What is ravioli? Recipes ravioli


2018-05-10 12:00:53




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In cooking, there are many dishes that have external similarity, but nevertheless significantly different from each other. That's why experts are still arguing, figuring out what is ravioli. To give the correct answer to this question, it is necessary to get acquainted with the product.

Product Description and its features

Best of all about what is ravioli, can you tell the Italians. It is in their national cuisine, this product is one of the leading places along with pizza, risotto and spaghetti. These are the products from unleavened dough polustanova, which are very reminiscent of our Russian pelmeni. In fact, they are a special kind of pasta. Exactly answer any Italian cook, if he asks, what is ravioli. These products can have very different shapes:

  • Quadrato;
  • Ellipse;
  • Kruga;
  • Treugolnika;
  • Polmesjatsa.

what is ravioli

It All depends on what fixtures are used for their preparation. In addition, make ravioli with different fillings. They are:

  • Meat;
  • Ptitsy;
  • Rybnye;
  • Ovoshnye;
  • Fruktovye;
  • Sarnia;
  • Smeshannye.

These original articles can be as a separate dish, and garnish. If they use a sweet filling (fruit or chocolate), they immediately turn into a very delicious and unique dessert.


Historians say that the first mention of ravioli can be attributed to the 14th century. It was then in the letters of Francesco Marco talked about the unusual dish of stuffed boiled dough. If we assume this product is a kind of paste, he could appear only after 5 centuries. Indeed, the name of this dish came in the dictionary in 1841. So, what is ravioli and how they differ from our famous Russian dumplings? Though both of these products and represent products made of dough with filling, but the difference is still there:


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  1. Dumplings made to sculpt the hands, and the technology of making ravioli requires the use of special forms. This fact confirms once again that Italian dish is a kind of paste.
  2. Filling is typically used a dough consisting of flour, salt and water. Prefabricated, used to make ravioli, definitely contains eggs and vegetable oil.
  3. In Russia the pelmeni was always customary to boil in boiling water. This way of processing is considered a classic for such a product. At the same time the ravioli is cooked in different ways. They not only cooked but also fried in oil or in deep fat.

Such differences are mainly based on national characteristics and taste preferences of people from different countries.

Italian “dumplings" with minced chicken

How to cook the famous Italian ravioli? Recipe and photo for such a case would be the best. It will help to make all correctly and to avoid possible errors. As an example you can consider the option where will need the following products:

  • To test:

3 ½ cups flour, 4 eggs, 50 milliliters of water, 10 grams salt and 17 grams of vegetable oil.

  • For the filling:

0,6 kg chicken mince, 2 cloves of garlic, 1 shallot medium size, salt, crude egg, 3 sprigs of cilantro or parsley and pepper.

  • For sauce:

½ Cup white wine, shallots, 250 grams butter, 30 grams of wine vinegar, 4 sprigs of cilantro and fresh Basil, salt, 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh parsley and ground black pepper.

ravioli recipe with photo

The Whole process of cooking can be divided into several stages:

  1. First, you need to make the dough. For this purpose the eggs must be well beaten, then add the water, butter and salt.
  2. Put the Flour into a bowl, and in the center to make a small indentation, which drain the cooked mixture. Mixing is carried out with the help of a fork in a circular motion from the middle to the edges.
  3. Knead the dough, occasionally stretching it until it will not stick to hands. This will require at least 10-15 minutes. After that, the semi-finished product need give the lie under normal room temperature for about 1 hour.
  4. At this time, you can start the sauce. First, chopped onions drenched in vinegar and wine, put on the fire and wait until the moisture is completely evaporated.
  5. Add the butter and a little whipping the mixture.
  6. After this you should enter the chopped green pepper, salt, and all mix well.
  7. To prepare the filling, you just combine all the ingredients. However, the pre-need finely chopped herbs, onions and garlic.
  8. Divide the Dough into 4 parts, each roll out into a thin layer.
  9. To prepare the ravioli is better to buy a special form. First, it should cover half of one leaf. Then, making small holes over the holes, fill them with stuffing. Then cover the shape of the second part of the layer and rolled with a rolling pin.
  10. After that, the finished product should be put in boiling water by adding one tablespoon of butter and salt. Cook for 4 minutes.

Now only remains the ravioli on a platter and pour prepared sauce.

