Diet "six petals": a menu for each day, reviews, results


2018-03-26 15:43:22




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In the struggle for beauty and women and men trying many different diets. Attitude to diets from doctors, nutritionists, fitness trainers is quite ambiguous. Someone scolds them for their rigor and unbalanced, and someone thinks that is a great way to clean your body of toxins and gain healthy. What remains unchanged is the fact that diets, the results of which are visible in a matter of days, will always be popular. The rest - the handiwork of man, in particular one who is obsessed with a cherished idea, and plans to bring it to the final.

Reviews on diet menu “Seven petals" is quite clear and positive. However, it is a diet for people with a strong will, because not everyone will be able to withstand a week of strict limits. For the Grand prize — lost weight. They are worth the effort. Believe me, the result will be noticeable immediately. The main thing is will power, endurance and desire. Nothing just happens, you need to make at least a small part of the effort.

In this article we will tell you about the Creator of the diet, menus for the week, as well as some other interesting facts and recommendations.

The Maker diet

A Few words about the Creator of this wonderful diet. The diet was developed by the Swedish nutritionist Anna Johansson, becoming more efficient processing of well-known diet "6 steps" with the addition of the seventh day to consolidate the results. This diet belongs to the category of mono-diet, that is, during the day, you need exactly one and the same product. But unlike other more hard mono-diet, here a balance and resolved the main problem-the imbalance as the basis of this diet is the alternation of albuminous and carbohydrate days. Thus, the body is supplied with all the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals.


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Psychology diet

Vegetarian food

Psychological factors — the main advantage of this diet. The Creator has introduced a certain element of the game. You need to draw and cut out a flower with seven petals. You can include creativity and color the petals or cut them from colored paper. Each petal will need to number and sign the plan. Flower must hang in a prominent place such as on the refrigerator. And after each day passed, you need to tear off one petal. Each day passed — a small victory for your figure and your will power.

Prohibited products

In diet menu “Seven petals" it was clearly stated that:

  • Categorically exclude salt and sugar. These additives are prohibited in the diet.
  • Exclude food debris in the form of sauces, dressings, and unhealthy oils.
  • Completely exclude fried food. This method of preparation enhances the calorie content of foods several times. “Seven petals" - diet for weight loss menu and recipes which are based on ease of preparation, without unnecessary “frills” in the form of oil when frying, etc.
  • Exclude harmful baked goods and sweet. Caloric products do not contribute to the rapid results.
  • Remove various flavor enhancers in the form of sugar substitutes and other chemicals.
  • It is Desirable to exclude coffee. But the coffee you can drink 1 Cup a day in the morning. Strictly natural and soluble coffee.

All about diet

Seven petals

For diet "Seven petals" menu for each day is the alternation of albuminous and carbohydrate days. Their sequence must be strictly adhered to. Every day you need to eat only one product. What are the products and how they should be prepared, are described in detail below.


Begin a diet with fish. It is necessary to use fish allowed in any form: baked, boiled, stewed or steamed. Sauces are prohibited. Allowed the use of lemon juice. Per day should eat no more than 500 g fish. It is desirable to give preference to the varieties of white fish, which has more protein and less fat. Additionally, you can consume small amount of fish broth. The salt should be abandoned, but you can use natural seasonings without salt in the composition (ginger, cumin, pepper, Basil, etc.) and some greens. First day of protein, and it gradually starts the process of fat loss.


Inscription "Diet"

On the second day, should eat only vegetables. Per day can be consumed up to 1.5 kg of vegetables. It is better to refuse from vegetables containing starch, since they will slow down the process of losing weight (potatoes, boiled carrots, corn). Preference should be given green vegetables: broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower, lettuce, cucumbers, peppers. But you are allowed to use and others. From vegetables, you can prepare salads, stews, and soups. You can eat also not prohibited in any form (boiled, stewed, baked). The salt also should refuse, preferring spices and lemon juice. Vegetables are rich in fiber and will bring the products of protein metabolism after fish day. The body will get all the necessary vitamins, and feel comfortable.

Chicken or Turkey

On the third day of the diet prepare the meat. According to various sources, the day is to prepare from 300 to 800 grams of meat. Take the average of a value — 500 g. the Skinwith chicken, you need to remove that meat does not absorb its fatness. Preferably the meat is baked or boiled, they are allowed to cook for a couple. By-products are allowed in small amounts. But still mostly better to use sirloin. Also allowed the use of broth, but the top layer is better removed, as it contains a lot of fat. Salt intake should be replaced with the spices, as is the case with fish. “Chicken” the day helps the body to compensate for the lack of protein caused by the vegetable of the day and strengthen the muscles.


diet Diary

Cereal products - a staple food for the fourth day. This day should be consumed as porridge (200 g dry), corn bread and various seeds. In cereals it is better to choose oatmeal, barley, buckwheat or brown rice. One portion is enough for 50 g of dry matter. Day complex carbohydrates will help the body stock up on tissue and replenish energy reserves. It is very important on this day to drink enough water 1.5-2 l

Dairy day

On the fifth day needs to consume up to 500 g cottage cheese better fat to 5% or to use low-fat dairy products not more than 1.5 liters per day. A big problem is a lack of hot, because in this day and you need to drink in large quantities green tea or herbal teas. Cheese, you can add a small amount of cinnamon or herbs. Additives sugar, salt, or sugar substitutes is prohibited. This afternoon we again replenish protein reserves of the body.


