Menu for the week Paleolithic diet


2018-03-20 04:32:24




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Turns out, the story – it is very useful for health science. It may teach mankind not only to make the right socio-political decisions, but also to lead a healthy lifestyle and even effectively deal with excess weight. How?

The fact that in-depth study of nutrition of primitive people, formed the basis for interesting and productive diet – "the Paleolithic". Following this diet will not only help remove the extra pounds, but also improve health, improve appearance and restoring a good mood.

the Paleolithic diet

What is a Paleolithic diet? Menu for the week, recipes, reviews and the results will be described in this article.

But first, let's talk briefly about the history of its origin, as well as the main advantages and disadvantages.

Chronicle of the past

For the First time, the idea of primitive Paleolithic diet was published about fifty years ago, a gastroenterologist from America by Walter Vogtlin. However, his work on "stone age Diet" sharply criticized and forgotten.

And yet, a quarter century later, progressive nutritionist from the USA Lauren Cordain revived this technique by making some changes and adjustments. Since the Paleolithic diet has become quite popular program not only weight loss, but as a permanent way of eating.

What is this diet regime? Let's deal.

Quick facts

The Main feature of the menu of the Paleolithic diet is to return to that principle of power which guided the ancient inhabitants of the stone age.

They weren't familiar with certain ingredients and components that is now used by contemporary people (e.g., milk and dairy products, sausages, cereals and flour). Despite these limitations, the ancients were healthy and hardy. What prevents us to be the same, adopting their point of view to his own food?!


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General rules methods

Below are the basic requirements of the Paleolithic diet for weight loss:

  1. Food to cook at home.
  2. Overeating.
  3. Drink non-carbonated and not sweetened water.
  4. Lead an active lifestyle.
  5. Do Not use seasonings and flavor enhancers.
  6. Do not Eat before you feel hunger.the Paleolithic diet menu for a week

As you can see, it's very simple. No need to weigh foods and to keep a strict calorie count. No need for fasting and other severe restrictions. Listen to your body, eat and lose weight.

Pros of diet

We have already touched upon the positive side of the technique. First of all – the availability and variety of products but also the use of such food for human health. How?

It is proved that the refusal of sugar, eat lean meat, fruits and vegetables cleanses the blood and the blood vessels of cholesterol and, therefore, reduces the risk of diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, heart failure and others.

Other advantages of the method can be attributed to the impressive results of the Paleolithic diet for weight loss. If you correctly follow all the rules and requirements to lead an active lifestyle and eat small portions for a couple of weeks, you can lose at least five pounds! This is not the limit.

Moreover, effective results of the Paleolithic diet should not be short-term. According to some studies, there is a minimal probability that the discarded weight within a few months after the diet. And if you follow the principles of Paleolithic nutrition over an extended period of time, the lost weight will forever sink into oblivion.

What are the negative side menu of the Paleolithic diet? We will tell about this below.

Cons diet food

First of all, note that adhere to this methodology is strictly forbidden to people with history of present chronic diseases of the kidneys and the digestive tract.

An Important negative factor is the fact that the Paleolithic diet is unacceptable to vegetarians.

In addition, compliance with all rules of this method for weight loss will significantly affect your wallet. This is because the products included in the diet menu, are characterized by their high cost.

Paleolithic diet recipes

And now let's find out what exactly the ingredients are approved by the creators of the technique and what is prohibited.

The Recommended food

Here is a list of permitted products that can be used in cooking the Paleolithic diet (recipes and recommendations will be given below):

