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The Automotive industry occupied after the Second world part of Germany had good roots. The GDR, or German Democratic Republic, was not a purely agrarian country. Here the plants of this industrial holding company, as Auto Union, BMW branch and several smaller enterprises. German engineers prior to the separation were studied in the same schools, therefore, scientific and industrial base of the country was at a high level. What eventually surprised us automotive industry of the GDR?
Cars of the GDR were of a good variety. Here was produced available and known to all "Trabant", "Wartburg", EMW, "Jorge", "Zwickau" and DKV. Basic features of cars of the Soviet part of Germany is as follows:
Many companies after the division of Germany were United into one large automotive holding company under the name IFA ("IFA"). Most often under the IFA meant trucks. The most famous model among them - W50L - was very popular and had the popular name of “Ellie”.
Let us Consider the cars of the GDR, modifications, and time during which they were issued.
The Story of this company began with a small engine for a Bicycle. During the Second world war, the plant organized the production of arms. But the owner of the company knew how to look ahead and take care of the development of a more powerful engine at a reasonable cost. The idea was to create a car that could afford to almost everyone.
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Before the war, was released model DKW-F1. It was a two-cylinder car with air cooling. There was independent suspension and constant velocity joints, or CV joints. the ‘Car of the GDR" - so we could call the model DKW-F8. This was the model F9, which was produced even in the back of the combo. For all of these cars were characterized by front-wheel design and air-cooled power unit.
The Factories, which was the release of DKV, located in Zwickau and Eisenach. The prefix to the make of the car for models F8 and IFA F9 was. It is said that it belongs to the integrated automotive group of Germany.
Following the DKV development was "Zwickau". Instead of a plywood body, covered with leatherette, has been used plastic Duroplast. It is convenient for forming a composite blend of phenolic resin with additives of cotton linters. Thanks to the ease of fabrication, lightness and relative strength, the material quickly gained popularity among budget car.
Just like its predecessor DKW-F8, "Zwickau" was a transverse engine. There has been water cooling and onboard network of 12 Volt. Gearbox was three-stage. The design should be noted the cable release gear changes. It passes directly through the radiator for cooling. Cars of the GDR, the technical features which could surprise, is forced today to admire them.
The Car AWZ P70 rolled off the Assembly line in 1955, and had some flaws. In particular, to gain access to the Luggage compartment, it was necessary to lower the rear seats. Also absent from the descending side of the glass. A year later, a version of the Kombi, which had a large trunk and a light roof made of insulated synthetic leather. A year later, was released a sports model, had a significantly redesigned body, but the standard for these machines is the engine.
Trabant in German means “Satellite”. The release of this iconic car was launched in 1957, when the space launched the first Soviet satellite. The total number of vehicles released under the brand "Trabant", including predecessors P70, exceeded 3 million. This brand of car, the GDR was a real symbol of the country. No matter how abused “Trabi”, and with this machine a large number of people were able “to get back on the wheel”. So, what was that car?
Just like its predecessor "Zwickau P70", "Trabant P50" (and the versions of P60 and P601) had duroplasty body on a metal frame. The power unit was a two-stroke power of 26 HP and had 0.5 or 0.6 l of volume. Engine cooling was by air. The fuel in the carburetor was done by gravity from a tank located in the engine compartment. A smoky motor went on to become a huge disadvantage. For him the "Trabant" was the nickname “quadruple with shared motorcycle helmet”.
Front and rear suspension were independent. Structurally, this was accomplished by transverse leaf springs. Precise steering is accomplished through a rack and pinion gear transmission. Part car, designed for disabled people had semi-automatic gearbox. Transfer included manually by the driver, and the clutch was carried out automatically using a special Electromechanical node.
In 1988, the "Trabant" was updated to the model P1.1. Important change - new engine from WV Polo with a capacity of 41 HP and with a working volume of 1.1 L. in addition to the classic sedan, the Trabant was produced in the station wagon. There was another model open type trump for military andhunters. Cars of the GDR, history which develops together with the industry, are the closest to the population. “Trabi” is one of those cars.
