How to make batter for pancakes, fritters, dumplings, pie, biscuits and cakes. How to make yeast dough


2018-03-24 19:22:20




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All, of course, remember the saying that the house is famous not only for beautiful corners but of the tales. Along with pancakes, muffins, fritters, dumplings, manta rays, etc. to Enumerate all such yummy endlessly. But, agree, not every woman is perfectly able to cook all of these or other flour products. Primarily requires experience and some knowledge about how to cook and how to make the dough. From the accuracy of the formulation and success of this stage depends on the entire future process work, and, therefore, the result of labor. Let's try to parse what is called, on shelves, basic principles for the preparation of the simplest and most common pastry. Let's start with kneading the masses for molding dumplings, dumplings or dumplings. Then consider how to make the dough for pancakes and hash Browns using a different ingredients. Talk a little bit about the changes in the consistency by converting the mixture into a more dense, which will allow you to get totally different from the previous pastry. And in conclusion we give the recipe of pies and consider how to make yeast dough. So, want to treat your family a hearty, tasty, and quite simple in execution homemade food? Then roll up your sleeves and prepare all the necessary foods according to proposed recipes. It should be noted immediately that the job needs to be slowly, having enough free time, and, of course, in a good mood. They say that the batter feels the mood. And only kind and cheerful hostess pies turn out really tasty and with a unique twist.

how to make dough for pancakes

The dough

What unites all flour products and what are their main differences? Of course, in any of the above dishes must contain flour. Take care of its quality and freshness. It is desirable to use the flour of the highest or first grade. This imparts a particular splendor and ease. Before mixing the bulk product must sift through, saturating with oxygen, and can withstand some time in a warm room. From cold compacted flour will never be able to do lush cakes or any other product. The second essential ingredient, thanks to which directly is done kneading, it is a liquid Foundation. Each recipe describes how to make the dough, using completely different products. According to the obtained meals. For example, the impossible sponge cake without eggs, and pastries without “playing” of the dough. And, you will agree that even with a minor change of one product to another, the result is completely different. So not worth the risk, and should always be followed as precisely as possible the specified recipe. Only an experienced mistress with many years of culinary experience and a special flair can do everything by eye and delight at all the amazing dishes.


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Let's Start with cooking products that are done in the simplest way. Consider how to make the dough for dumplings. The proposed formulation is also used for the moulding of meat and vegetable dumplings. Prepare the flour, water, salt and eggs. For mixing you will need a wide and not very tall Cup. Sift the flour and make a hole, raking a hand in different directions. The diameter of the holes should be, regardless of the desired volume of the liquid, about 15-20 centimeters. And the height of the recess – at least 7-10. In smaller container, mix the water (usually 1-2 cups) with 1-2 fresh eggs and 1 incomplete tsp. L. salt. The resulting mixture pour in a thin stream into the flour so that it is not spilled past the recess. Then with quick movements knead the dough, picking up loose product from all edges. It is important to catch the right density, as this will depend on ease of modeling and the possibility of obtaining products of the desired shape. If too soft zamechena test manta rays can simply be stretched out, taking a flattened shape, and dumplings and dumplings when cooking usually tear, losing the filling. If the mass is very dense and tough, will be very difficult to mold products, and will require a lot of effort to wymianie and rolling.

how to make dough

Secrets of how to bake pancakes

It would Seem that it may be easier to cook these thin tortillas? But not all Housewives know how and know how to knead the dough for pancakes. There are some nuances and features:

- all the ingredients should be warm, so get them in advance from the refrigerator.

- be sure to sift the flour for greater ease;

- for thin pancakes are not used in the composition of the yeast that will make the product too thick;

- ‘dircetory” it is thanks to the liquid consistency of flour mixture;

- the thicker the bottom of the pan where you bake the pancakes, the more successful they are (use grandma's cast iron);

- be sure to turn the product, it will make them even thinner.

Generally, any dough recipe for pancakes with milk, yogurt or another component provides for obtaining a thick first the basics and then breeding it to a more liquid mixture. Very convenient to whip all the ingredients using a mixer, breaking up clumps of flour. And before bakingdilute the mixture with boiling water and stir with a ladle.

how to make dough for cakes

How to make batter for pancakes?

Most Often the main ingredient in the dish is milk. But you can replace it with yogurt, whey, plain or mineral water. Consider how to make the dough for pancakes, using a classic recipe milk. Take it raw, 0.5 liter and heat. Pour in a container of the same volume of warm boiled water. 2 PCs fresh chicken eggs whisk with 4 full tsp. L. sugar and a pinch of sodium chloride (small) of salt. Air mass pour in the liquid base. Then gradually, 2-3 spoon start to pour the flour (2,5-3 faceted glass). For the uniform distribution it is better to use the mixer. In the resulting thick mixture add 1 tsp. L. soda and 4-5 tbsp of any vegetable oil. Give mass to stand at room temperature for 30-40 min. If mixture is too thick, dilute it just before baking the boiled water and shake well with a ladle. Before the first portion of the test, heat the pan until a light haze and smear with vegetable oil or a slice of bacon.

How to turn the dough into oladele?

