The millennial history of sugar, the product, without which we cannot do


2018-03-25 15:26:17




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Unconditional use of or sharer in the dangers of sugar to human health have been arguing scientists. They say that this product is almost poisonous, it is told that he – the panacea for all ills (by the way, as a drug it and started to apply). Then – sweet treat, – the white death. But we will not rush to extremes, because today's not about that. What is the history of sugar, we need such a product? About where and when he appeared, learn from this article.history of sugar

Thousand-year story of sugar in pictures

In Ancient India more than 5,000 years ago, learned to extract from plants - sugar cane. The Macedonian warriors, entered the land of India, drew attention to the unknown material, solid, in the form of small crystals, taste sweet. It was a raw sugar, the first described, with which began the history of sugar. Onestreet, Greek historian, accompanied in the campaigns of the king, was very impressed by the fact that honey gives the cane, and without the aid of bees, about what and told in his report.

In India, sweet crystals obtained from the cane juice by extraction, called “Saqqara” (literally & ndash; sand or pebbles). This root word and entered later into many languages of our planet. After all, look everywhere sugar with various slight variations is called almost the same! This is the story of sugar, as words.history of sugar for kids

Origin of the cane

This plant is grown, perhaps still in the primitive society, from the time immemorial. According to modern science, the birthplace of cane for production of sugar – New Guinea. Then he gradually settled on the Islands, making his way to India and China where also great took root and were cultivated. In Arab countries he was from India, and already BC where he was raised with the aim of obtaining a magical white crystal. The Persians first learned how to make refined sugar from raw sugar by repeated boiling of the product. Europeans familiar with the plant and its derivatives – sugar – from those of the Arabs and equip cane plantations in Madeira and the Canary Islands. It was a very profitable venture. So, in England, for example, in the 14th century a pound of Goodies gave 44 pounds of money.history of sugar


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Caravans with sugar

More than two thousand years ago the Persians begin to carry sugar to Arabia, Egypt and the Mediterranean. According to the testimony of Pliny, in those days, sugar is produced in the form of a small white (the size of a walnut) pieces and is mostly used in medicine. In solid form the product is easier to transport long distances. Starts his delivery by caravans through Central Asia, then to ports of the Mediterranean and from there-to Greece and Rome.

the story of sugar in pictures

The Middle ages and Renaissance

The Story of sugar in “grim” the middle Ages: this product is considered a medicine and was sold mainly in pharmacies. However, some historians argue that the physicians acted more in the role of shopkeepers, selling wealthy citizens of sweet. Christian Europe underestimates this product, which gradually began to spread in the Royal yards and receptions. It is believed that a major role in the distribution of sugar in Europe was played by the crusaders. They first open for Europeans Arab sugar plantations in Palestine and Syria. Thanks to their participation, reed locates in the South of Italy and France.

In the 15th century in Venice, born of processing raw coming from trade with India. Refined sugar becomes conical form and sent in your further journey across Europe. One of the capitals of trading and processing of the product becomes to Lisbon.

The Conquest of America and Europe

A sharp turn in “sugar” history – conquest of the New world. Columbus in Santo Domingo are planted Canary cane for the production of the Goodies. In the early 16th century, there already are more than twenty factories producing raw sugar and then processing it. Cortez brings the cane to Mexico, and Mexican plantations have also become extensive. Sweet product is gaining in Brazil, Peru, and other countries that are also covered by sugar plantations. In Europe this thing a little bit behind. Nearly a century later connected to the organization of plantations in France and Portugal, Italy and Spain.

World travel

In the early 19th century the first voyage around the world of sugar! It lasted a few thousand years. Starting with the Pacific Islands, sugar had conquered the continents, now it – international product law.

the story of sugar in Russia

History of sugar in Russia

The Product first gets to Russia somewhere in the 12th century, but it did not catch on, is not necessary, as they say, to the table. Overseas commodity appears on the Royal table in the 16th century, with the development of the sea trade route via Arkhangelsk. The real story of sugar begins in Russia from the mid-17th century (then in fashion – tea and coffee). Sweet product increases in shipments from abroad, but then remains inaccessible and quite expensive.the history of sugar in the Russian

King Peter tries to solve the problem by requiring one of the merchants to open and maintain on the own funds of the sugar factory (even was published on the occasion of the decree). For some time the import of sugar ceases, being replaced by fully domestic production. But the pace of demand continues to increase and already in the 18th century manufacturers scratching their heads in search of new raw materials. Preference was given to the beet as a sugar-containing product. This vegetable can be successfully replaced in the field of production of the delivered cane. Since imported sugar was completely replaced domestic. This is the story of sugar – for children or for adults, anyway-the important thing is that this sweetness is important and necessary for all mankind product, which we already hard to do!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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