The types of wages


2019-04-10 20:20:26




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Any person in order to survive, you need something to eat, something to dress, to take place at least for the night. For all this, of course, you need to pay, which means having some kind of income. They can be the following: profits from business, sale of property, lottery winnings. However, the main source of incomes in Russia remains wages, types of which may vary depending on the classification object.

Nominal and real wages

For the purposes of economic theory, the wage is divided into nominal and real. Nominal – directly cash paid to employee for the performance of his professional duties. Real wages – this is the number goods, products that people can paid funds to purchase.

Nominal and real wages are linked, as well as the level of prices. For example, if the nominal wage will increase by 15% and the price increase will amount to eight percent, real wages will increase only by 7%. On the other hand, if under the same conditions prices will increase by 20%, real wages will decrease by 5%, despite the growth of nominal.

Wages and its types, depending on the form of payments

According to the form in which the payment of wages, distinguish between its real and monetary varieties.

Natural wages shall be issued in the form of food, clothing, household appliances and other items. While its share in the total amount of payments cannot exceed twenty percent. Cash paid, respectively, in the form of liquid assets: cash or card transaction.


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It is Worth considering that both the monetary and natural income are subject to pit.

Basic and additional salary

For enterprise is important to split the payment for work of the basic and additional. The first kind payments include charges directly for time worked or volume produced products, as well as any surcharges for excess work. In other words, those payments which are directly linked to the performance of the employees of their employment duties.

Additional salary accrued over time, not directly associated with job functions, but paid according to the legislation. This can include payment for nursing mothers breaks, preferential watch teenagers engaged in the performance of public or state duties, holiday (including training), sick leave, etc.

New income

The Development of private business in Russia has resulted in the emergence of new types of wages: “white” and “black”. “White” – the portion of earnings that is paid officially, with which the social taxes and personal income tax of employees is withheld. Accordingly, “black” – cash paid to “envelope”, or that is paid to the employee informally to bypass various taxes.

The Reasons for this separation is understandable: therefore, the employer seeks to move away from unnecessary costs, and worker – to raise their level of real wages. The benefit is seemingly obvious for those and for others. In fact, for the employee, this situation often turns out to be disadvantageous, because it leads to the loss of pension contributions, in addition, such employee will be harder to get a loan or something to prove their solvency in other cases. It should also be borne in mind that the division between white and black wages is illegal. When clearly underestimated the level of wages, the employer runs the risk of incurring audit, tax and labour inspections, penalties.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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