  1. Meat (lean pork, beef, chicken, venison, horse meat and so on), as well as the liver and kidneys. It is desirable that the animals were grown in natural conditions. Such meat can be purchased at farmers ' markets.
  2. Fish and seafood (herring, perch, tuna, mackerel, sardines, pike, oysters, mussels, caviar).
  3. Vegetables (cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, spinach, onions, mushrooms, lettuce, etc.). Preference is given to vegetables grown in the greenhouse and in natural conditions.
  4. Fruits (apples, apricots, grapes, figs, citrus, peaches, coconuts, pears and various berries).
  5. Nuts. Almonds, walnuts and forestnuts, chestnuts. Not – peanuts, as it relates to beans.
  6. Oil (flax, olive, coconut). Preferably, first and cold pressed.
  7. Spices and seasonings should be natural, without the use of salt (garlic, coriander, onion, paprika).
  8. Drinks. First of all, you should drink purified water. You can also drink green and herbal tea (mint or chamomile).

the Paleolithic diet menu for a week recipes

Prohibited products

During the Paleolithic diet is strictly forbidden to use:

  1. Sugar (as in pure form and in the candy and other sweets).
  2. Cereal (porridge, cereals, pasta, bread, pastries).
  3. Dairy products (cheese, curd, butter, serum, yoghurt).
  4. Legumes (beans, peas, soybeans, peanuts).
  5. Potatoes.
  6. Seasoning (salt, yeast, vinegar, and any spices bought in the store).
  7. Drinks: alcohol, tea, coffee, soda, juices from fruits or vegetables, fresh or purchased.
  8. Semi-finished products and fast food.
  9. Dried fruits (due to the large amount of sugar).

Now let's take a look at the menu for the week Paleolithic diet.


If you choose this method as a system for recovery and weight loss, then for the next seven days, you can enjoy tasty, varied and nourishing meals.

Below is a rough sketch of the menu for Paleolithic diet.

DayThe Types of the mealRecommended dishes
BreakfastScrambled eggs (two eggs, teaspoon of olive oil), half bell pepper
LunchFish, oven baked, one boiled potato ("in uniform"), lettuce
PerkusA Few nuts tea
DinnerTwo Hundred grams of boiled chicken, salad with fresh vegetables
SecondBreakfastSalad vegetables
SnackOne piece of fruit (optional)
DinnerFish steamed or baked (two hundred grams), boiled broccoli or beans stryuchkovaya
ThirdBreakfastTwo eggs (scrambled), fruit
LunchOne Hundred and fifty grams of boiled moreproduktov, lettuce, dressed with olive oil
SnackApple and a few walnuts
DinnerOne Hundred grams of boiled chicken, Protosenya cabbage
FourthBreakfastTwo eggs, about three hundred grams of fruit
LunchSoup or vegetable soup
PerkusFruit or salad vegetables
DinnerFish with mushrooms, cooked in the oven in foil, salad vegetables and greens
FifthBreakfastOne Hundred grams of almonds and fruit
LunchOne egg, one hundred and fifty grams of chicken fillet, two hundred grams of Chinese cabbage salad
DinnerFish for a couple (two hundred grams), three tomatoes
SixthBreakfastOne egg, one hundred fifty grams of fruit
LunchVegetable soup
SnackGrated apples
DinnerVeal for a couple salad
SeventhBreakfastOmelet of two eggs, berries
LunchChicken breast baked, one hundred grams of a light soup
SnackNuts, two stalks of celery
DinnerChop meat, lettuce

The Above are just a rough food that can be consumed during the diet. It is noteworthy that throughout the day you can change the time snack, as long as they were not abundant and frequent. It is also allowed to use not only boiled or steam meat, but steamed, baked, and fried (in a little olive oil).

Yes, you can and should dream with a choice of dishes and the recommended ingredients. So don't be lazy to use imagination and fantasy, and then your table will always be diet, tasty and healthy meals.

Are There specific recipes Paleolithic diet? Yes, below are some of them.


Here are some recipes that can be prepared for lunch.

Vegetable chicken soup

Components for the first course:

  • One onion;
  • Two carrots;
  • Celery;
  • Two teeth of garlic;
  • Three or four tomatoes;
  • Half a liter of water;
  • One chicken breast.