Car Brand of the GDR "Wartburg" - the second in popularity after the "Trabant". These cars were assembled at the plant in Eisenach since 1956. The basis for the car was "IFA F9" or DKW F9, which were issued earlier. The model designation was the Wartburg 311. In contrast to the "Trabant" and its predecessors, the "Wartburg" there was more metal in the design. The body was more due to what the car was much more spacious.
The Power unit from Wartburg 311 were 3-cylinder two-stroke. Normal lubrication system is still not been invented. Therefore, the exhaust pipe was a specific smoke, and when the engine was heard the distinctive motor noise. Also, unlike the Trabant, "Wartburg" had water cooling. The advantages of the model should include enough for the modern age.
In 1965, "Wartburg" going through upgrades. Significantly redesigned body. Round lines are gradually replaced by direct. The modification was room 353. Large roomy trunk even more transformed in models of station wagon and pickup. The external look of the car somewhat resembled the Soviet VAZ-2101. The main drawback of the model was the same 2-stroke motor. Small-scale production made "Wartburg" more expensive, in contrast to the same “Trabi”. Overall, however, the price was affordable and the car was successfully exported to neighboring countries.
The Latest upgrade to the "Wartburg" occurred in 1988. Then the car got the number 1.3 and put in a decent motor from WV Polo with a volume of 1.3 L. However, the overall technological gap was already strong, and in 1991, the factory bought back by firm Opel. Today the Wartburg, as well as other cars of the GDR, is a rarity.
It is Known that in the Soviet Germany (or the GDR) remained one of the BMW factories. What kind of cars were produced at the plant, which was also nationalized? Immediately after the war were made here BMW 321, BMW 327. The latest model was a classic sports car of those times. For a sufficiently attractive external appearance of the car was hiding a 6-cylinder and near a 2-liter engine. The fuel flowed to the engine from 2 carburetors. 327 the model can accelerate to 125 km/h.
After the formation of the GDR the use of the brand BMW has become impossible. It was, therefore, invented a name - EMW, which in translation meant “Asanoski Engine Factories”. And the first model of the new company in 1949, became the EMW 340. It was a recycled BMW 326 and, in fact, the first own car of the GDR. Completely redesigned body, leaving virtually unchanged the power unit. Now in the car it was possible to ride five of them. Torque was increased to 4200 rpm./min. However, due to the greater mass maximum speed was less than 120 km/h.
Produced 3 modifications EMW 340: sedan, wagon, or Kombi van, which is made of wood. The car was actively used in the national services such as the police, medical institutions and state structures. Most of those machines today are involved in retroactive and lead a fairly active life. Many technical solutions EMW was used then embodied in the "Wartburg 311". Real cars of the GDR, photo, description of which can be found in this article, today real rarities.
We are Talking about a race car from East Germany, who collected a small workshop under the direction of Heinz Melkus. This man was an avid ring racer. First, he opened a driving school and then had the idea to collect on the basis of "Wartburgs" racing cars.
In 1959 came the first sports version of Malkus. The name of the model was simple: "Melkus-Wartburg". In 1968, work was initiated over the body in the form of a sports coupe made of fiberglass. In this model, it was assumed door type-gull-wing. As the power unit used was a 70 - or 90-horsepower engine capacity of 1-1.2 liters. Thanks to him, race car could reach speeds up to 165 km/h (for 9 seconds to 100 km/h). This modification was designated the Melkus RS1000. All were released about 100 copies. Unfortunately, after the death of Heinz to continue the work on manufacture of sports cars did not work.
Cars of the GDR could not boast of traffic, although there were real four-wheel drive (4 x 4) vehicles, which are not covered. The first was "Horch". Outwardly it was a Horch 901, but the name was different - HK1. There was a V-twin engine, which had 80 HP with the volume of 3.6 L.
The Second all-wheel drive car produced in the former BMW branch in Eisenach. Common name - P1, but there were other options: EMW 325/3, 3 KFZ. The car had a 2-liter 6-cylinder power unit 55 HP Before the plant is fully reconstructed under the "Wartburg", managed to make about 160 pieces P1.
