Stone: what kind of cheese and how it is prepared?


2018-03-23 15:26:08




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This cheese is one of the gifts to the world from Sunny and hospitable Georgia. It is in this country was invented now the traditional recipe smoked. What is this product? It was of the pickled cheeses and highly regarded in his homeland and in all other countries for a special, nothing on a similar salty flavor and aroma. Today it can easily buy in the supermarket or on the market, but the true taste of this cheese knows the only one who tried it in Georgia, in the house of this Georgian family.

smoked it

The name of the cheese sounds like the song "Suluguni"... What does that mean? In the Georgian language are two very beautiful words: "Suli" is the "soul" and "Guli" is "heart". This translation expresses the essence of the product, which reveals the heart and soul of the Georgian people, is the epitome of his culinary traditions, history and culture.

There is another assumption regarding the name of the cheese. So, on the Ossetian dialect "Sulu" means "whey", and "Gong" - "made of". That is, "Suluguni" is a cheese produced from the whey. So we are gradually moving on to composition and manufacturing process of this wonderful product. How is it made?

chicken recipe

In order that we could enjoy the great taste of Georgian cheese, use the best and freshest milk: cow, goat and even Buffalo. Sometimes make a mixture of two or more species from this taste just wins. Depending on the composition of cheese it can be crystal-white, or have a light yellowish tint. The latter is especially valued and is much more expensive. In any case, can be said about this pork is that it is always environmentally friendly and completely natural product. In addition to the milk it is composed of yeast and the enzyme preparation, so the taste is clean, without any extraneous colour and fragrance.


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In appearance, the stone can be very different. As a rule, its consistency firm and elastic, slightly layered. Color - from white to pale yellow. And the taste salty (the salt concentration to 7%), a pleasant fragrance and "pickled" smell. Cheese in any case it should not crumble and even more bitter. Today in stores you can see the stone in the form braids, thin filaments, and smoked cheese (its shelf life increases and taste takes on a special piquancy). In Georgia you can try homemade Suluguni, which is prepared with soft cheese and mint stuffing, but in selling such a product to find is unlikely.

home Suluguni

If you taste this cheese and you want to try a home version, then cook your own pork. The recipe is not as complicated as long. So please be patient and everything will work out. One of the products you will need:

  • 5 litres of milk;
  • 0.5 grams of pepsin (you can buy at the pharmacy);
  • Half a Cup of milk for the starter.

The brewing Process

  1. Dilute half a glass of warm milk pepsin. The rest of the milk, strain through cheesecloth and warm it up to 30 degrees, add yeast and put in a warm place for half an hour.
  2. Again heat the milk on low heat - it will collapse. That will separate, you need to gently "lead" to the sides of the pan. Then collect the coagulated mass into a ball and place in a colander (hang in marl) that drained excess fluid. Now the cheese should "wander" in a warm place for several hours.
  3. The Next stage of preparation: cut the cheese into strips 2 cm thick. The water in the pot and heat to 90 degrees and lower it in the future Suluguni. Cook, stirring in one direction until it melts. Then gather the cheese into a ball and remove from the water. Correct the shape (circle) and cool by immersing in cold water.

Here and ready Suluguni. That is, if not divinely delicious cheese to homemade wine? It can also be added to stuffing for Ossetian pies, light vegetable salads and serve for Breakfast with crackers to a Cup of black coffee.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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