that before the dessert the guests had already ate, and a lot of them will not eat.

Is the number of pancakes you need to take 400 g of berries or fruits (cherries, currants, blueberries, strawberries), the more different products, the richer the taste will be. Also need about 200 grams of sugar, butter and a tablespoon of starch.

How to prepare

According to this recipe for delicious pancakes with a filling, you must first take a pan, pour sugar in it and throw the berries, mix well. The heating must be below average, otherwise products will not be extinguished, but simply fire. The ingredients needlet the juice simmer on low heat for about 7 minutes. Then 50 ml of cold water dissolve the spoonful of starch and pour it in the pan. Wait until the mixture starts to thicken and remove from heat.

On the table lay 10 pancakes, with the edge to place the same amount of toppings. Roll them tubes and put on a baking sheet. 15 minutes before serving pancakes with milk filling them should be lubricated with melted butter and put in the oven which had been preheated to 200 degrees. When the butter starts to brown the pancakes you can get them. Each pancake should be cut at an angle into 2 parts, beautifully laid out on plates. Before serving them, you can pour sour cream and sprinkle with nuts.

Filling of cottage cheese

Crepes with cottage cheese

The Cooking of this ingredient can be used as an everyday or holiday meal. For the preparation of recipe pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese need to take:

  • 400 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 50 g raisins;
  • 100 g of sour cream (it will make the filling more tender and tasty);
  • Cinnamon;
  • Sugar 150-200 g;
  • One egg.

The Process of cooking is very simple. First you need to take a raisin and fill it with boiling water, set aside for some time to become softer. In a deep bowl place the cheese, add sugar, cinnamon, egg and sour cream, all carefully mix with a fork. If you have a hand blender, it is better to resort to his help. Now you can put the filling inside the prepared raisins and all stir again. In the same way as in the previous case, pancakes to roll the tubes and bake in the oven with the added butter.

This recipe for pancakes stuffed with cottage cheese dish should be baked a little longer so the egg has time to grilled. It will make the filling firmer and delicious.

Vegetable dish

Vegetable pancakes differ in that they cannot use a certain list of products. But it still does not mean that the dish should be tasty. To bake pancakes it is necessary to take 150 grams of flour, 300 g water, ¼ teaspoon of baking soda, 50 ml of vegetable oil, salt and sugar. In this case, the dough should be thicker, as in this recipe for delicious pancakes with a filling of eggs, which make a pancake supple and holistic.

In a bowl to pour the water, vegetable oil and cover with baking powder, salt and sugar. Now add the flour, all mix thoroughly with a mixer and strain through a fine sieve, leaving no flour lumps. Fry pancakes on a frying pan.

There are several varieties of lean toppings:

  1. Take the 100 g buckwheat 200 g mushrooms. Porridge boil until tender, cut into slices mushrooms and fry in vegetable oil, mix it all together, bring to taste and wrap in pancakes. Optionally you can also fry one onion, seasoning with various herbs and add to the stuffing.
  2. 300 g of cabbage to take 150 grams of eggplant, zucchini and bell pepper. All to stew in the pan with spices until tender. To form the pancakes.
  3. A Few potatoes to boil after to make a thick puree. Fry one small onion with mushrooms. Mix the foods to wrap in pancakes and can be served to the table. Mashed potatoes to do on the water, which boiled vegetable, in the post it is forbidden to consume animal products.
  4. Boil the millet, add a little sauerkraut. You also need to take a small amount of mushrooms (preferably forest), some weld them, then fry in a pan, all the ingredients to combine and bring to taste. Then pancakes to roll the triangles or envelope.


Thin pancakes with milk

This traditional Russian holiday is celebrated by many families for many decades. Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday different nutrients and large quantities of butter.

Pancakes should be made according to recipe with the addition of eggs, it is recommended to find some eggs where the yolk has a distinct color. They have to be only on milk, without adding water. The filling can be very different from the usual mince and ending with the condensed milk. Here are the two most "delicious" example of filling pancakes on Shrove Tuesday:

  1. Take 300 grams of chicken and the same of mushrooms. Fry them in a pan with the addition of butter until soft. In a pan, put one onion, chopped small cubes. Add chopped parsley or green onions. In the filling pour 100-150 grams of sour cream, season with turmeric, curry, thyme, salt and pepper.
  2. Buy any jar of peanut butter. Take two bananas and chop them in small circles. Each pancake grease paste and spread on 3-4 slices of banana, roll tube. Sprinkle with melted butter to put on a few minutes in a hot oven.

How to wrap stuffed pancakes

This question interests many people, because very often it happens that after cooking the filling just falls out, and the food is spoiled. In this process there is nothing difficult, most importantly-accuracy.

  1. Envelope. The filling is spread on a ¼ parts of the pancake, then it is necessary to take over the side edges and fold them towards the center of the pancake. After this part, which is closer to you, is superimposed on the filling, so need to be wrapped up several times. So dense pancake, which certainly notfalls content.
  2. Tube. In this case, one side is laid a thin layer of filling. After that is necessary to cover the side, which is closer to you products and to continue to turn from ourselves and so to the end.
  3. Triangles. On pancake put a small layer of toppings. Then fold in half, wrap one side closer to the center, continuing until the very end. Now you know how to wrap the pancakes, the most common methods.

Appetizer on the holiday table

On various occasions very often, pancakes are served with cheese, butter, and eggs. Prepare them simply, and their appearance will surprise all guests. To create the filling in the pancakes for a festive table you need to take: 300 g cheese, 50 g butter and 150 g of caviar.

Pancakes with caviar

Put two damn, that one went on the other, the entire surface is lubricated with warm butter and liberally sprinkle with grated cheese. Twist tube. You get one thick enough roll to be cut at an angle into 4 pieces, gently put the slices on a plate and put a teaspoon of caviar. Dish decorate lettuce or other greens.

You Already know how to cook pancakes with different fillings for the holidays and everyday life. All recipes are time-tested. In each case, the filling turns out very tasty and juicy, so whenever possible, try to cook and try these dishes.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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