Harm and benefits of chickpeas (pea)


2018-04-02 17:49:15




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This exotic product as chickpeas, we increasingly find in the dishes and on the shelves of supermarkets. This is not only a delicious ingredient, but also very useful.

What a nut

chickpeas benefits and harms

Chickpea – it is a legume, which also has the names of Turkish or garbanzo beans. The second name of the fruit of the plant had due to its similarity of appearance with the head of a RAM.

There is evidence that people began to eat the fruit of this plant long before our era. Moreover, grain was also used for the treatment of certain diseases.

It is also Important to note that this is one of the fruits, which is environmentally friendly – it does not accumulates toxins, nitrates and other harmful substances to the body. In this case, the scales on which are located the harm and benefit of chickpeas, lean more to his good qualities.

How and where it grows chickpeas

the sprouted chickpeas benefits and harms

Brought this product from Central Asia, but today it can be found in India and Africa, is no less popular in Europe and the Mediterranean.

Since it's a pea, it grows similar to known plant that nearly everyone grows in his own garden. The pods look less oblong and rounded. Each of them can contain up to 3 grains of yellow color (and its shades).

Usually is eaten two varieties of chickpea: the desi (small grain size) and Kabuli (more ‘European" chickpea – the grain is larger, the shell is more smooth).

chickpeas benefits and harms of reviews

How and why germinated chickpea

In the first place is to answer the question of why. Many positive for the organism qualities of sprouts of chickpeas. Useful properties in this case are combined with the great taste of cooked peas. Sprouted chickpeas has a slight nutty aroma and taste.


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To grow peas, required a handful of bean plants, a bowl, a Cup, a jar or other container with water and a little of your time.

sprouts of chickpea beneficial properties

Take a can of chickpeas and fill it with water. Note that the grains will swell and increase in volume by 3-4 times. The amount of water should exceed the number of grains by 5 times. Remove the vessel from the sun.

After 12 hours rinse the chickpeas and leave it to dry. Repeat the procedure. Now the water should reach the top of the volume of peas. And the vessel is placed in heat.

After Another 12 hours and repeat the flushing. You will need to notice that the pea is already boring. Unsprouted grains can be discarded. Us to achieve the effect need only sprouted chickpeas, benefits and harms which will be described below. As a rule, the procedure is repeated for 3 days, and after this time, you can cook and eat the chickpeas in the food.

the sprouted chickpeas benefits and harms

Harm and use chickpea

The Pros and cons of the use of this product in food are primarily in the impact on the health of humans and the processes occurring in the body.

On this subject there are many opinions as graduates – doctors, nutritionists, scientists, and various national “experts” that also insist on the benefits of chickpeas in the treatment of certain diseases.

Calorie content and nutritional value of chickpeas

First of all, note the nutritional value of this product is: 100 grams of chickpeas contains 17 grams of carbohydrates, 20 grams of protein and just 3 grams of fat. Based on this, is to say that it's pretty high-calorie food – 309 calories per 100 grams. Chickpeas for their nutritional value can replace meat, so welcome the use of it in the post.

The Vitamins in this product contains not so much, particularly vitamins a and PP. The harm and benefit of chickpea in this case, not determined by them.

But due to the high content of minerals, such as calcium, iron and magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium, iodine, molybdenum, silicon, cobalt, titanium, and many others, he is in the ranking of the most useful products of plant origin.

Useful properties of chickpeas

the harm and benefit of chickpea

1. Chickpeas are beneficial for the female body. Due to the high content of various elements of the consumption of chickpeas will facilitate the flow of menstruation, pregnancy, and lactation. But in the case when a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, be sure to consult with your doctor on the subject of the use of such a quantity of peas like chickpeas. Benefits and harms may not balance each other. Very zealous, too, is impossible.

2. Chickpeas are good for your blood. If you use this product, the blood is diluted, which contributes to its circulation through the body. And this, in turn, improves functioning of internal organs, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

3. For chickpea characteristic diuretic effect easy steps. Due to this cleanses the kidneys and bladder, excess fluids out from the body, reduces swelling if any. And, of course, other conversion products are removed from the body bile and cholesterol.

4. Positive effect are themselves grains, and sprouts of chickpeas. The benefits and harms has alsoof the digestive system. The product contributes to the prevention of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, removes toxins from the body, normalizes intestinal microflora, reduces the likelihood of constipation.

5. Also chickpeas can reduce the risk of diseases such as heart attack and stroke, and cataracts.

Harmful properties of chickpea

Harm and use chickpea are the subject of many studies, but not disputes. Clearly, it has much more useful properties.

Harmful this variety of peas is, if you have individual intolerance-Allergy. It is also not recommended “lean” to chickpeas people who are prone to flatulence.

You should Not eat a lot of peas for the elderly. And for those who have problems with the bladder, and it is from this product to give up.

Chickpea: the benefits and harms. Reviews

People who like to eat chickpeas, do not complain about problems with the body after consumption.

chickpeas are the benefits and harms of peas

Stories that peas cause bloating and sometimes excruciating pain that can not be attributed to this grade. Despite this, the people who have tried this once a long time already not exotic ingredient in the dish are very satisfied and leave good reviews.

The Technique of cultivation of such plants as chickpeas, benefits and harms of this pea are described in many scientific works and studies, but this is not important. This is a great product with high taste qualities. No wonder it is often used in the preparation of restaurant dishes in various cuisines and countries around the world.

Chickpeas are used for making flour, salads, as a garnish for main dishes and as a separate dish. Also it can cook soup and hummus (appetizer, which is prepared out of mashed chickpeas; members may include olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, paprika, sesame paste and other ingredients; by the way, in Arabic and Hebrew the word ‘hummus” means chickpeas, not just the finished dish from this product).

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BE: https://tostpost.com/be/ezha-napo/21148-shkodu-karysc-nuta-garohu.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/essen-und-trinken/21162-schaden-und-gebrauch-kichererbsen-erbse.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/alimentos-y-bebidas/21176-el-da-o-y-el-uso-de-garbanzos-guisantes.html

KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/azy--t-l-k-zh-ne-susyndar/21144-ziyan-men-paydasy-s-ned-b-rsha.html

PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/jedzenie-i-picie/21114-szkody-i-korzy-ci-z-ciecierzycy-grochu.html

PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/refei-es-e-bebidas/21114-o-dano-e-o-uso-de-gr-o-de-bico-ervilhas.html

TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/yiyecek-ve-i-ecek/21152-zarar-ve-faydalar-nohut-bezelye.html

UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/zha-napo/21135-shkoda-korist-nutu-gorohu.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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