Pasta with mushroom stuffing

What else can you cook ravioli? Recipe with photos will tell the novice mistress, as, for example, to make a popular dish with a filling of fresh mushrooms. In this caseto use the dough without eggs. The quality of the finished product is not affected. Of the products you will need:

  • To test:

300 g of flour, 60 milliliters of olive oil, salt and 165 milliliters of water.

  • For the filling:

400 grams of any fresh mushrooms, egg, salt, 50 grams butter, 100 grams of onion.

Preparation Method:

  1. First we need to knead the dough, using the familiar standard technique. The finished semi-finished product needs to stand for a bit.
  2. Filling Preparation starts with grinding the main products. Onions and mushrooms need to randomly crumble, then fry in oil until evaporated all the moisture. After that, the mixture should be salt and leave to cool slightly.
  3. To prepare the ravioli do not have to have a special form. The dough can be divided in half and then each piece just roll out the layer.
  4. One-sheet small slides put the stuffing.
  5. Free spaces to coat with the beaten egg.
  6. Cover with the second sheet.
  7. Cut products, using a special knife.

Then the finished ravioli can be boiled or fried depending on the desires of the hostess.

Methods of shaping

The Secret of making ravioli is a special way of molding blanks. If the mold dumplings by hand, gently samipya fingers, popular Italian dishes there are special devices:

  1. Notched knife. First, on a thin layer of dough with a teaspoon unfolds filling. Between the slides must remain a small distance of at least 3-4 inches. The filling should cover with the second sheet, the intervals must be cut with a special knife. As a result, the products produce dramatic scalloped edge.
  2. Form. Depending on size it may have a different number of cells. First, it made the first test layer. Then in places where there are holes, put the stuffing. Then the structure is covered with another layer, and carefully roll with a rolling pin. After that, the finished product falls through the openings and end up on the desktop.
  3. Notched rolling pin. This original fixture is a cylinder in the form of a screw with three longitudinal ribs. Laminating this with a rolling pin in design, consisting of two sheets of dough with filling, it is possible to obtain the workpiece (envelopes), which will then remain only to cut, notched knife.

cooking ravioli

Derived from such actions ravioli, you can continue to fry, boil or bake in the oven, the Bay previously prepared sauce.

Ravioli with cheese filling

In Italy, often made ravioli and cheese. This type of filling best suited to national traditions of this country. For cooking you will need the following components: 250 grams of goat cheese, a little butter, 150 grams flour, salt, 75 grams of mashed boiled beets, egg, cheese “Cheese”, pepper and chopped parsley.

ravioli with cheese

It Made this dish in stages:

  1. First, to prepare a colored paste is necessary to drive carefully in the flour, fresh egg, and then add the beets and salt. The dough should be soft and elastic enough. To Mature it needs to be wrapped in foil and briefly set aside.
  2. To prepare the filling, cheese salt, and then gently mash it with a fork, adding a little pepper and herbs.
  3. Roll the Dough on the table sprinkled with flour, in the form of a thin layer.
  4. To Distribute it with a teaspoon stuffing between slides remained a distance of about 4-5 inches.
  5. Products to cover the second fin and press with your hands so that they stuck together.
  6. Knife disc with a curved blade to carefully split the design into parts.

Now the ravioli should be boiled in salted water and then bring to the table, watering with oil and sprinkle with grated cheese "Parmesan".

Italian classic

Classic ravioli – it is the product, which the Italians used to cook with ricotta with spinach. To make them, in principle, easy. Importantly, there was the following ingredients: ½ kg of flour, 2 whole eggs and 8 egg yolks and 2 protein, 30 milliliters of olive oil, ¼ teaspoon of salt and of grated nutmeg, 30 grams of cheese "Parmesan" 150 grams of spinach and ricotta.

classic ravioli

To properly cook the ravioli, it is necessary to perform all operations in sequence:

  1. First of flour, 2 eggs and 8 egg yolks need to knead elastic dough. After that it is about 30 minutes supposed to lie down in the refrigerator.
  2. For the filling, lightly fry in oil, washed, dried, and arbitrarily chopped spinach. Once the greens are reduced in volume, it is necessary to add other components.
  3. Divide the Dough into two parts, each roll out thinly.
  4. One-sheet neat slides to spread the filling.
  5. Cover all the second layer and pressed his hands in between.
  6. Split the workpiece into separate ravioli.
  7. Products boil in lightly salted water.

Serve these ravioli to the table you want hot, watering them with olive oil and sprinkled with grated cheese. However, he should have time to melt.