The Main four-wheel drive model GDR was considered P2. It is printed in secret "Object 37" in the period from 1955 to 1958. During this time there were about 1800 units. Externally, the car wasis quite unsightly. Angular plane the body was that cheap to produce. But this appearance hid a powerful 6-cylinder engine volume of 2.4 liters, with 65 HP and all-wheel drive short base.
The Final development of the designers of the GDR was the model of P3. Clearance was even more - 330 mm Number motor "horses" has also increased to 75. Has also become more presentable appearance of the body. There was a 4-speed manual gearbox and 2-speed transfer box. You can lock the center differential.
Cars of the GDR, the brand of which had a designation of IFA, in fact, included products of different companies. One of the famous vans and light trucks were "Barkas". Two-stroke engine from the "Wartburg", of course, is not the best solution. This "Boat" had independent suspension by torsion bars for each wheel. Thanks to front-wheel drive floor in salon of the minibus was the most understated. This greatly added interior space.
3-cylinder engine with a volume of 1 l was dispersed by a minibus with capacity for 8 people to 100 km/h the First version of "the Launch" had the designation V 901/2 and was already with sliding side door. Produced this car in 1951-1957 years.
When was the modification of cars with the engine from IZH: "Moskvich 412". This pattern was named Barkas B1000. Later, in 1989, the "Boat" began to install diesel 4-stroke motor from WV. The model index is thus changed to B1000-1.
The Main base of the "Barkas B1000" received a large number of specialties. Here was
Cars of the GDR "Barkas" was much in demand. For all the time production was released nearly 180,000 units.
The phrase "the truck "IFA" difficult to discern the identity of a specific vehicle to a specific concern. At the time it was a lot of confusion, but in the end the truck IFA is considered to be the car W50L with the popular name of “Ellie”. The letter " W " in the title refers to the city where this car was designed - Werdau. And the letter L - the city where it was produced - Ludwigsfelde. Figure 50 suggests that the truck can carry 50 quintals or 5 tons.
IFA W50L had a diesel power unit first with 110 HP, and after modification with 125 HP was Produced a huge number of specifications of this truck. There sure was fire, cranes, dump trucks, drilling rigs. Photo of military truck of the GDR could also be shown the W50L.
Truck “Ellie” were in great demand and was very popular not only in Germany, but also abroad. The USSR also actively used the modification of the truck and the side of the truck. For the entire 25-year period from the conveyor descended more than 570 thousand units.
"Robur" was a medium-duty truck produced since 1961 in the town of Zittau. Model 2500 LO could carry up to 2.5 tons of payload. Was also a diesel version of the LD 2500 and the all-wheel drive military option LO 1800А, who took a cargo of 1800 kg.
In 1973 occurred a modification in the direction of increasing capacity. Now diesel car raised 2.6 tons, and gasoline - 3 and 2 tons. Powertrains have become more powerful. 75 "horses" was to have petrol "Robur" and 70 - diesel. The cabin of the car remained unchanged and so could accommodate 3 people.
The Car was not as popular as IFA W50L, and by the mid 70s, became morally outdated. Almost all the freight cars of the GDR, a photo of which you can see in this article had a simple angular shapes. But the main gap was, of course, technical.
Cars of the GDR was Park cars and trucks. But among them were items such as Multicar. It's light trucks for various applications. Firm that manufactured multicare, was called Multicar. Lasted until 2005.
The First multinary of the GDR was meant for distribution of goods within the warehouse and factory premises. Diesel vehicles DK2002 and DK2003. Later, a modified model DK2004 was named Multicar M21. This truck is also constantly improved. If the first driver could only stand, then he sat down, and in the end cubicle of the section by a cart where was double.
In addition to Park cars and trucks, in the GDR there was a firm on manufacture of buses. They released a private enterprise Fritz Fleischer. Brand of buses S1 and S2 were designed on the basis of IFA H6B. In the 70-ies of the first models replaced the body and name: S4 and S5, respectively. Cars of the GDR stamps S4, S5 before the end of the 80s provided a great service, because in addition to foreign "Ikarus" buses in the Union was no more.
Considering models of cars of the GDR, will know the whole layer of history. Angular and unprepossessing in appearance, the car was fully assisting the people of those times. And at the present time the cars of the GDR - only rarities.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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