The secularization of culture in the XVII century. The expansion of cultural ties with Europe


2018-03-24 20:28:19




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The XVII century – this transitional century for the national history and culture. This period is considered the time. That's when our country was formed the background for the famous Petrine reforms. The main component of this process – the secularization of culture.


The time, it is interesting that stage, which clearly shows that Peter the great's reforms did not arise in a vacuum. They were the natural result of all previous development of the country. In this respect, the study century is very revealing, because in this period has undergone fundamental changes in almost all spheres of public life. The changes affected politics, economy, society. In addition, Russia began to play a prominent and visible role in international relations in Western Europe. Therefore, the secularization of culture should be considered in the context of the above innovations.

the secularization of Russian culture

The Main directions of development

In the previous century, religion occupied a significant place in the history and art of Russia. Power, society, education emanated from it, which left a significant imprint on the lifestyle and thoughts of the population. However, in the XVII century a new trend of development: has expanded ties with Western Europe, so in our country leaked foreign achievements. Educated circles of society began to show interest to secular knowledge, science, culture and finally to the European way of life.

This is All very significantly affected the life of the Russian population. Another area of development that emerged in the present time – the trend of borrowing the main achievements and novelties from abroad. At first it was only coming close to the Moscow rulers and prominent aristocrats who could afford to buy expensive foreign goods. The number of such people is slowly but steadily growing. This small layer and subsequently became a mainstay for Peter I in his reforms.


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17th century literature

Background change

The Secularization of culture was the result of all previous development of Russian history. The fact that in the middle Ages the princes of Moscow had invited foreigners to his court for construction, and as doctors, craftsmen, artisans and artists. A vivid example is the invitation of Ivan III the famous Italian architect Aristotle Fioravanti for the construction of the famous assumption Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin. Another example-the work of talented Greek artist Theophanes the Greek in Russia.

culture and everyday life of the 17th century

In the present such cases to the foreign masters were rare. But nevertheless they were significant. First, talked about the trend of Russian companies to adopt Western European experience. Second, it has become a prerequisite for the phenomenon of the secularization of culture.

Household story

Literature of the 17th century is very vividly reflected this trend to the penetration of secular knowledge and achievements in the arts. The fact that in the present time, there are new genres, whose purpose was not only to teach but also entertain the reader. While the first place went out the identity of the person, his aspirations and desire to get ahead in life, attain a certain status. These genres include so-called household legend. His examples are works: “the Story of Sawa Grudzina”, “a Tale of Woe and Misfortune” and others. Their feature was that they paid particular attention to the depiction of diverse characters, share their difficult, everyday problems. And, most importantly, the authors began to pay more attention to personal qualities of the actors.


Literature of the 17th century is also interesting in that it is in this satire took shape. The authors in a rather ironic form ridiculed the shortcomings of the contemporary bureaucracy. As a rule, the object of the humor became officials, judges, bribery and embezzlement. Among the most famous works of this genre can be called “a Tale of Shemyakin court”, “the Story of the Ruff Herscovici” and others. The appearance of works of this kind suggests that Russian culture has entered a new stage of development. Secular literature was evident. And it talked about serious changes in the public consciousness.


The Beginning of the century was marked by a terrible turmoil for the country. Turmoil, dynastic upheavals, the threat of state capture by the poles, the suppression of the dynasty – all this struck, greatly influenced public opinion. People started to comprehend what happened. Many chroniclers and authors in their works tried to find the cause of this major disaster that shocked the Moscow state. These attempts to understand and investigate the incident also indicate a serious shift in the attitudes of educated circles. Intellectuals began to analyze the changes that occurred in the country. So, a new genre of historical narrative, as a rule, devoted to the time of troubles (“the Story of 1606”).

Changing the world

People in the culture of the XVII century – this is one of the fundamental problems to understand the question that became the impetus for change inthe art of our country in the period under study. The fact that educated circles of society seriously interested in secular knowledge. A close tsars Mikhail and Alexey Romanovich took over the achievements of the countries of Western Europe. But in the urban environment reading public also became interested in secular literature, which also became a clear sign of the changes.

culture-17th century

People in modern culture have become more receptive to secular and entertainment genres. They were interested in theatre, novels, satire. The percentage of the reading persons increased compared to the previous time. The number of books increased, began to spread the printed edition. At the court of staged theatrical productions. All this is indicative of serious changes in the Outlook of the era, and became the ideological basis for the Petrine reforms in the next century.

The Most characteristic changes

Culture of the 17th century became a preparatory stage for the development of aristocratic and noble art under Peter I. it appeared new genres in all areas of artistic creativity. For example, widespread Parsuna – the portraits of kings or other famous persons who passed the similarities, however, at its core was a secular genre. Another significant change was that many members of the higher nobility was fond of Western luxury goods did not exist before. So, a close friend of the Princess Sophia – Vasily Golitsyn-arranged in his mansion something like the collection of expensive goods imported from abroad. A set of books and libraries. All these changes paved the way for the assimilation of educated society in Western European art.

history of Russian culture

Social situation

Culture of the 17th century was developing in close connection with the overall political changes in the country. The fact that at the relevant time clearly has been a marked tendency to borrow advanced ideas and achievements from the West. However, these loans have not yet acquired such a wide scope, as in the next century. But the fact was very revealing. For example, the changes observed in the military sphere, when the first Romanov became the established new regiments in the Western European sample. According to the famous historian S. M. Soloveva, at this time “the people gathered in the road”, i.e., all the country is ripe for change and reform.


