Salad "Mimosa" with Apple: recipe and choice of ingredients


2019-06-19 20:20:28




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Salad "Mimosa" with Apple, the recipe of which will be introduced later, can be found on the tables of many Russian families. He did not play the classic version of cooking, and the right combination of Apple contributes to the fact that the taste will become spicy hue with a small proportion of pleasant acidity. But all in detail.

So what is the recipe salad "Mimosa" with Apple? Or several of them?

Buy ingredients

For the execution of the recipe salad "Mimosa" with Apple, you should prepare all necessary ingredients, which will be the dish. So, you will need:

  1. Canned fish. As for the choice, here rely on your own taste. In fact, you can use any fish, but more often is taken salmon, mackerel, tuna. Delicious get the salad if you use cod liver oil. The main conditions when cooking: be sure to drain all liquid from the jar and remove the bones.
  2. Carrots and potatoes - the required components of a Mimosa. Their choice is simple: to avoid rot. Standard them boiled and in a salad, add pre-grated on a grater.
  3. Bow, if you want to add, you need to rinse with boiling water to reduce the bitterness.
  4. Mayonnaise for refueling your own preferences. You can abandon the purchase in favor of the home.
  5. To prepare the recipe salad "Mimosa" with Apple, you need to choose the right last ingredient. Apple must be green and sour. Sweet fruit will spoil all the impression of the dishes.
Apple salad

"Mimosa" with Apple and crab sticks

The Salad is a bit unusual for a set of components, but the taste excellent. So this dish can rightfully take pride of place in your holiday or everyday menu.

So, for cooking you need:

  • Chilled crab sticks (they will replace canned food) - packing weight-200 g;
  • Large green Apple - 1 PC.
  • Egg whites and yolks - 5 PCs.
  • Cheese varieties - 100 g;
  • Onions - 1 PCs.
  • Frozen butter;
  • Mayonnaise - to taste.

Preparing crab "Mimosa" as follows:

  1. Eggs are cooked. After they cool, peel and separate yolks and whites.
  2. Cut Onion half-rings.
  3. Oil in the frozen state of the grate.
  4. Shredded Cheese through a coarse grater.
  5. Connect proteins, cheese, and butter.
  6. Selected capacity salad laid layers: first, the mixture of cheese, oils and proteins, coat with mayonnaise; then laid out the bow, and re-promazyvayut mayonnaise; put over chopped crab sticks, smeared with mayonnaise; grated Apple spread the penultimate layer, and the top is sprinkled with chopped egg yolk with mayonnaise.

Decorate Mimosas can chopped greens. As can be seen, the presented recipe departs from the classical canons of cooking as carrots, potatoes and canned fish are added. Salad "Mimosa" potatoes and carrots will be introduced later. Will discuss it in detail.


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Mimosa salad with potatoes

Salad "Mimosa" with Apple and cheese

This recipe is easy to prepare, because it consists of all components included in the classic version. The only difference will be that the composition still contains apples and cheese varieties.

For the salad "Mimosa" with Apple and cheese you will need:

  • Canned fish - 1 Bank;
  • Onion - 1 large head;
  • Cheese - 100 grams;
  • Apple - 1 large;
  • Eggs - 5 pieces;
  • Carrots - 2 PCs.;
  • Potatoes - 4-5 PCs.
  • Mayonnaise.


  1. With canned fish drained the oil, and the carcass mash with a fork, removing bones along the way.
  2. Eggs, carrots and boiled potatoes. Whites and yolks separated: the first grate and mash the yolks with a fork.
  3. Onion crushed.
  4. Cheese and Apple rubbed on a grater.
  5. Once all ingredients prepared, proceed to the formation of the salad "Mimosa" with canned goods and apples. Dish put in layers, with each layer of grease mayonnaise: 1 - fish, 2 sliced onions, 3 - cheese protein coupled, 4 - grated carrots, 5 apples, 6 potatoes. After the last layer of grease with mayonnaise, sprinkle it with egg yolk.

