Broccoli: benefits and harms


2018-05-09 04:00:36




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Since ancient times, broccoli is famous for its useful properties that contribute to the proper development of the human body. She also has a terrific taste, which can vary with any work of culinary art.

Very strange, but many believe that broccoli and cauliflower are one and the same. However, in reality it is not so. And it's not just the difference in color of the buds, but the taste, and most importantly – in different biochemical composition of these vegetables.

How to cook broccoli? It has what properties? And can the use of this vegetable have a negative impact? This is - more.



The Original green blossoms that adorn the modern feast, as well as giving a stunning taste of the individual dishes were known in the days of Ancient Rome. Then they were widely used not only in cooking but also in medicine. Doctors considered them a magic drug that cured many diseases.

On the territory of modern Europe, this product appeared a long time ago - in the 16th century. However, despite this, to this day, the broccoli did not become very popular. It is rarely cultivated in home gardens, which is a big omission on the part of owners of private houses, because it is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals that help to maintain the health of the body is normal.

Broccoli and cauliflower

Composition of broccoli

This vegetable is prized for its beneficial composition. Among the useful minerals there are potassium, phosphorus and calcium. A smaller proportion was detected magnesium, copper, manganese, selenium, iron, zinc and sodium. Of course, this combination of minerals in one product is quite rare.


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If we talk about vitamins, the broccoli of their truly great variety. In addition, in its composition were found in almost all members of the group, it also contains A, C, PP, E and K.

An Invaluable impact on the human body have components such as chlorophyll, beta-carotene and amino acids that also occur in the structure of broccoli. If we talk about the caloric content of this product, it is very low at 100 grams has only 34 calories. Because of this, as the cabbage of this variety is often recommended to eat nutritionists.

Useful effects on the body

Sure, a product containing such a quantity of useful components, has a positive effect on the human body. People who regularly consume this vegetable, do not suffer from diseases of the stomach, the vegetable is beneficial to the cardiovascular system, stimulates the production of bile, and normalizes the condition of the hair and the nail plate.

Besides all this, the vegetable contributes to the removal of remnants of drugs from the body, and accelerates the process of tissue repair. It is thanks to such qualities it is often administered in food in patients who had undergone surgery.

broccoli recipes

Harmful effects

It would Seem that this vegetable can not simply harm the body. But even as you can! Especially if you cook it incorrectly.

In the first place in the cooking process of Kale, it should be remembered that during prolonged heat treatment the whole bunch of useful components noticeably disappears. Also the fans of such a product should know that the liquid that remains after cooking, to eat not, in its composition contains adenine and guanine. That is why you should avoid eating soups, which include this kind of cabbage.

Fry broccoli in a large amount of oil is also not recommended, in such cases it is also harmful carcinogens.

Strictly forbidden to use broccoli in its raw form to those people who suffer from diseases of the pancreas, because it may only aggravate the situation.

Vegetable for weight loss

Knowing about the content of the minimum amount of calories in broccoli, many people use this product for weight loss. And nutritionists say that eating this vegetable is eaten as a staple for weight loss, you can avoid various problems associated with the deterioration of the stomach and digestive system as a whole. Once in the body, the vegetable increases metabolism thus helps fat burning in all parts of the body. Only, in pursuit of this goal, it is necessary to remember that it must be consumed in minimal quantity of sunflower oil, not with mayonnaise or other high-calorie sauces.

How to cook cabbage so that it was the most useful? Most dieticians recommend it steamed or boiled in water, but for no more than seven minutes.

broccoli photo


A variety of cabbage is perfectly suitable for human consumption to women who are preparing to become mothers.Regular consumption of this vegetable pregnant stimulates normal development of the child, and also prevents the formation of undesired pathologies in the human body. Those women who during pregnancy eat a sufficient quantity of broccoli, not drinking drugs, calcium, selenium and retinol, because all of these components are part of the cabbage if it correctly prepared.

