Theory and methodology of speech development of preschool children


2018-03-17 16:21:12




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For anybody not a secret that human speech – this is not only a way of communicating with each other. First of all, is a psycho-physical portrait of the man himself. In fact, as expressed by certain people, you can tell about the level of their education, worldview, tastes and Hobbies. The main period of the formation of correct speech in the preschool years. At this time the child is an active knowledge of the world.

When should I start?

Under the new educational standard (FSES) great attention is being given to the development of speech in children of preschool age. At the age of 3 years in the normal development of the child in its vocabulary should be about 1200 words, and 6-year-old - about 4,000.

methods of speech development preschoolersAll the specialists in preschool educational institutions (Pei) are hard at work on development of speech of their students. The goal of all is one, but the ways everyone uses their own, depending on DOE's methodology. One or the other technique of development of speech of preschool children provides an opportunity for teachers-teachers to use the successful experience of professionals working on this issue.

Who and what teaches children?

If you look at the diploma, and we are talking about qualified professionals, and there you can see such discipline as “theory and methodology of speech development of children of preschool age". Studying this subject, a future specialist gets the theoretical knowledge about the language development of children by age categories, as well as getting acquainted with the various methods of conducting classes in preschool according to age group of trainees.


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theory and methods of speech development preschoolersEach person known from history lessons, how to form human speech. Its creation went from simple to complex. First it was the sound, then individual words, and then words began to form sentences. Each child is in his life all these stages of formation of speech. As far as literary correct and rich is his it depends on parents, caregivers and society, which surrounded the baby. The teacher-educator is the main representative sample for the use of speech in everyday life.

Goals and objectives of the formation of speech

Right goals and tasks of development of speech of preschool children help teachers most effectively work on this problem.

Strunina e m methods of speech development preschoolersThe Main objective of the language development of children of preschool age is formation of oral speech of the child and of skills to communicate with others on the basis of knowledge of the literary language of his people.

The Tasks that will help in achieving this goal, the following:

  • Education of sound of speech culture of the child;
  • Enrichment, strengthening and activating the vocabulary of the child;
  • Improvement of grammatically correct speech of the child;
  • Development of coherent speech of the child;
  • The education of the child's interest in artistic expression;
  • The child's learning the native language.

the development of speech in preschool children in play activitiesTo Achieve the solution of the set tasks and to achieve the final result goal with the release of the child from DOW helps the technique of development of speech of preschool children.

Techniques for language development in preschool

Any method, regardless of the subject, always constructed from the simple to the complex. And it is impossible to learn how to perform complicated tasks if there is no skill in performing more simple. At the moment there are several methods for the development of speech. Most often, DOE used two methods.

the technique of speech development at preschool ageThe Technique of development of speech of preschool children P. L. Fedorenko, G. A., Fomicheva, V. K. lotareva, historian allows in theory to learn about the language development of children from a very early age (2 weeks) and up to seven years, and also contains practical advice for teachers. This Handbook can benefit not only the technician but also any concerned parent.

The Book Ushakova O. S., Strunina E. M. "Methodology of development of speech of children of preschool age" – a Handbook for educators. Here wide open the aspects of speech development of children by age group preschool, given the development of the class.

methodology of development of speech of preschool children l p FedorenkoData methods on the speech development of children it all starts with the audio lessons, where the teachers teach and monitor the cleanliness and correctness of pronunciation. In addition, only specially trained people can know what age and what sounds need to put the child. For example, the sound of “R” need to try to begin to say at the age of 3 years, of course, if the child is not found it before yourself, but this does not mean that before this the sound work is being done. The baby promptly and properly learned how to pronounce the sound of “R”, educators conduct preparatory work, namely working with children gymnastics of the tongue in the form of games.

Game – the main way of development of speech

In the contemporary world theory and methods of speech development preschoolers say one thing that the main method is a game with a child. The basis of this supposed mental development, namely emotional level of development, if the child is passive, and with it he will be problems. And to encourage the child to emotions, because they serve as the impetus for the speech, comes to the aid of the game. Familiar baby things become interesting again. For example, a game called "drive the wheel". Here first the teacher rolls the wheel from the hill, saying: “the Wheel round from a hill rolled down and the carpet then rolled”. In children it usually causes delight. Then the teacher offers to roll the wheel to one of the guys, and again pronounces the same words.

The Children, without knowing it, beginning to chant. Such games are the techniques for DOE quite a lot, they are all different. In older age classes already held in the form of role-playing games, there is already communication is not the teacher-child and child-child. For example, it games such as “mom”, “the game is in the profession" and others. The development of speech in preschool children in play activities is most effective.

Causes of poor speech development in preschool child

One of the most common causes of poor speech development in a child is the lack of attention from adults, especially if the child itself is by nature calm. Most of these children from a very early age sitting in his crib, zasidannya toys, and occasionally parents, busy with their Affairs, come into the room to see if everything is in order.

goals and objectives of the development of speech of children of preschool ageThe Other reason too is the fault of adults. This one-word communication with the child. In view of such statements as “move”, “do not disturb”, “do not touch”, “give”. If the child will not hear complex sentences, and to require from him nothing, he just to take one example to follow. After all, it's quite easy to tell the child ‘give me that toy” or “don't touch, it's hot in here”, and how many words will be added in the dictionary.

A Fine line between the development of speech and psychological development of the baby

If two of the above reasons for poor development of speech the child is completely excluded, and it is poorly developed, it is necessary to look for the causes in his mental health. From an early age and to school most children can't think abstractly. Therefore, to teach toddler speech, using some specific examples, or Association. Methodology of development of speech of preschool children is constructed based on the study of psychological development of children. There is a very thin line between the development of speech and mental development. At the age of 3 years the child begins to develop logic and imagination. And often parents are concerned about the appearance of fantasies, starting to accuse the child of lying. In any case, you should not do that, because the child may withdraw into themselves and stop talking. No need to be afraid of fantasy, they just need to send in the right direction.

How to help your child, if it develops bad?

Of Course, every child is different. And if the child is four years is expressed only separate words, not connected, even in simple sentences, then you need to call on the help of additional specialists. Methods of speech development in the preschool years provides for the inclusion in the process of education of specialists such as teacher-speech therapist and educational psychologist. Such children often define in logopedic group, where they are engaged more intensively. No need to be afraid of speech therapy groups, as many will delight at the child when he will be able to speak logically related and correct.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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