How to build a girl hands? How quickly and beautifully to pump his hands on the girl dumbbells


2019-03-24 08:20:29




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Harmony is beautiful. But it is much better slim figure looks great. And this is achieved not only exercises for the abs or buttocks. Other muscles also need training, especially arm muscles. With age they begin to SAG very quickly and lose their shape. The result is a flabby arms, which betrays a woman's age, no matter how slim it may be. However, the girl didn't have to do muscle building, as do bodybuilders, it is enough to keep yourself in good shape.

What you need to exercise?

If for any reason going to the gym is not possible, do not despair. The answer to the question how to pump up a girl's hands without the gym, on the surface. All can be achieved at home. Moreover, the apartment is a unique place, where if you want you can find all the necessary ammunition for training. No dumbbells? But there is a bottle of water.

how to build hand weights girl

There is No simulator for the press, and hands? But there is a chair! The most important thing is the desire and will power. Below we will explain how to build the girl's hands.

And if the desire is more or less clear, the lack of will power can be a serious problem on the way to achieving the beautiful shape of the hands. So, to perform the following set of exercises you will need:

  • Mat;
  • Dumbbells or any weights, at least a water bottle;
  • Bar;
  • Chair;
  • Gender.

Most of the above, you can easily find in any apartment, so the house is not only possible, but necessary.

How to build the girl's hands and still remain feminine?

The Main rule is to practice little and often. Regular employment was a prerequisite for the formation of the beautiful, but not pumped muscles. The important role played by the load. Heavy dumbbells are better left to the stronger sex, replacing them with light weight up to 1,5 kg. For those who don't know how to build a girl, the best substitute of simulators can become water bottles. They perfectly fulfill the role of dumbbells and save the family budget. But more on that later. There are many other equally effective exercises that will answer the question of how to pump up the hands of that girl.

Exercise 1. Classic push-UPS

how to build a girl hand

This exercise is considering not only the hands but also other muscle groups. In particular, a great load is placed on the abdominal muscles and back. In addition, exercise the pectoral muscles, which help keep the beautiful shape of the bust.

So, starting position - prone position, feet on toes, hands shoulder width apart. The body is lowered until then, until the chest touches the floor. Another option is to not touch the ground, thus increasing the static load. Sometimes you can find guidelines for doing "female" pushups. In this case, feet do not stand on the toes, and the crossed and the emphasis falls on his knees, and therefore, the load on the hands less. Of course, it is not suitable for those who want to know how fast to pump the hands of the girl.

Exercise 2. Dips, or reverse push-UPS

Starting position - sitting on a bench or on a chair. Hands at shoulder width and rest against the seat and his legs stretched out and his heels barely touching the floor. It is necessary to bend the arms until the elbows will be parallel to the floor and slowly return to the starting position. Perform 10-15 approaches. With this exercise, you need to be careful as there is a chance of muscle strain.

how to build a girl

Exercise 3. Extension dumbbell

How to build hand weights girl and avoid building muscle? The answer lies on the surface - it is necessary to take a small dumbbell. But often in the pursuit of quick result girls try to give the muscles as much as possible the load. However, training must be approached intelligently.

So, consider the first exercise with dumbbells. Take them to the lift arms parallel to the floor. Now on the inhale, raise up over your head, and exhale return to starting position. Do 10-12 approaches.

Exercise 4. Study biceps

Do Not be afraid of the name of this exercise, as the muscles in girls grow very, very reluctantly, and the pump is almost impossible. The starting position for the exercises: standing with feet shoulder width apart. Raise your hand with the dumbbell to chest level, and then to hold her, making sure that the elbow remains parallel to the ground. Lower your hand while raising the other and repeating the exercise. Do 10-12 approaches.

Exercise 5. Pull-up reverse grip

Thinking about how to pump hands girl, can not forget about the pull-UPS. It's not a rod, so damage to the figure will bring. Morein order of vis, like pull-UPS, is one of the standards that children pass in school until the 11th grade, inclusive. By performing this simple exercise, you are making an effort to hand cranking. During the training the triceps, and it is known to be one of the most problematic areas. It is these muscles with age start to SAG.

how to build a girl

Exercise 6. Vis on the crossbar

Starting to lead in the form of a hand, many people mistakenly believe that the more load on the biceps, the better. But it does not answer the question of how to pump up the muscles of the arms girl or guy. Bicep is just one of many muscles. Triceps deserves much more attention. His study used a simple vis on the crossbar. This is the case when the more you hang, the better.

Exercise 7. Study of the shoulder joint and ligaments

The Shoulder is the place most vulnerable and traumatic. Besides, he never paid enough attention during training. Meanwhile, it is a beautiful shoulder line will allow you to wear open dresses and sexy tops. The easiest way to work out this part of the muscle, using dumbbells or other weights.

how to build muscle the hands of the girl

To do this, slightly bend your legs and tilt your body so that it was parallel to the floor. On the inhale the hands move down parallel to the legs, and on the exhale - the factory behind. In this position, it is recommended to stay 5-10 seconds, so that the muscles have received the necessary static load.

Precaution for those interested in how to build hand weights girl

The weaker sex often suffers from the fact that into extremes. Therefore, any fitness training, especially at home, could end up in a hospital bed. In order to avoid this, the most important thing is to gradually increase the load, and in the case of the dumbbell - do not straighten the arm fully, so as not to hurt the elbow joint. Given a set of exercises - not a complete answer to the question of how to pump up the girl hands. It is best to choose the program individually with a good coach.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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