The glycemic index of honey. Honey in diabetes


2019-06-20 05:00:27




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The Glycemic index of honey depends on the variety of bee products and the percentage content of sucrose and fructose. Know the glycemic index (GI) of foods is recommended for all people with diabetes or prone to this disease. However, many fans of a healthy lifestyle consider this conditional indicator in the menu, it is also recommended to take into account people with high body mass.

What is the glycemic index?

This value, which determines the increase of sugar level in the blood after taking a carbohydrate product. The standard adopted by the glycemic index of glucose, which is 100 units. All vegetables, fruits, legumes, cereals, flour products have their GUY. What does it mean? For example, after receiving the product with a glycemic index of 40 units will be assimilated by the body 40% carbohydrates in the form of glucose.

the glycemic index of honey

There are products with a high glycemic index – more than 50 units. It's sweet, sweet pastries, rice, bread, boiled and baked potatoes, raisins, bananas. After taking a quick saturation appears, but soon people once again felt the feeling of hunger. The fact that the work included insulin-the hormone whose main function is the reduction of blood glucose and receipt it into the cells of the body. The excess glucose insulin is processed into body fat.

People with diabetes are usually aware of the glycemic index of carbohydrate-containing foods and trying to make a menu based on this indicator. However, many of them refuse the honey, believing him to be a provocateur. So is this really the case?


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The Glycemic index of honey

Honey contains two carbohydrate component – glucose and fructose. Index of fructose is only 19, and glucose, as previously noted, – 100 units. Therefore, the more fructose is in the product, the lower the glycemic index of honey. On the contrary, increasing the amount of glucose guarantee high glycemic index.

the glycemic index of honey and sugar

It is believed that honey has a high GI. Depending on the honey, it ranges from 30 to 90. The average glycemic index of honey is 50-70 units. GI changes depending on several factors:

  • The place of gathering;
  • Naturalness of the product;
  • Storage conditions;
  • Type of honey;
  • The geography of the area.


Many beekeepers are evil and feed the bees sugar syrup, jam or other sweets. In this case, his KI is increasing and can reach 100 units. The glycemic index of honey is always lower than the forged counterpart. Great role play melliferous plants, which collect the healing nectar.

The following table which indicates the glycemic index of honey collected from different plants honey plants.

Source of nectar

The Glycemic index units









Clover honey








As the table shows, there is a honey with a low glycemic index – this is the nectar of pine, acacia, eucalyptus. Varieties such as lime, Heather, chestnut are averages GI.

Adulterated honey

In late August and September fairs, where you can buy honey of different varieties. If you care about your health, you should know how to purchase a natural product without additives.

Each variety has its own color, a characteristic odor, the time of crystallization. Of course, an inexperienced person is difficult to understand all these intricacies, but the main differences you should know. For example, acacia honey is almost transparent, and when crystallization becomes white. Fake grade long kept liquid, buckwheat has a distinctive flavor and brownish color.

the glycemic index of honey

Has a value, the maturity of the product. Bees, once produced honey, wait for the evaporation of excess moisture, provide product substances not allowing it to ferment. Some unscrupulous beekeepers tend to benefit as quickly as possible, so pumped honey early. This product has excess moisture, perishable, decrease its therapeutic properties. Mature honey is a thick, slowly dripping down the walls of the vessels not reaching for the spoon.

Remember: the glycemic index of a defective product becomes high and approaches 100!

KI sugar

The Glycemic index of honey and sugar are about the same – 70 units, however, the Sahara does not contain biologically active substances, trace elements and vitamins present in honey. Therefore, nutritionists recommend to give preference to the product of beekeeping. If you want sweet, eat 1-2 teaspoons of honey. From such a meal will not gain weight, and the need for sweets will be satisfied.

honey with a low glycemic index

If you are accustomed to put some sugar in the tea and not to give up the habit, better choose brown cane product. Its glycemic index is lower and amounts to 55 units.

Honey and diabetes

In severe form of the disease from the nectar is to give when the pancreas is not able to produce insulin. But why in the media is an ongoing discussion about the use of honey in diabetes? A “healer”, even suggest to use it in unlimited quantities. The fact that honey has beneficial effects on the nervous system, which is important for diabetics, has a positive effect on the heart muscle, relieves insomnia.

Endocrinologists are allowed to eat a day not more than 1-2 teaspoons of honey, and the first portion should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, and the second – in the course of the day. When compensated diabetes this dose will not bring harm to health. It is recommended to choose those varieties that have low GI – pine or acacia.

the glycemic index of honey and sugar indicators

Despite roughly the same glycemic index of honey and sugar, indicators of their usefulness vary greatly. To prevent increase of glucose level in blood, buy quality product of beekeeping and don't forget about the sense of measure.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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