Cake "bird's milk"


2019-06-11 15:00:23




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Very popular in all times was and still is a dessert ‘bird milk’. To make it quite difficult, but the result, believe me, is worth it. This cake loved by children and many adults. Can be used for cooking various recipes. Here are the most interesting ones.

Cake ‘bird milk’

To Prepare the cake: beat the whites of three eggs with a pinch of salt and the egg yolks with 80g of sugar. Into the yolk mixture, add 80g flour 5g baking powder 60g hot water. Enter proteins. Put the dough in the form, put half an hour in the oven at 180 degrees, and then reduce to 140 for 15 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool.

To Prepare the cream: whisk 5 egg whites with 100g of sugar. Pour into a saucepan 100 g of milk, add 5 egg yolks, 20g of flour and cook until thick. Grind 20g of sugar with 150g butter and mix with the cream. 25g gelatin to dissolve in the juice of 1 lemon. To put together with protein mass in a souffle, add the lemon zest. Pour the cake soufflé, decorate with frosting and refrigerate for 6 hours.

‘bird milk’ quiche

Prepare cake: grind 100g butter with 100g sugar, 2 eggs, sachet of vanilla sugar, 150g flour. Lubricate the form of oil and put in her half of the dough. Place in oven for 15 minutes. Put the resulting cake, bake the second in the same way.

To Prepare sugar syrup: 250g sugar in add 80ml of boiling water and stir. Put on fire and dissolve the sugar. Boil the syrup until it becomes sticky. Remove from heat.

To Prepare the cream ‘bird milk’: soak 20 g gelatin to 200 ml of cold boiled water for an hour. Heat gelatin until dissolved, strain. Separate yolks from whites 5 eggs. Beat the whites and put in the refrigerator.

Put the Yolks in a bowl and whisk with half a Cup of sugar. Heat half a Cup of milk and pour slowly into the yolk mass. Put in a water bath so that the water does not touch the bottom, and the bowl covers the bath completely. Cook yolks until thick. Put the resulting custard base to cool in cold water.


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Proteins get, to whisk, adding a pinch of salt. Put ¼ teaspoon of citric acid. Then slowly whisking with a mixer, to enter the hot sugar syrup and gelatin solution. Leave to stand for 5 minutes. 150g softened butter beat with a mixer and, whisking constantly, add in the custard base. The resulting cream to enter into the whites, whisking with the mixer at low speed.

To Make a form with parchment paper, grease the sides with oil. Put the cake and pour protein cream, leaving half a Cup. Cover with the second cake layer and spread the remnants of the cream. Put the cake in the fridge. Melt the chocolate on steam (water bath) and pour in the hot cream. Stir until smooth, cover the top and sides of cake with chocolate. Place in the refrigerator until firm. Put on a dish.

‘bird milk” nuts

The Preparation of sponge cake: beat 4 eggs and gradually add the slaked soda and then a Cup of flour and the same of sugar. Grease the pan, pour the dough and put bake. Cool the sponge and cut into two pieces along.

Cream Preparation: dilute in 150ml warm water 50g gelatine. To postpone for half an hour. A dozen eggs to break and separate the whites from the yolks. Grind the past with a glass of sugar. Pour a glass of milk and a tablespoon of flour. Mix everything and bring a couple bath to a boil. Cool. In the resulting mass add 300g softened butter and a sachet of vanilla sugar. Beat egg whites with a glass of sugar, then add gelatin. Mix the protein and the yolk mass.

The formation of the cake: put the cake into the form and pour the cream. Put the second cake and refrigerate. 60g softened butter to mix with 120g of cocoa powder, 80g of milk, half Cup sugar, all heated over low heat to dissolve the ingredients. Pour the cake icing and crushed nuts. Enjoy your meal!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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