Kenyan tea: the history and characteristics of a drink


2018-05-29 04:00:32




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Tea – drink, without which it is impossible to imagine the life of modern man. The variety allows to satisfy even the most refined palates. It is difficult to say which one is the most delicious. The tea can be pure black, green, with added fruit and even herbal. What kind of varieties to prefer?

Kenyan tea

Lovers of rich strong taste and tart aroma, we offer you to try black tea, grown on the African continent-in Kenya. For its taste it is not inferior to Indian rival – the Assam. Tea Kenyan black tea has a strong taste. After the first SIP there is a pleasant spicy aftertaste, with subtle notes of honey.


The Cultivation of tea on African plantations is relatively recent. In the early 20-ies of the last century this plant was introduced by the British from India. Due to favourable climatic conditions, it is well settled in countries located in tropical areas Africa:

  • Mosambik.
  • Rwanda.
  • Kenya.
  • Sair.
  • Burundi.
  • Kamerun.
  • Tanzania.
  • War.
  • Uganda.

delicious tea

But most of all in the tea business succeed exactly Kenya. This state is the leader among all African countries in the production and export of its products.

Chinese and Indian varieties have a rich long history, while the Kenyan tea can boast such data. Despite this, the land on which the tea leaves are grown, have fertility, so the yield is very high. Plantation located on the highlands, in the ecologically clean regions of the country. Equatorial zone passes through Kenya, and this allows year-round harvest.


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Just a few decades ago, Kenyan tea has become known to the world, and every year its popularity is increasing. The Queen of great Britain, Elizabeth II prefers it to other varieties. The drink is very popular in England, despite the fact that it has a high cost.

Features Kenyan tea

Tea is grown in the highlands of Kenya, has special properties:

  • The Antioxidants in tea leaves help to eliminate toxins and improve the General condition of the body.
  • The Drink has a bracing tonic effect.
  • Kenyan tea promotes normal functioning of the digestive system as it lowers acidity.
  • In Addition to the toxins, the drink helps cleanse the body of toxins and has a positive effect on cell regeneration.

Kenyan black tea

“Jambo” – tea comes from Kenya

The Company “Bakon" (Kazakhstan) releases the tea grown in Kenya, under the exotic name of “Jambo”. Product packaging is yellow, made in a classic African style. It shows a Kenyan woman in traditional headdress. The top and bottom of the box is decorated with colored bright patterns characteristic of the African peoples.

Tea «Rambo” has an amber color with hints of gold. Its fragrance is delicate and refined, and the taste has a light tartness and richness.

The Tea leaves are collected from the fertile plantations, located high above the sea level. Clean air, a light breeze wafting from the Indian ocean and the scorching Equatorial sun, gave the drink unsurpassed taste and aroma, which is typical for high mountain teas.

tea Jambo

TM “Nouri”

Many manufacturers create entire collections of tea under different brand names. Almost all brands in a shopping line can meet of the varieties grown in Kenya. Not an exception and tea «Nouri”. The brand is manufactured by “Orimi trade”, which is one of the largest producers of tea in Russia. The range includes over 450 products, including a variety of teas and coffees.

In Order to create the ultimate drink, a tea leaf needs to be grown in certain climates. Natural resources of Kenya are perfect for growing plants. The soil is a reddish tint, is of volcanic origin, it is just designed to obtain high-quality tea leaves. Also on the characteristic taste and aroma of the drink affects the highlands, where the plant is grown, and the proximity to the equator.

Tea «Nouri” Kenyan has a nice rich taste and mild tartness. The color combines shades of amber and gold.

tea Cup

How to prepare Kenyan tea?

Most modern people cannot imagine their morning without a Cup of hot and fragrant tea. The ideal solution is a beverage made from varieties grown in Kenya.

To complement the taste of the tea, you can add a small amount of milk or cream, sugar and lemon. These ingredients will help to reduce the strength of the drink and soften the tartness.

To Prepare Kenyan tea one of two ways:

  1. Tea-warm or pour over boiling water. Then poured it 1 tsp of tea andpour a glass of boiling water. Infused drink for 5 minutes after which it is ready to use.
  2. In a large container pour the required amount of water (calculate how many cups of tea you need to cook), and add a little milk. After boiling, it is necessary to pour the tea leaves (1 tsp per 250 ml of water) and let simmer. Next you should strain the tea through a strainer, pour into cups, and then you can bring to the table.

Kenyan tea

Interesting information about tea

  1. Tea contains caffeine, but it is two times less than in coffee.
  2. Few people know that if you pour the tea leaves with boiling water, stand for about 30 seconds and drained the water, and only after that to brew a beverage, the caffeine content will be reduced by 80 percent.
  3. Tea leaves do not want to store more than one year. They lose their flavor and taste, and may spoil.
  4. Keep the welding should be in glass or metal containers, and choose dry, cool and dark.
  5. Tea contains antioxidants. Moderate drinking helps to improve the immune system. Antioxidants-an excellent preventive measure against cancer, vascular and heart disease.

Considering the beneficial properties, it is no wonder that tea has become one of the most popular drinks on the planet. Drink it hot and cold, strong and with milk. The variety allows everyone to choose for themselves the most delicious tea with an unbeatable aroma.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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