It so Happens that the prepared mixture for pancakes somehow failed. Perhaps not quite accurately observed a recipe, or do all in a bad mood. As a result, the pancakes did not turn out, and pour the batter sorry. In this situation, instead of one dish to another. What do I need? Knowing how to make the dough for pancakes, you can easily prepare pancakes. Just add to the existing mix a little more flour so the consistency was a little thick and resembled sour cream. If the mass is easily drained from the spoon, then bake pancakes in a thin small pancakes in vegetable oil on a hot to medium degree pan. And when you add in the dough, more flour is more dense mixture. Then pancakes are more like tortillas. In that case, if you want to cook this dish is not in the emergency order, and specifically adhere to the following simple recipe. You can change it to taste, getting dishes in salt form (for example, adding a lot of grated raw zucchini) and sweet.

dough recipe for pancakes with milk

Knead the dough on a lush pancakes

The Secret of this dish lies in the preparation of the liquid base in a certain way. Let us examine in more detail how to make dough for pancakes, so they were lush and rosy. In a medium size Cup beat 2-3 raw eggs and mix them with 2 full table. L. sugar. Optionally, you can add the sachet of vanilla. In another container pour 1.5 cups of sour yogurt. It is desirable that it was room temperature. To do this in advance, remove it from the refrigerator. Then enter 0.5 tsp. of baking soda and stir in the yogurt, quickly razbaltyvaniya to obtain a foam. White slightly risen pour the mixture immediately into a bowl of eggs and mix lightly. Then pour 1-2 tablespoons of any vegetable oil and begin to pour the flour. You will need enough to make the mixture thick enough consistency. Try to merge it with a spoon. If the dough slides not once, but gradually, then more flour to fill up should not be, and you can start baking products.

how to make salt dough

Bake a quick pie

Several earlier in this article it was mentioned that you can make the batter for pancakes in osagyefuo mixture. Almost in a similar way it turns out and lots of baking unleavened cake. Rather, very similar processes of mixing of ingredients in both cases. But there is some distinguishing feature, how to make dough for a pie. To ensure that the product was not dry, but it turned out kind of mellow, add the melted margarine or butter, replacing them with vegetable. If we use the above suggested proportions for pancakes, it will take 100-150 g of Fat component you must first melt to a liquid state. Enter in the total weight it before mixing with flour. The finished dough should be slightly thicker than for pancakes. Poured it in a greased baking dish and place in preheated oven for 30-35 minutes Often make a pie with fruits and berries, putting them on top of the dough before placing in oven. This recipe will allow you to obtain quick cakes without the hassle. If you want to cook something fancy, check out the how to use yeast to obtain a fluffy mass.

How to make the dough for pies?

To prepare any yeast requires at least 3-4 hours of time and, of course, certain skills and patience. The technology is completely different from the previous recipes and is divided into two stages: preparation of the dough, direct mixing and fermentation. To get the dough for the usual salty pies, melted 1 pack cream margarine, pour into a container with 1 liter of raw milk, add 2 fresh eggs and 1 full tsp. L. salt and sugar. In the mixture add 5-6 heaped the table. L. flour and 1 sachet of instant yeast (about 1 a partial table. L.), stir. Leave the dough in a warm place for 30-40 min. Then knead a soft and light dough, then let it rise two or three times for splendor. Based on thisthe recipe can be cooked many different dishes, reducing or increasing the proportions of some components, and if necessary, replacing them or adding additional ones. Tips on how to make the dough into buns, with a sweet taste, you'll learn later in this article.

how to make batter for fritters

Bake yeast buns straight dough method

To get the buns, you need to decide will products with a filling or any other filling. Based on a sweet dough, can be molded into a variety of bagels, rolls with jam. A good option is also the mixing into the mass of raisins or candied fruits. Consider how to make dough for rolls, quick way, skipping the stage of preparation of sourdough. First, you need to increase the amount taken sugar and eggs. Additionally, along with the milk, you need to enter into the dough a few table. spoonfuls of sour cream. So, in melted margarine (1 pack) pour 1 Cup of sugar. After it dissolves pour in the warm milk (1 l) and 2 with the top of the table. L. fat sour cream. Eggs (pieces 3-5) add in the ground in the pre-whipped with a whisk to make a fluffy dough. Salt is not required. Instead, you will need a bag of vanillin. The next stage – adding flour and kneading the dough is not too thick. Yeast are introduced into the mass is a slightly different method. Pour on table 1 sachet 2-3 and table. L. sifted flour. Then a thick dough, place on the prepared powder mixture and quickly stir in her, stretching across the surface. Adding a little flour, a thick viscous mass will turn into a uniform in consistency, but not a solid mass. Leave the dough to ferment in a warm place, covered with plastic wrap. Please note that due to the increase in the amount of sugar, the time to recovery will need more. After the buns are formed in the form will be laid out on a baking sheet, be sure before placing in the oven, let them rise once more.

Baked… Souvenirs

In conclusion, consider how you can use the dough a completely different purpose. It seems to be all the usual stages from mixing to baking, but the result is not edible products. The secret is in the special formulation, which is due to mass, like clay, you can sculpt original crafts with children. Consider how to make salt dough to receive homemade gifts. Mix in a bowl the flour and fine salt «Extra» in equal proportions, for example, took them 1 glass. Then, in the bulk of the mixture pour 0.5 cups of raw cold water and 1 complete the table. L. any vegetable oil. After bringing the dough with a spoon until even in consistency, begin to knead it with your hands. For getting to work with different colors add a bit of gouache. The mixed mass wrap in plastic bag and place on 2-3 hours in the refrigerator. Molded figurines bake in the oven at low temperature until hardened (about 1.5 hours).

As you can see, using the flour and a liquid base, you can get totally different products. Be creative, try new recipes and delight your family with tasty and useful!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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