Moral education of preschool children: basics, tools, techniques


2019-08-04 18:00:32




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This article will talk about the moral education of children of preschool age. We will discuss this topic and also talk about the key tools and techniques.

What is it?

To begin, we note that the moral upbringing of children of pre-school age – is a broad concept which includes the whole complex of educational methods, teaching a child moral values. But the child, and before that gradually increases your level of education, is included in a certain social environment begins to interact with others and to develop self-discipline. Therefore it is important and moral education of children of preschool age, which we, too, we say, because just in this period there are significant changes in personality.

The Content of moral education

Since ancient times, philosophers, scientists, parents, writers and educators interested in the question of moral education of future generations. We will not hide that every old generation says falling morals of the youth. Regularly developed new recommendations, the purpose of which is to raise the level of morality.

moral education of preschool children

A Great influence on this process is provided by the state, which actually generates a certain set of necessary qualities. For example, consider the days of communism, when most of the honors were workers. Were arrogant people, who were ready at any time to help and execute the command. In a sense, the identity of the oppressed, while collectivists valued most. When I got out of capitalist relations to the fore, were key to such human traits as the ability to look for unconventional solutions, creativity, initiative, resourcefulness. Naturally, all this affected the upbringing of children.


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Why we need moral education of preschool children?

Many scientists have different answer to this question, but in any case, the answer is ambiguous. Most researchers still agree that to cultivate such qualities in a child is impossible, you can only try to instill in them. To say exactly what it depends on the individual perception of each child, is quite difficult. Most likely, it comes from the family. If a child grows up in a quiet relaxed environment, “Wake” these qualities it will be easier. It is logical that a child who lives in an atmosphere of violence and constant stress, will be worse to yield to attempts of the teacher. Many psychologists say that the problem lies in the disparity between the education a child receives at home and the staff. This contradiction may eventually result in internal conflict.

For example, a case when parents are trying to cultivate in the child a sense of ownership and aggression, and caregivers – to instill such qualities as kindness, friendliness and generosity. Because of this, the child may experience some difficulties in forming their own opinions about the given situation. That is why it is very important for small children to teach higher values, such as kindness, honesty, fairness, regardless of what principles currently guided by his parents. Thanks to this, the child will understand that there is some ideal, and will be able to make their own opinion.

moral and Patriotic education of preschool children

Basic concepts of moral education of preschool children

The First thing to understand – this is what training should be comprehensive. However, in the modern world we are increasingly witnessing a situation when a child, moving from one teacher to another, absorbs completely opposite values. In this case, the normal process of learning is impossible, it will have a chaotic character. At the moment, the purpose of moral and Patriotic education of children of preschool age lies in the full development of the qualities of a collectivist and individual personality.

Very often, educators use a student-centered theory, through which the child learns to openly Express his opinion and defend his position without coming into conflict. Thus formed self-esteem and significance.

However, in order to achieve maximum results, the methods of moral education of preschool children should be chosen thoughtfully and deliberately.the moral education of children of senior preschool age


There are several approaches that are used for the formation of moral qualities. They are implemented through play, work, creativity, literary works (tales), a personal example. Moreover, any approach to moral education has an impact on several complex forms. Here they are:

  • Patriotic feelings;
  • The ratio of power;
  • Personality;
  • Team relationships;
  • The unspoken rules of etiquette.

If the teachers at least a little work in each of these areas, they will create the perfect base. If the whole system of education acted on the same scheme, the skills and knowledge, reinforced each other, would form a solid complexqualities.


The Problem of moral education of preschool children is that the child fluctuates between the two authorities. On the one hand – teachers, on the other – parents. But this issue has a positive side. Preschool institutions and parents, acting together, can achieve excellent results. But, on the other hand, nesformirovannost the identity of the child can be very confusing. Thus, let us not forget that children subconsciously copy the behavior and reactions of the man I consider my mentor.

The Peak of this behavior occurs in the first school years. If in Soviet times, all the shortcomings and mistakes of each child placed on public display, in the modern world such problems are discussed behind closed doors. Moreover, scientists have proved that education and training built on a critique that may not be effective.

At the moment a public disclosure of any problems interpret as punishment. Today, parents can complain to the teacher if they are not satisfied with its working methods. Note that in most cases this intervention is inadequate. But when the moral and Patriotic education of preschool children is of great importance the authority of the teacher. But teachers are becoming less active. They remain neutral, trying not to hurt the baby, but so anything and not teaching.

moral-spiritual education of preschool children


The Goal of the moral education of children of senior preschool age are:

  • The formation of various habits, qualities and ideas about something;
  • The education of humane attitude to nature and to others;
  • The formation of Patriotic feelings and pride for their country;
  • Upbringing of tolerant attitude to people of other nationality;
  • The formation of communication skills to work productively in a team;
  • The formation of an adequate self-esteem.


Spiritual and moral upbringing of preschool children takes place when you use certain tools or techniques which we will discuss below.

First, it is creativity in all its forms: music, literature, fine arts. Thanks to all this, the child learns to perceive the world vividly and feel it. In addition, the work provides an opportunity to Express their own feelings and emotions with words, music or images. Over time the child understands that everyone is free to realize himself as he pleases.