Scent of forest

Every woman can come up with a filling for ravioli. A classic recipe allowsto use all options. Take, for example, one where the pasta is cooked with potatoes and mushrooms. Here we need the following ingredients:

  • To test:

½ pounds of flour, 100 milliliters of olive oil, 20 grams of salt and 4 eggs and 2 egg yolks.

  • For the filling:

6 potatoes, an onion, 300 grams of fresh mushrooms, ground pepper, 60 grams of butter and salt.

The Process of making these ravioli is similar to the previous versions:

  1. The First is preparing the dough. To do this in a bowl with sifted flour, you must add all the other components. A batch usually lasts about 10 minutes. After this finished semi-finished product should be wrapped in plastic wrap and put in a couple of hours in the refrigerator.
  2. For the filling, first you need to boil the potatoes. Then, you can mash into a puree and cool. Separately in a pan fry chopped mushrooms with onions. Then the products need to connect, add a little salt and pepper and mix well.
  3. Roll the Dough to a thickness of 1 mm and cut into equal strips. Their width depends on what size will be ravioli. Next, you need to do the following: one strip of small slides put the stuffing. The distance between them should be about 2 inches. Cover with the products of the second strip and slightly press it. Then notched with a knife with teeth to cut through the workpiece into uniform slices. The same applies with the rest strips.
  4. Ready to Boil ravioli in salted water with oil.

After that, the product can be eaten. As a Supplement it is best to use a flavoured oil (garlic or Basil).

Vegetarian option

Still at home preparing ravioli? A classic Italian recipe with a photo will clearly show how you can fry these unusual "dumplings". You will need: 300 grams of finished dough, onion, 200 grams of the pulp of fresh pumpkin, 50 grams of green peas and 1 tomato.

ravioli a classic Italian recipe with photo

In this case, cooking will be as follows:

  1. For the filling: pumpkin flesh and onions should be cut into cubes and then fry them, adding the peas, until tender.
  2. Turn the Mixture into a puree using the blender.
  3. Roll the Dough into a thin layer and very little fluff it with water.
  4. On one side of the sheet is the same slide put the stuffing. The distance between them should correspond to the size of products.
  5. Cover the filling-free side of the sheet and press firmly.
  6. Cut the design into pieces using a special knife with a curved blade.
  7. Boil items for 5 minutes in boiling water.
  8. In a pan in oil to fry chopped into pieces tomatoes.
  9. Add the ravioli and warm foods together for 3 minutes.

The Finished product is very pleasant to fans of vegetables. Roasted tomatoes complement the taste of fresh pumpkin and will be a real gift for the true vegetarians.

Traditional option

To prepare this unusual dish in the spirit of true Italian tradition, it is better to use the classic dough recipe for ravioli. It requires a minimum set of products: 250 grams of flour, a little salt, 2 eggs and 4 yolks.

classic dough recipe for ravioli

A Distinguishing feature of this option is that there is practically no water. Moisture is taken mostly from egg whites. The result is a brightly colored mass, which is really similar to real pasta. To cook it is not difficult:

  1. Sift the Flour, and then pour it into the bowl.
  2. Beat Eggs with salt.
  3. Gradually add them to the flour, translational circular motion to produce a kneading.

To the semi-finished product was soft and supple, it is necessary to remember one important rule: for every 100 grams of flour should take one egg. If the mixture gets too thick, then you need to slowly add the yolks. Not only will this fix the texture, but also make dough color is more bright and beautiful. Next, the ravioli are cooked depending on the recipe.

Article in other languages:

BE: https://tostpost.com/be/ezha-napo/1933-shto-takoe-pel-men-recepty-prygatavannya-pel-men.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/essen-und-trinken/1930-was-ist-ravioli-rezepte-kochen-ravioli.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/alimentos-y-bebidas/1935-qu-es-raviolis-recetas-de-cocina-de-los-raviolis.html

KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/azy--t-l-k-zh-ne-susyndar/1933-b-l-ravioli-recepter-dayyndau-ravioli.html

PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/jedzenie-i-picie/1936-co-to-jest-ravioli-przepisy-kulinarne-ravioli.html

PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/refei-es-e-bebidas/1933-o-que-o-ravioli-receitas-cozinhar-ravioli.html

TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/yiyecek-ve-i-ecek/1939-ne-mant-m-yemek-tarifleri-mant.html

UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/zha-napo/1935-scho-take-rav-ol-recepti-prigotuvannya-rav-ol.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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