Vegetables or burgers?

For the sixth day eat no more than 1.5 kg of fruit. Spikes in blood glucose throughout the day without complex carbs and protein can cause fatigue and mood swings, there is a threat of failure. You need to be careful. To eat is apples, pears, citrus, pineapples and berries. Should be excluded bananas, persimmons, grapes, due to the large amount of calories and high glycemic index. Permitted to drink herbal teas are allowed on the fruit.


In diet “Six petals” initially, it was not, but later, in order to consolidate the result had to introduce an extra day. In fact, this is one of the most difficult periods since it is necessary to drink only non-carbonated water, herbal teas or green tea. Is to drink at least 2.5 liters of fluid, but in the evening, to avoid swelling the amount of water better to reduce. If you are feeling unwell are allowed to dissolve a spoonful of honey in a glass of water and drink, but the consumption of coffee is better to refuse in order to avoid drying of the body.

Let's look at some of the main recipes diet “the six petals”. By and large, every day diet - this is the kind of the prepared recipe, but to your diet painless and tasty, we decided to add a few interesting dishes. Let's get acquainted.

Fish soup of hake

Prepare the fillets, which has no bones, then boil it in salted water. Immediately after boiling, drain the water but leave a small portion in order that the soup was liquid. Then grind the fish with the help of special devices and add salt and herbs to taste. All enjoy the resulting dish.

Note: as the main ingredient, you can take any fish low-fat varieties with little bones.

Stuffed Peppers

Grate the carrots on a grater, finely chop the tomato. Then clean the onion, garlic, zucchini, and sent everything into the pan, passeruem. Then laid the carrots with the tomatoes. In ready weight to add spice and salt to your taste.


To the diet must be treated with extreme caution, despite the fact that it can help to lose weight, it can hurt your body. It is strictly forbidden to use it to people with disease of the stomach and intestines. Pregnancy is not the best time for such experiments.

Game Elements

To simplify the diet from a psychological point of view, sometimes introduces a game element. It was invented by nutritionist A. Johanson. The essence of the game is that of plain paper you need to cut special shapes in the form of a seven petals, which are mounted on the refrigerator and signed in accordance with the days of the diet. At the end of each day you need to pull the corresponding petal as a symbol of aging.

Many nutritionists strongly recommend to include the gameplay, as it greatly relieves emotional stress.

Basket of vegetables

Diet “the six petals": feedback

What else could I say about diet? Many women prefer the diet because of its diversity and complexity in contrast to many other methods of ridding the extra pounds. Every review on diet menu “Seven petals” laudatory. However, doctors recommend treat the diet very carefully. The diet is strict and is not recommended for those who have poor health, and people with increased physical activity. The diet should be more often than every six months.

Diet “the six petals": the results

With strict adherence to the order of days, in this diet you can lose from 3 to 8 kg. But most ofreset at the expense of water and muscle tissue, so you should be careful ending a diet. It is not necessary to snatch at once on high-calorie foods.

The Number of pounds lost depends on the original weight. If your weight is substantially above the norm, you can get rid of 10 kg or more. Because it takes a lot of water, and the body extra cleans itself. If your weight exceeds the norm, then you have a week will be able to lose an average of 2-3 kg, observing all the recommendations.

Pros of diet “the Seven petals”

  • Simple and easy-to-remember menu.
  • Available and common foods, no frills.
  • Many days you can create a variety of (fruit, vegetable, cereal, dairy) that psychologically mitigates the presence in the diet.
  • Quick methods of cooking.
  • Cleansing. Mono — it's the fasting days. Which means that the body get rid of toxins and you will get the desired lightness.
  • Balance the alternation of albuminous and carbohydrate days.
  • The Performance.

Cons diet “the Seven petals”

  • Loss of muscle tissue. Diet promises to lose an average of 5 kg per week. But the body cannot lose that amount of fat in a week, which means we also lose water and muscle. Because weight as any other mono-diet, after can quickly get back.
  • No daily balance in protein, fat, carbohydrates and vitamins.
  • Difficult to maintain, in terms of willpower. For example, the seventh day on the water is actually hungry during the day.
  • Due to the lack of sugars, perhaps feeling unwell (weakness, dizziness, nausea, even to fainting).

Main principles

  1. You can Not replace the products.
  2. It is Necessary to strictly observe the order of the day.
  3. It Is necessary to drink 1.5-2 litres of pure still water a day.
  4. Do Not forget about physical activity for best results.
  5. Need a special diet, that is eat fractional, dividing the given day the amount of food for 4-6 meals.


If you decide to get serious on a diet "Seven petals", then you need to prepare yourself psychologically and also have excellent will power. In addition, we highly recommend you to perform a variety of physical exercise, so your diet will be only more interesting and more effective.

By and large, any diet is a kind of test that needs to withstand and go through to the bitter end. Only in this case, it is possible to make progress and get relevant results. No one should count on an easy start, especially in this case because this diet is not of the light.

If you fail to comply with all its rules, then nothing happens. The most important thing in achieving all the goals is motivation. Find it and continue to move in this direction. Find motivation sometimes help different sport videos, or a sample of an idol. You can subscribe to the channel is known in this field and people always "eat" your daily dose of motivational pictures and videos.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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