Delicious recipes from chicken


2019-06-20 10:20:42




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As you know, the whole chicken carcass the most delicious and the most useful part is the fillet. For our body it is a source of vitamins, minerals and proteins. Fillet contains very little cholesterol, besides it is meat diet. Preparation of dishes does not take much time. But we always get consistently good results. In our paper, we present recipes from chicken fillet with photos that will show you all the variety of possible options.


The Browns – this is one of the simple dishes from a chicken. Simple recipe allows you to quickly cook a wonderful lunch or dinner. You can make a preset and store it for several days in the refrigerator, each time preparing fresh pancakes with mayonnaise. Pancakes can serve themselves salad or mashed potatoes. This dish will appeal to all family members, and by Housewives.

chicken fillet Fritters


  • Fillet,
  • Egg
  • Mayonnaise,
  • Onion,
  • Garlic
  • Table. L. mayonnaise
  • Pepper,
  • Dill
  • Salt,
  • Vegetable oil.

Chicken, wash and dry, then finely chop or skip through large lattice grinder. Also cut the onion very finely or grind in a blender. Mix the chicken with the onions and add grated garlic. In a lot domeshivat one egg and a little mayonnaise. Add chopped dill and mix well all. In a container place the flour, pepper and salt. The resulting dough is thoroughly kneaded. The amount of flour can be different, because everything depends on its quality. Besides we need to get a not too liquid and not too thick dough.


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Next heated pan with vegetable oil and fry pancakes on both sides until Golden brown. When serving the dish is seasoned with sour cream or mayonnaise. This recipe for chicken will be useful to any owner.

Salad “whim”

A Dish of chicken with pineapple and corn are known under different names. Delicious salad with a sweet taste like absolutely everyone and even children.


  • Cheese (215g),
  • Mayonnaise,
  • Bank of pineapples
  • Salt,
  • Corn,
  • Ground pepper,
  • Fillet (480 g).

A Classic recipe for the delicious chicken fillet is very simple. For its preparation you need only four basic ingredients. The speed of preparation of the salad makes it very popular. To prepare the fillets in advance, the dish can be prepared in just a few minutes before serving.

Fillet it is necessary to boil. For this we need: two Bay leaves, parsley and allspice. In a liter of cold water add all the spices and herbs. After it is boiling, drop the fillets and boil until tender. Then, the meat must cool down, then cut it into small pieces.

Salad with pineapple

Shred on Cheese grater. Pineapple cut into medium size pieces. Next, shape the salad. There are two possible alternatives. It can put layers in portion bowls or large salad bowl or mix all the ingredients. If you use the latter option, in a vase, mix the fillet, corn, pineapple. Salad mayonnaise. On top decorate it with a layer of grated cheese.

If you want to serve a beautiful table and serve each portion dish, then at the bottom of each bowl put a layer of cheese with mayonnaise, then fillet, corn, pineapple and again meat. Complete the composition of the cheese crumb. In both cases, a dish of chicken turns out incredibly tasty.

Chicken "under the coat”

This delicious dish of chicken can be prepared not only on weekdays but also on the occasion. Juicy and soft breast will appeal to all family members. In addition, to prepare a dish of chicken fillets in the oven is easy.


  • Three tomato
  • Fillet (1.4 kg),
  • Peppers,
  • Garlic
  • Flour for breading
  • Cheese (270 g), mustard, mayonnaise, fresh herbs, meat seasoning, vegetable oil.

For cooking dishes from chicken meat, divide into serving pieces. His beats and richly and flavored with spices. After fillet coat both sides in flour. In a hot pan fry the meat until Golden brown on both sides.

Tomatoes and peppers cut into small cubes, cut the onion greens and parsley. To the vegetables add the garlic, passed through the press. Cheese RUB on a medium grater, and half of it added to the mass, then filling her with a mixture of mustard and mayonnaise. Next, take a baking sheet, cover it with parchment paper and lay out slices of meat and on top we spread a layer of each vegetable mass. After the dish sprinkle with shredded cheese. Cookie sheet put in oven for twenty minutes, during which time the cheese will have time to finish. A delicious dish of chicken fillet is ready.

French Meat

French Meat – this simple and tasty dish of chicken.


