Sailing ships, their types and characteristics. The sailing yacht. Photo


2018-03-22 16:17:17




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The first sailing boats (to be described in this article) appeared more than three thousand years ago in Egypt and was a regular raft with a straight mast and a steering oar. A little later and more advanced models of the Phoenicians. For their construction they used the wood of the Lebanese cedar and oak. In the ports of Phoenicia was a shipyard, which made shopping a cutter boats and more equipped warships. Approximately in the V century BC, the Navy already had the ancient Greeks and Romans. However, large sailing vessels appeared in Europe in the period of great geographical discoveries. It was then the most powerful European powers in search of new colonies began to equip a fleet for sea travel not only across the ocean, but also around the world. Thus began a fierce struggle for supremacy at sea that contributed to the active development of the shipbuilding industry.

Sailing ships in the modern world

sailing ships

In our time, when the Navy be equipped with the first art of powerful ships, sailing models were used mostly for entertainment. Most of the modern sailboats are boats. In Europe and America, where there are sports yacht-clubs, sports are organized annually regatta. Most often in such event, attended by sailing yachts.

Regatta – water competition between sailing or rowing vessels.

Traditionally, such competitions are held in America and England. Some regattas are major international competitions, like, for example. “America's Cup”.

Classification of sailing vessels depends on the equipment and technical characteristics. Below are the principal varieties of sailboats.

Classification by type of sails

• ships with square sails.

• ships with fore-and-aft sails.

Direct sail used by the ancient Egyptians and Phoenicians. It is a web in the form of a trapezoid, attached to a horizontal yardarm. Ships with square sails are only good with a fair wind, so they quickly changed to ships with fore-and-aft sails.


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sailing yachts

Oblique sail is located on the rear side of the mast to which it is attached by its front edge. Court with slanting sails well go under the wind, and sharp to the wind course. The slant of the sail, in turn, are divided into:

• in Latin.

• the spritsail.

• jib and taxali.

Classification by number of masts

• single-masted sailing yachts.

• two-masted yacht.

• Mnogomachtovy yacht.

Mast – it is part of sailing arms. It is a vertical ship design, which is usually supported by using a special stretch marks. The masts were made mainly from softwood.

Mast in the modern world

classification of sailing ships

On large modern ships not provided with sailing equipment mast has lost its primary function and used for other purposes:

• To carry the national attributes of the country (flag and emblem).

• To carry the identification marks on the current status of the vessel (the quarantine on Board, fire on Board, a drill, etc.).

• To install different lighting signs.

• To install some audible warning device.

• order to pay tribute to the state in whose waters the moment the ship is located. Set on the mast of the national flag of this country.

• If the onboard is dead, in mourning and tribute to his memory lower a little state flag.

Types of masts

• Fore-mast. This is the first mast, counting from the nose of the ship.

• the mainmast. She is the second design of this type from the bow of the ship. Two three-masted ships it is also the highest.

• the Mizzen-mast. Aft mast, which on any ship is the latest of the nose.

What types of water vehicles are available?

models of sailing ships

Classification of sailboats by type of case:

• Wooden.

• Plastic.

• Steel.

Classification of sailing ships by the number of buildings:

• Monohull

• double-hulled (catamaran sailboats)

• Trehkostochny (sailing trimarans).

And finally, classification of sailing ships depending on the use of keel:

• Keel yacht (on such vessels use a heavy keel, this allows to significantly reduce the drift of the vessel and to lower the center of gravity).

• the Dinghy (on some of the yachts are equipped with special centerboard, if necessary, it is possible to raise and reduce the draught of the vessel).

• Yacht-compromise (they use intermediate constructive solutions between the Dinghy and stabilizer pitching designs).

Diversity of ships

sailing ship

Should list the names of sailing ships.

The Company – small single-masted vessel with a flat bottom, designed for small cargo transportation.

Bark – this is a big ship, with three to five masts. The vessel is basically equipped with square sails only on the aft mast assigned to a single slash.