This vegetable also has a positive effect on the female body at the planning stage of pregnancy. Women who constantly consume this product, no problems with conception.

Young children cabbage of this sort also brings invaluable advantages. Taking it for food, children do not suffer from constipation, which often occur in infancy. Moreover, with its help you are removed from the body all harmful substances. Some pediatricians recommend to feed the baby mashed potatoes prepared with broccoli as it does not cause allergies. Kids who have problems with excess weight, is often recommended to give in the foods such a cabbage. It will accelerate the process of metabolism that have a positive impact on health.

Among the useful qualities of broccoli for the kids especially appreciated the fact that the vegetable is strengthens the immune system, which is vital for the child since birth. Also, the product has strong antiparasitic properties.

How to choose cabbage

The Greatest number of useful components will contain only high-quality vegetable. How to choose? The following photo of broccoli presented the image of a Mature and delicious vegetable, which contains in its composition the greatest amount of vitamins and minerals.

How to cook broccoli

Assessing the product visually, you should pay attention to its size. The most delicious fruit will be the one whose dimensions in diameter, reach 11-16, see in addition, you need to feel inflorescence, ideally it should be dense, and the buds must be hidden under the petals.

Scrambled eggs

A Great option dietary Breakfast can be an omelet with this useful vegetable. For its preparation you need to take 200 grams of broccoli (frozen must be thawed), to separate it into florets and fry in a hot pan using butter. After a couple of minutes for the cabbage you need to add an egg, whipped with 150 ml of cold milk, and cover products, cover for a few minutes until until dish is ready.

At the end of cooking the broccoli in the omelet should be sprinkled with grated hard cheese.


Pie is another option diet meals that will certainly please the household. That is described here is a way to cook broccoli in the oven. For this quantity of the vegetable is necessary to disassemble on inflorescences and boil in lightly salted boiling water for 5-7 minutes. While the cabbage is to be heat treated, you should start preparing the other ingredients. For this you need a separate bowl beat 4 eggs with a glass of sour cream, a little salt mass and add it 200 grams of grated cheese.

After all components of the meals will be prepared, it is necessary to grease the baking pan with a little oil, sprinkle the bottom with breadcrumbs and put the cabbage, pour the egg-sour cream mixture.

In this future, the casserole should be sent to the oven, preheated to 200 degrees. At this temperature it will be ready after 20 minutes.

broccoli in the oven


This delicious recipe for broccoli with chicken will definitely be a favorite in every family, where ever try to cook such a delicious work of culinary art.

To prepare chicken with broccoli, you should first pay attention to the creation of the sauce. To do this in a small pan should melt 50 g of butter, add a couple of tablespoons of the sifted flour and fry it, stirring, until until it will not dissolve in the oil. Once that happens, the pot should pour a small amount of cold milk and, without stopping the stirring process, to wait for the consistency of sour cream.

When the sauce is ready, you can do vegetables. 500 g broccoli it is necessary to disassemble on inflorescences, grate one carrot, cook these vegetables in a separate pan, at a cost of no more than five minutes. While vegetables cook, you have to cut 500 g chicken fillet into small cubes.

When all the components are ready, we must take a baking dish, grease it with oil, put it on mixed cabbage with carrots and meat, cover with sauce, sprinkle with 50 g grated cheese and send bake in the oven. That dish already prepared, shows the resulting Golden crust on top.

Cooking with broccoli


Oven Baked broccoli and cauliflower can be a great diet dish for those who want to quickly lose a few extra pounds. For making delicious vegetable snacks have to take the head of each cabbage, wash them and disassemble on inflorescences. Insaucepan with salted water these ingredients should be boiled for five minutes, then drain the water and give the cabbage a little stand for it to dried out.

After this you should take a baking dish and put vegetables in it. On top of all the contents should be sprinkled with herbs that can be used in dry form, pour a Cup of cream and sprinkle 350 grams of grated cheese. After all these manipulations vegetables with cheese and cream should be put into a preheated oven and wait for the time of the formation top is Golden brown, take.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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