Second, this communion with nature, which is a necessary factor in the formation of a healthy psyche. To begin, we note that spending time in nature always fills not only the child, but any human forces. Watching the world go by, the child learns to analyze and understand the laws of nature. This way the baby understands that many processes are natural and they should not be ashamed.

Third, the activity that manifests itself in games, work or creativity. The child will learn to Express themselves and to present themselves in a certain way, to understand other children and to practice the basic principles of communication. In addition, this baby learns to communicate.

An Important means of spiritually-moral education of preschool children is furnished. As they say, in a basket of rotten apples and healthy will soon begin to deteriorate. Means of moral education of preschool children will be ineffective if the team will not be the right atmosphere. To overestimate the importance of the environment is impossible, as modern scientists have shown that it plays a huge role. Note that even if the person is particularly to anything not seeking, when you change the communication environment it is noticeably changing for the better, gets goals and desires.

Moral-Patriotic education of children of senior preschool age experts have resorted to three main methods.

education of the moral feelings in the child of preschool age

This is the contact for interaction, which is built on respect and trust. In this communication, even when conflict of interest does not begin the conflict, and discussion of the problem. The second method relates to a soft trust-based influence. It lies in the fact that the teacher, with some credibility, can affect the reasoning of the child and adjust them if necessary. The third method is to form positive attitude to competitions and competitions. Actually, of course, refers to the treatment of competition. It is very important to develop the proper sense of the term. Unfortunately, many it has a negative color and is associated with meanness, cunning and dishonest actions towards that person.

A Program of moral education of preschool children involve the development of a harmonious relationship to itself, others and nature. It is impossible to develop a person's morality is only one of these areas, otherwise he will experience strong internal conflicts, and will eventually lean towards a specific party.


The Upbringing moral qualities in children of preschool age is based on some basic concepts.

In the educational institution need to givethe child understand that he is loved. It is very important that the tutor could show their affection and tenderness, because then the children will learn these manifestations in all their diversity, by observing the actions of parents and caregivers.

It is equally important to condemn the ill will and aggression, but not to force the child to suppress their real emotions. The secret is to teach him to properly and adequately Express both positive and negative emotions.

The basis of moral education of children of preschool age are based on the need to create situations of success and to teach children to respond to them. It is very important that the kid learned how to accept praise and criticism. In this age of big importance is the presence of an adult, which would emulate. Often in childhood the unconscious create idols, which in adult life can influence the uncontrollable actions and thoughts of man.

Socio-moral education of preschool children largely relies not only on communication with other people, but also on the solution of logical problems. Thanks to them, the child learns to understand yourself and look at your actions and interpret the actions of others. The specific aim of facing the mentors – to develop the ability to understand their emotions and other people.

The Social part of education lies in the fact that all stages of the child was held with his peers. He needs to see them and their successes, to empathize, to support, to feel healthy competition.the moral education of children of secondary school age

Basic education of children of preschool age is based on the observations of a caregiver. It needs to analyze the child's behavior over a certain period, to note positive and negative trends and to inform parents. It is very important to do it in correct form.

The Problem of spirituality

An Important part of moral education is often lost, namely – a spiritual component. Forget about it both parents and educators. And after all spirituality is based morality. The child can be taught what is good and bad but you can develop this inner state, when he himself will understand what is right and what – not.

In kindergartens religious orientation very often children bring a feeling of pride for their country. Some parents themselves teach children religious faith. Not to say that scientists support this, but in some cases it is really very useful. However, in most cases, kids are lost in the complex twists and turns of religious trends. If you learn that, then this should be done very correctly. It is not necessary to give nesformirovannost person some specialized books, because they will easily knock him out of the way. Much better with images and tales to tell about this topic.

Civil bias

In many children's educational institutions is the emphasis on civic sense. Moreover, many educators consider such feelings a synonym of morality. In kindergartens of the countries in which there is a sharp class inequalities, teachers often try to teach kids unconditional love to their state. While useful in this moral education is not enough. It is unwise to instill reckless love, it is much better to teach your child stories and help him with time to form their own attitude. However, respect for authority, need to educate.

methods of moral education of preschool children


An Important part of raising children is the development of sense of beauty. Shape it just will not work, as the child needs to have some base from the family. It is laid in early childhood when the child is watching their parents. If they like to walk, to visit theaters, to listen to good music, understand art, then the child, not understanding himself, absorbs it all. This baby will be much easier to cause a sense of beauty. It is very important to teach a child to see something good in everything that surrounds it. Let's face it, not all adults possess it.

Thanks to such foundations laid in childhood, grow up talented children, who will change the world and leave their names in the centuries.

Environmental component

At the moment, the environment is very closely intertwined with education, as it is very important to educate the generation that will humanely and reasonably relate to the benefits of the earth. Modern people started this situation, and the environmental issue of concern to many. Everyone understands the consequences of ecological disaster, but in the first place is still worth the money.

Before the modern education and upbringing of children is a serious problem in the cultivation of children's sense of responsibility for their land and the environment. To present a complex moral and Patriotic education of preschool children is impossible without this aspect.

A Child who spends time among environmentally conscious people, will never be a hunter, would never throw garbage on the street etc He will learn from the earliest years to take care of your space, and give it to ponimaia their descendants.

Summarizing the article, say that children – the future of the world. That is from what will be the next generation depends on whether therethe future of our planet. The education of the moral feelings in the child of preschool age is a feasible and good aim, sought by all educators.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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