Make wine at home from plums


2018-03-29 02:22:07




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Wine in the home of the plum

Plum wine is not among the most popular. But its taste is quite original and unusual to a lot like. Aromatic wine at home from plums to cook is not too difficult. It perfectly complements meat dishes and desserts. The only difficulty that will be faced during
Prepare this drink, – the excess of pectin in the plums, which makes the pulp is gelatinous and difficult to obtain juice. But sugar in fruits abound, so the fermentation takes place rapidly.

How to make plum wine from their own: preparation

First of all, you need to think about what it would take to prepare this drink. You need ripe plums, sugar, water, suitable for fermentation and settling of the container and gauze. Production technology is largely similar to the preparation of other wines and liqueurs, so if you at least once already made wine at home from plums it will cook easier. Already acquired skills will stand you in good stead. Please note that the recipe of wine from plums involves the use of extremely dark varieties. You want to pick them at the moment of ripeness, when the fruit has begun to fall. For a couple of days leave them under the sunlight so they finally come ready for wine. Wash before cooking them is not necessary. While the fruits are in the sun, they appear bacteria and fungi, which will act as a natural yeast. So just wipe plum with a dry cloth to remove dust.


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Recipe of wine from plumsMake wine at home from plums: cooking

Remove pits from the fruit. Place the pulp in a container and blend until smooth, making each plum into a puree. In the ratio of one to one add water. Leave the mash for a couple of days outdoors. The temperature should be around twenty degrees Celsius. To the liquid were flies on top of capacity should cover the gauze. When the surface will appear foam and bubbles, strain the mixture through a sieve or fine mesh. Prepared plum juice should be poured into a special vessel for fermentation.

Wine at home from plums: the final stage

How to make wine from plums?

To ferment in the juice need to add sugar. To make dry or semi-dry wine, add no more than two hundred and fifty grams of sugar per liter for semi-sweet or sweet drink need a hundred grams more. Mix thoroughly with juice. Install on the capacity of the water trap and leave the wine for a period of about six weeks to ferment. When to stop the process of evolution of gas, the wort should pour into bottles to Mature. Minimum time until cooked wine is two to three months. The drink is already possible to try. Fully clarified to this point, like Apple or grape, this wine can not, but absolute transparency from him in any case can not be achieved in the chemical composition of plums. This is a simple wine at home from plums with moderate use has a very beneficial effect on health, especially on the cardiovascular system.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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