  • A pair
  • Fillet (480 g),
  • Mayonnaise,
  • Flour (two table. l)
  • Onion,
  • Ground pepper and salt.
French Meat

Cut the onion into small cubes, fillet also cut into small pieces. Mix products, addpepper, salt, and eggs. Stir the mass and add a little flour. The result is a stuffing, the consistency of which resembles a thick cream. Heat the pan and fry in vegetable oil chicken cutlets. This dish of chicken will be a good addition to mashed potatoes or other garnish.

Chicken fried

Recipes of dishes from chicken are quite diverse. Meat can be cooked many great dishes. If you think that chicken too dry, you can make it in batter.


  • Two eggs,
  • As many fillets
  • Provencal herbs,
  • Salt,
  • Flour (two table. l)
  • Black pepper,
  • Oil,
  • Curry,
  • Grated cheese (75 g).

Chicken fillet, cut and carefully RUB it with the remaining curry and salt. Then proceed to mix the batter. In a container break the eggs, add pepper, herbs and salt. Gradually introduce the flour and cheese. Mass stir to avoid lumps. The resulting batter put the fillets and allow it to brew for forty minutes. Then fry in vegetable oil. Each side of the fillet cook for about ten minutes until crisp.


This delicious dish of chicken, like Julien, you can prepare at home without cocotte and other accessories.


  • Fillet (380 g)
  • Heavy cream (195 ml)
  • Onion,
  • Mushrooms (290 g)
  • Cheese (170 g)
  • Salt,
  • Vegetable oil,
  • Ground pepper,
  • Green.
julienne of chicken fillet and mushrooms

Chicken fillet cut into small pieces. Fry the meat in vegetable oil until semi-state, and then add the finely chopped onions. All together the ingredients simmer for five minutes. Coarsely chop the mushrooms and add them to the chicken. The first mushrooms will produce a lot of moisture, after evaporation cook them for another seven minutes. After pour products and cream all together thoroughly warmed up. Cheese, grated, pour over the masses. Julien close the top cover. After five minutes the cheese has completely melted, which means that the dish can be served on the table.


Easy recipe for chicken allows you to cook wonderful meals that can be offered even for the holiday table.


  • Chicken fillets (two pieces)
  • Tomato,
  • Cheese (130g)
  • Olive oil,
  • Green onions
  • Salt,
  • Pepper.

Chicken, wash and dry wipes. On each piece make cross cuts. Grease the meat with salt and pepper. Tomato and cheese cut into beautiful slices.

Next, spread the meat in a baking dish and in each section put a slice of cheese and tomatoes. Top fillet sbryzgivaem olive oil and put bake in the oven. After 25 minutes the dish is ready. When filing on the table can be decorated with greenery.


Chicken can be prepared a wonderful rolls with cheese and greens.


  • Fillet (780 g),
  • Olive oil,
  • Cheese (115 g),
  • Ground pepper,
  • Parsley,
  • Mustard, garlic.

Before cooking each piece of fillet in half lengthwise to make something like meat plates. Chicken wrap in clingfilm and carefully repel on all sides. Now begin to prepare the filling for rolls. In a bowl, chop the herbs, grate the cheese and add the chopped garlic. The resulting mass stir and season with mustard.


Each piece of meat rubbed with salt, pepper and brush with olive oil. The filling of cheese spread on filet and twist rolls. A baking dish and coat with olive oil. Lay out the meat, which on top of also lubricating oil. Bake the dish for thirty minutes. After it is served on the table in the form of rolls, or cut to pieces. When serving, the meat can be decorated with lettuce leaves and sliced tomato.

Salad with dried plums

There are many recipes to prepare all kinds of salads with chicken. Very tender and tasty dish with prunes. It will be appreciated by all lovers of dried plums.


  • Chicken (280 g)
  • Seven eggs,
  • Prune (185 g),
  • Walnuts (55g),
  • Parsley,
  • Cucumbers (380 g)
  • Mayonnaise.

The Prunes must be previously steamed, Gulf it with boiling water. After ten minutes, wash and cut into slices after cooling. The eggs boil hard boiled, cool it down and separate the yolks from the whites. Grind them separately. Nuts Naseem with a sharp knife. And cucumbers cut into strips. Pre-boil chicken and cut into small cubes. All the ingredients ready, you can begin to assemble the salad. At the bottom of the salad bowl put the cucumbers, and pour them with mayonnaise. Spread on top of chicken, prunes and proteins. Don't forget all the layers of grease with mayonnaise. Next dish sprinkle with nuts and decorate with grated yolks.