Barkentina – marinethree-pyatimetrovy sailboat. Most masts are equipped with the slanting sails. Only bow design has a direct sail.

The Brig-two-masted ship with square rigging on the mainmast and fore-mast, and oblique Gately sail into the grotto.

Brigantine – easy two-masted vessel with slanting sails on the mainmast and square sails on the fore-mast this type of rig is called mixed.

The Galleon-a large multi-decked ship with powerful artillery weapons. Galleons were intended for long-distance sea travels and battles. These sailing ships were quite fast and maneuverable and made up the bulk of the Spanish and English Navy.

Junk – wooden two or four-masted ship, which was used mainly in Southeast Asia and were designed for river or coastal sea freight.

IOL – two-masted vessel with slanting sails and the position of the aft mast behind steering axis.

The Caravel – three or four-masted ship sailing with a mixed armament, designed for sea voyages and considerable freight traffic.

Galley – the so-called almost all sailing and rowing boats, they were used in ancient times. In addition to sailing arms, had one or two row number.

The Carrack-a large three-masted ship used for trading and military purposes. The ship could have up to three decks and had an impressive gun armament.

KECH – a small two-masted ship. Is located aft of the mast ahead of the rudder axis.

the names of sailing ships

The Frigate – the military rahmatovich with a full sailing rig. Classic frigate was created in France in the mid-eighteenth century and was a light, maneuverable ship with good weapons.

Flutes – a good sailing vessel designed for military transport purposes. Due to the fact that the length of this vessel was several times greater than its width, the flutes could walk fairly cool to the wind, and this gave him a significant advantage over other, less manoeuvrable ships.

The Sloop-military three-masted ship sailing under square sails. Was used as a patrol and transport vehicle.

The Boat – a light sailing ship that had at least two masts with the slanting sails. The schooner is very easy to manage. They are mostly used for various commercial purposes.


Initially, the sailing yacht was a quick and light vessels used to transport high-ranking persons. Subsequently, the boat began to call any sailing, motor or just a sailing ship, designed for travel or sporting purposes.

The First boat appeared in the eighteenth century. They were quite fast and comfortable, which is why rich people prefer this type of transport. Modern sailing yachts have an outboard motor that allows easy manoeuvring in port and to sail with low speed even during a full calm. They are divided into cruising (aboard them have the cabin), pleasure and racing.

Buy in store

sailing ships photos

Today, many historic sailing ships no longer exist and remain only in the pages of adventure novels, and the pictures in magazines and books. But not worth much upset. In the store you can buy models of sailing ships, designed for theme decoration. There are also special kits and manuals to build sailing ships with their hands. It is worth noting that collecting model ships – this is a very entertaining hobby that is gaining momentum in Russia.

The Most famous and legendary sailing ships, photos and models are popular:

Bark “endeavour” is the famous James cook's ship on which he sailed to the unknown then the shores of Australia and New Zealand.

«Neva» and «Hope» two sloops, which for the first time in Russian history, he made a circumnavigation.

“Prince” – the English frigate that sank in 1854 in the Black sea after a catastrophic storm. Popularity received because of the rumors of sunken treasure that he was transporting.

"Mary rose" - the military flagship of the English king Henry the eighth, which tragically sank in 1545.

“Great Republic” is the largest clipper ship of the nineteenth century, which was built by the famous shipbuilder Donald McKay.

“Ariel" is a British clipper that became famous due to the fact that in 1866, won the famous “tea race” from China to London.

“Adventure” is the vehicle one of the most famous pirate captain William Kidd.


The Era of sailing ships was a truly exciting time of adventure and romance. Sailing ships participated in numerous naval battles, sailed to unknown shores and was carrying a priceless treasure, which is associated with many legends. Ships of this type devoted to a huge number of literary works. Based on historical events and mystical stories involving sailing models from a lot of the famous adventure movies.

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"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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