The Salad is ready. But it is better to give it a little soak with mayonnaise. For this dish it is necessary to remove for 20-30 minutes in the refrigerator.

"Mimosa" cheese

The oil in the salad: when it is added?

The butter in the salad "Mimosa" some may enter into a stupor. But it is up to the moment when this dish will be tried. One recipe with his cooking already presented above, and here's another one.


"Creamy Mimosa"

For preparation you need:

  • The saury in the Bank - 1 PC.;
  • Egg whites and yolks - 5 PCs.
  • Cheese - 100 grams;
  • Onion - 1 head;
  • Apple sour - 2 PCs;
  • Frozen butter - 50 grams:
  • Walnuts - 50 grams.


  1. Some of the ingredients must be prepared: saury crushed, onion, boiled eggs, apples and grate cheese, nuts grind inbaby.
  2. Now spread the layers (do not forget about lubrication with mayonnaise): 1 - grated on a grater whites, 2 - canned corn, 3 - bow, 4 - Apple, 5 - grated on a fine grater frozen butter (a layer of oil to grease with mayonnaise is not necessary), 6 - cheese, 7 - yolk.
  3. Top of the lettuce, sprinkle with walnut crumbs and clean for 20 minutes in the refrigerator.

When the salad "Mimosa" with butter, Apple and cheese will be served to the table, this component has not yet melted, which will give the dish a creamy taste. Try it - you will not regret.

"Mimosa" with Apple and Fig

Salad "Mimosa" in its classic version rich. But to strengthen this quality even more experienced cooks experimented and added in a new feature dish - boiled rice. Consider the recipe for this salad on.

  • Round grain rice - 200 grams;
  • Eggs - 5-6 pieces;
  • Canned fish - 2 banks;
  • Cheese - 200 grams;
  • Sour apples - 2 PCs.
  • Onions - 1 head;
  • Mayonnaise.

Move to making:

  1. Rice is washed and put on fire. Bring to boiling, pre-salted water. Ready the rice washed in cold water.
  2. Eggs boiled 10 minutes. Cool, peel and separate whites and yolks.
  3. Chop Onion.
  4. Canned shredded with a fork, bones removed.
  5. Apples and cheese rubbed on a fine grater.
  6. Now the salad spread layers, each not forgetting to coat with mayonnaise: apples, cold rice, canned goods, onions, protein, and cheese on top - chopped yolk.

Salad and leave to soak, and then start eating. Bon appetit!

rice salad

A Few tips on cooking

Although the salad "Mimosa" and is not considered culinary delights, all their "secrets" in cooking it has. For example:

  1. Onions are best placed on top of the fish. So flavor combination would be more optimal and perfect. By the way, it is possible to pre-fry, and for laying to drain the oil.
  2. With regard to serving, then it is better to choose a transparent bowl, through which it will be seen the location of the food. Yes, and it will look impressive.
  3. For the guardians of the diet, nutrition and low-calorie food, mayonnaise, for example, you can substitute low-fat sour cream or Greek yogurt. Fish choose lean.

History of a Mimosa

Who was the Creator of the "legendary" salad, alas, is unknown. But its popularity, this dish was acquired in the 70-ies of the last century. It was then on the tables of Soviet citizens there was this symbol of the New year.

Dish loved by not only a pleasant taste, but also availability of ingredients: the components are not in short supply.

The name of the salad got crushed due to the yolk which is sprinkled the finished dish. The people he was associated with the spring flower Mimosa. And so it happened.

a variant of serving salad

In conclusion

"Mimosa" - a taste from the USSR, who won the love of so many Russians. As "Olivier" or "Crabs", often cooked on New year and other festive dates. And this is salad "Mimosa" potatoes, carrots, and fish.

But often favorite flavor is bored, and want some way to diversify. And to do this we tell in article. Hope, disappointed you will not.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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