Among the hosts of a very popular diet meals of chicken fillet. Offer to cook a pot roast in the oven with sauce of mustard, curry and honey. Spicy and sweet sauce is the perfect complement meals. By the way, it is possible to cook a whole chicken.


  • Fillet - 1 kg,
  • Butter (three table. spoons),
  • Honey (table. L.),
  • Salt,
  • The
  • Curry,
  • Mustard (two table. L.).

Chicken fillet washed and spread in the form greased. In the vessel heat butter. Add the mustard, you can use the normal beans. So, the introduction of liquid honey and curry. Mass stir until smooth. Spread the sauce over the meat and send the form in the oven. Dish bake about an hour.

Chopped chicken

From chicken fillet to make a minced meat patties.

Chops filet


  • Egg,
  • Fillet (680 g)
  • Sour cream (three table. L.),
  • Salt,
  • Flour (five table. L.),
  • Ground pepper,
  • Frozen peas (380g),
  • Garlic
  • Carrots
  • Onion,
  • Peppers,
  • Teaspoon sugar
  • Oregano
  • Water (120 ml),
  • Table. l butter,
  • Vegetable oil.

Cut carrots, onions, garlic, and sweet peppers. Heat oil in a pan and fry the garlic for a few minutes. After remove it, in the same oil fry the onion, then add carrots, green peas, bell pepper, salt, sugar, butter and oregano. Pour a little water in the pan, cover it with a lid and stew for about ten minutes.

Chicken fillet finely chop, mix the meat with sour cream and egg. Add salt and pepper. Mass stir and gradually add flour. From the resulting meat to cook on the pan of cutlets, fry them on both sides. Ready chopped cutlets are served with vegetable garnish.


Continuing the conversation about the dishes of chicken, you should definitely remember about the famous salad “Caesar”, which is available in the menu of any restaurant. Of course, at home, this dish can be done a lot better. Especially when you consider that it is cooked very simply.


  • Fillet,
  • Salt,
  • A few slices of bread
  • Cherry tomatoes (230 g),
  • Olive oil
  • Ground pepper,
  • Cheese (80 g),
  • Cabbage,
  • Garlic
  • Mayonnaise.

Chicken wash thoroughly and cut into small slices. After fry in saucepan in olive oil. Cooked chicken left to cool.

Salad "Caesar"

Bread cut into cubes. In a clean pan heat oil and fry in it the bread with garlic. Shinkuem cabbage and cut into slices meat. Shred cheese grated, tomatoes diced. In a bowl mix all ingredients add salt and pepper. Refill a dish with a mixture of mayonnaise and garlic. The famous salad is ready. There are different recipes for its preparation. But they are all based on the use of chicken. This dish can be safely called a diet, if you replace mayonnaise, such as olive oil.

Fried chicken

Chicken & ndash; this is the basis for making an incredible number of delicious dishes. We offer you a recipe a hearty casserole of meat and potatoes.


  • Fillet (540 g)
  • Mayonnaise,
  • Potatoes (850g),
  • Onion,
  • Cheese (220 g)
  • Pepper,
  • Salt,
  • Seasoning for chicken
  • Vegetable oil.
fried chicken

Meat casserole is easy to prepare, but the result is we get great, wholesome dish that can become a hearty dinner or lunch. Wash chicken and cut it into small slices. Prepared meat dressed with mayonnaise, add pepper and salt, and then put into the fridge for an hour. And in the meantime, let's prepare the other components. Clean the potato and cut it into equal circles, cheese grate. Lubricating oil a baking dish on the bottom spread a layer of onions, then a layer of potatoes and meat. Top the dish top with cream sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese. If desired all layers can be repeated, making them thinner. In the oven casserole cook for about an hour, then served it on the table. If desired, it can be supplemented with fresh greens or sauce.

Instead of an epilogue

As you can see, chicken can make a lot of dishes. Of course, in the article we have given only some of the recipes. We hope that our selection will help you diversify your menu and give new flavours.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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