The field of culture in which change occurred, were the following: literature, painting, architecture. Relative to the literature have already been discussed. Here it is necessary only to add that in the studied age spread literacy in the country. Especially actively produced books civil follows: primers, textbooks on grammar. In addition, opened a regular school. Among them, the Slavo-Greco-Latin Academy, which became one of the most famous educational institutions in Russia.

Fine arts

In the painting also have changed. The process of secularization of culture has also affected this sector, as has already been discussed above. Should add that some changes were made to the iconography. Along with the traditional canonical letter, artists began to use the achievements of Western European art. For example, dago harmony style. The activity of painters was led by Armory. And the most famous author was painter Simon Ushakov.

culture of peace


Change of the century affected and such areas of culture as architecture and theatre. In the XVII century, resumed interrupted after the events of the time of troubles stone construction. Forbidden to build churches in tent-style, as it was different from the Byzantine. Temples were built with five domes of bulbous form. A new style appeared: the so-called Naryshkin Baroque. Its peculiarity was the use of red and white colours and the richness of the decorations. The secularization of Russian culture in the present time apparent that increased civil construction. The most famous monuments are the Terem Palace in the Kremlin, merchant houses and other buildings.

New fashion

A Fundamental change of style in appearance is commonly attributed to the time of the reign of Peter the great. He was pretty sharp and eccentric form made his confidants, and all the nobles to wear Western dress, to shave their beards, and the ladies were obliged to be dressed in magnificent outfits that were in Vogue at foreign fashionistas. However, the clothing of the 17th century, already has undergone some changes. So, in the court of the predecessors of the first Emperor was already possible to see the nobility in the German suits. The above-mentioned Golitsyn also follow Western fashion.


History of Russian culture conventionally includes several stages: ancient period, the princes of Medieval Rus, new age, XIX century, Soviet and contemporary stage. In the list of the studied century occupies a special place, as it became a preparatory stage for radical transformation of Peter I. during this time, the prerequisites for the approval of secular knowledge in science and culture. Some researchers even tend to see the spread of educational ideas in our country. The secularization of Russian culture in the 17thcentury affected all areas of life. And this is its fundamental difference from the prior art all of the time, when borrowing West-European achievements and novelties were sporadic and secular knowledge was developed very poorly.


Place in the pan-European development

Cultures of the world with all its diversity nevertheless have a common General line changes. At the beginning appearance, they are characterized by deep religiosity. Faith penetrates all aspects of society and defines their characteristics. But gradually, art and social consciousness seeps secular knowledge that changes people's worldview. While maintaining the dominant religion of the masters are beginning to take a greater interest in human personality, worldly concerns.

In this regard, the culture and life of the 17th century in Russia were the same path of development that Western European countries. However, in our state of religious consciousness is still largely determined by social, political and cultural life. The fact that in Western Europe secular knowledge began to spread in the XII-XIII centuries. And in our state only in the period under review. In this regard, religion in the next century have occupied a prominent place in society.

Relations with the West

In the present time, expanded Russia's ties with Europe. Foreign masters were to play a big role in the cultural development of our country. For example, the Greek brothers founded the famous Slavic Greek Latin Academy. Simeon of Polotsk, Belarusian by birth, played a major role in the spread of education at the Royal court. He contributed to the development of literature and poetry.

In this century, our country began to play a prominent role in the international arena, ushering in a coalition of Western States. For example, Russia took part in the Thirty years war. All this could not affect the political life of the country which felt themselves part of the European space. The change in Outlook was reflected not only in cultural-educational policy, but also in everyday life. And even the clothes of the 17th century testified to the fact that educated circles of society felt a keen interest in their neighbors.

people in culture

Traditional culture

Despite all of these achievements, Russian art remained conservative. Although many have adopted the achievements of Western European countries, a significant part of the society nevertheless an extremely negative attitude to domestic and foreign innovations different innovations. It is not surprising that Peter's reforms was perceived as something foreign and alien to the Russian spirit. So in this sense about the secularization of culture should speak with reservations and with caution.

The changes that have taken place in society, no doubt, give reason to call this particular stage, an important period in development. But we should not ignore the fact that in many ways Russian culture has preserved its traditional unique features. First and foremost is, of course, applies to the human world. Adopting clothing, fashion, many circles of society nevertheless remained faithful to the old customs, traditions, habits. It very clearly became evident in the reign of Peter I. the Tsar had to deal with the boyar opposition that did not want to accept his innovations. However, the first Emperor found a foothold among those who adhered to the policy of rapprochement with Western Europe.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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