How to reduce the pressure at home


2019-08-14 06:00:23




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Most of the world's population suffers from hypertension, which equally affects both kids and adults. Medication does not always produce the desired result. And in some cases simply impossible. Therefore, you should know how to reduce pressure in house conditions.

A Significant part of the modern diseases arise from poor lifestyle and nutrition. The fast pace of everyday Affairs, the improper selection of foods, lack of sleep and vitamins lead to a variety of ailments, including hypertension. Costs a bit to change habits and you can see the improvement in his General condition.

Let's examine more on how to reduce pressure in house conditions.

  • With the help of medicines prescribed by your doctor. The tablets should be sucked or held under the tongue. This method will lead to the most rapid effects of drugs on the body.
  • Take any diuretic. It will help you to quickly reduce the pressure to 30 units. Fluid retention in the body due to excessive salt intake must be eliminated.
  • Use breathing exercises. A deep breath and slow exhalation stabilizes heart rhythm and reduces blood pressure.
  • Exclude from their habits of Smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages and reduce the consumption of caffeine.
  • If you have a curvy figure, then you need to reduce weight. Every five pounds will lower your blood pressure by a few points.
  • Try to drink plenty of clean water without gas.
  • Let your body rest at least 8 hours a day and must learn to relax.
  • Use the knowledge of herbalists to lower blood pressure folk remedies.

Performing General recommendations to improve overall health. But there are emergency cases requiring ambulance, and medications on hand was not and the medical establishment is far enough away. Than to lower blood pressure quickly?

  • Take a hot bath for the feet, but not longer than 15 minutes. In this case, the blood ebbed from the heart and the head to the feet. You will immediately become easier.
  • Use aromatherapy. The effect of the oil of lemon, orange, lavender and bergamot will help relieve the spasm. Enough to massage a few drops into the temples, forehead and above the upper lip.
  • Take cabbage leaves and apply them to the temples, forehead and eyes. You will immediately become much easier. Change them as soon as they will overheat from your body.
  • Drink a small Cup of tea with two lemon wedges. Long drink of boiling water and lemon without sugar.

If the attacks of hypertension complicate your life, as recommended by doctor do not bring significant improvement, you need to know how to reduce the pressure at home with traditional methods.

  • Prepare an infusion of hawthorn. To do this, take two cups water and two tablespoons of hawthorn berries, heat, and wrapped in a towel, leave for at least 4 hours. This drink should be taken once a month, three times a day. For one moment, that I had half a Cup of this infusion.
  • Be Sure to eat as much blueberries, viburnum, cranberry and rose hips.
  • Make an infusion from a tablespoon of Rowan berries and a Cup of boiling water. Take it half a Cup twice a day.
  • Great tool to control blood pressure, is the mixture. For its preparation take three pounds of onions, a pound of honey, half a liter of vodka and twenty-five partitions of the walnuts. The onions squeeze the juice and mix with honey. In the obtained mass add the vodka and partitions. Mix thoroughly, close the container with a lid and insist 10 days in a dark and cool place. Taken three times a day a tablespoon. Our facility stored in the refrigerator.

Use all of the knowledge and skills to assist yourself and your loved ones. After all, knowing how to reduce the pressure at home, and successfully applying them in practice, you will provide an invaluable service to your body.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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