The cooking Method is simple and straightforward:

  1. Finely chop and lightly fry the onion, garlic and beef fillet.
  2. Add the carrots, celery, tomatoes and simmer for three minutes.
  3. Transfer to a saucepan, bring to boil and cook on low heat for twenty five minutes.
  4. You Can add recommended by nutritionists seasoning.

the Paleolithic diet reviews

This recipe is for four servings.

Cream of broccoli soup.

Suggested ingredients:

  • One onion;
  • Three hundred grams of broccoli;
  • A quarter Cup of nuts;
  • One and a half liters of vegetable stock.


  1. Chop and fry the onions.
  2. Add to the pan the broth and broccoli.
  3. Cook for fifteen minutes.
  4. Blend.

Chicken meat with citrus fruit

Is no less interesting dish that you can prepare for Breakfast or dinner.

Here are the recommended components (four or five servings):

  • Eight chicken legs or thighs;
  • Oneonion;
  • One lemon
  • One orange;
  • Five tablespoons of olive oil;
  • Four large cloves of garlic;
  • Juice of one lemon;
  • Juice of one orange.

And now the cooking method is:

  1. Mix the olive oil, garlic and citrus juices, add marinade chicken and leave for several hours in a cool place.
  2. Chop the onion Rings and fruit.
  3. Chicken is placed in a container for baking and top with the onion and citrus, cover with foil and place in preheated to two hundred degrees oven.
  4. Bake for thirty minutes, then remove foil and cook for another twenty minutes.

Since the Paleolithic technique involves the use of a moderate quantity of meat, diet menu is full of varied, delicious and healthy meat dishes.

Recipe juicy and delicious veal

For cooking on multiple servings, you should take:

  • A pound of flesh of veal;
  • Five hundred grams of mushrooms;
  • A little olive oil.

Preparation Method:

  1. Fillet to fry in the pan for ten to fifteen minutes.
  2. Add sliced rings of mushrooms.
  3. Put the ingredients in a baking dish, pour the resulting broth and place in a preheated to two hundred degrees oven.
  4. Bake for thirty minutes.
  5. Serve with celery or greens.Paleolithic diet recipes

An equally important ingredient to dishes the Paleolithic diet is fish. Here's the approximate recipe baked fish:

  • The carcass or fillet of sea beauties to marinate for fifteen minutes in a few tablespoons of olive oil and lemon (taken in equal proportions). Then wrap in foil, place on a baking sheet and bake for about half an hour.

Very tasty and healthy dish is the steamed fish. This should take a couple of juicy steaks any species of fish, rubbed with cumin and ginger, then, place the slices of lemon.

The product is Then placed in a steamer or put on a steam bath and simmer for forty-fifty minutes. Can be served with greens, cooked or raw vegetables.

the Paleolithic diet for weight loss

But without the sweet?! As a healthy treat can be cooked vitamin candy. You will need:

  • Two glasses of several kinds of nuts;
  • Half Cup of coconut;
  • Five pieces of prunes;
  • Six pieces of dates.

Nuts and dried fruits grind in a meat grinder, roll in coconut and put in a couple of hours in the fridge. Optionally, you can add honey.

As you can see, this recipe is slightly departs from the classical view of the Paleolithic diet, as it involves the use of non-recommended dried fruit and honey. However, if you really want sweets, you can close your eyes to some of the nuances and enjoy nutritious and healthy treat.

In addition, instead of the usual sweets you can eat fruit salads that are rich in natural charazani and glucose. You can take one Apple, orange and banana, cut into cubes and season with juice from the berries. Optionally, you can add honey.

As you can see, during the Paleolithic diet you won't starve or severely limit yourself to products. Favorite meat and fish, vegetables and fruits will be with you always.

Whether this technique so effective?

The Actual response

According to numerous reviews, the Paleolithic diet really is an effective method of losing weight. Many have noted a gradual weight loss by the end of the first week!

However, not all so smoothly. The most difficult and unpleasant in this procedure is that dishes are cooked without salt and spices, so familiar in our diet.

Still, the rejection of these and other minor Goodies is worth it. You can not only lose excess weight, but also to have a pleasant complexion and healthy appearance.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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