First day on the job: how to behave? The advice of a psychologist


2018-03-18 04:20:24




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The Long search for a suitable workplace and the interview is finally behind us. It would seem that having obtained a coveted post, you can forget about experiences. However, you are constantly worried about how will be the first day on the job. This excitement is understandable, but do not be too afraid. Thorough preparation, self-control and advice of psychologists will help you to make a good impression on new colleagues.

first day at my new job

Start to prepare in advance

If at the end of the interview, you were accepted to work, do not immediately run away, scattering in thanks, and hurries to celebrate his win with friends and family. Take a deep breath, pull yourself together and ask a few important questions to the head. In order for your first day of work went as easy as possible, please specify the following information:

  • Who you will meet, who will oversee your work and who you can contact for help and advice;
  • Specify work schedule;
  • Certainly ask whether it is installed in your organization's dress code;
  • Make a list of the documents which you need to carry for registration;
  • Find out which software products you will have to run to the house how should they study it;
  • Sure to write down all the information in a notebook, so that nothing is forgotten.

It Never hurts to additionally go through the official website of the organization in which you are going to work. There you can find additional information and also to fix in the memory the received data.

first day at work, the advice of a psychologist

What to do before the day

The First day on a new job is definitely a lot of stress. To minimize the experience, it should be carefully prepared the day before. It is best to spend the day at your leisure - go with friends to the movies or go camping with family. You should get maximum of positive emotions, to leave no place for excitement. Be sure to bed early.

In order to get in a hurry not to forget anything, in the evening, do the following:


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  • Decide on your working wardrobe and prepare all the things that in the morning you only have to dress up;
  • Make a list of necessary documents and immediately put them in the bag;
  • Make the action script in the morning, not to get confused;
  • Plan how you will get to work, given all the contingencies, to eliminate the delay.

Never put off fees for the morning. Believe me, you will not before. Better to sleep an extra half hour to prepare a delicious Breakfast and time with hair or makeup.

First day at work - a psychologist's advice

Everything new is stressful, especially when it comes to work. You will have to get used to an unfamiliar community and quickly understand their duties. Of course, an untrained person can get confused or even get mad. That's why you should take a highly responsible attitude to this event as the first day on the job. How to behave, tell psychologists:

  • Put aside the extra experience. Everyone goes through a complex process of adaptation of the personnel. Tune in to what each day you will be all the easier.
  • Contact with colleagues polite as possible. In this case, your face should radiate friendliness. So you quickly make contact with the staff and find friends.
  • Be involved. Empathy failures and joy for the successes of colleagues is an important moment in establishing contacts. However, the obsession to show not worth it.
  • Your problems and troubles should not be made public. In addition, in no case do not show personal hostility to colleagues.
  • In Any case, don't host on someone else's workplace. Even if the firm in order to use someone's phone, a stapler or a printer, on the first business day this is not worth it.
  • Don't talk too much about yourself, not to show off their skills and talents. The first is to show interest in the work.
  • First day at work will be devoted to observations. This applies not only workflow, but also the behavior of colleagues. Knowing their traits, it will be easier to adapt to the team.
  • Do Not wait until the bosses will cause you to make a remark. The first time should themselves be accountable to management for the purpose of control of execution to work.
  • Chase away negativity and gloom. Imagine what you can achieve today, next week, next month, next year. Thoughts are material, therefore they should be positive and bright.
  • Use the status of a newbie and do not seek immediately to show brilliant results. To begin, try to deeply understand the details of the job.

The Main rule that should guide starting a new business is a positive mood. Come to the office with smiles and wishes of a good day's work. It is very important to do it sincerely. If you have no mood, you do not need strained grimaces. Enough to be limited to a polite greeting.

first day at work after the holidays

What not to do

The first day on the job, many make mistakes that can hinder further adaptation in the team. To meeting colleagues went smooth, in any case it is not necessary to do the following:

  • To be late (even if it was not your fault in the eyes of colleagues and superiors, and you will be a man of punctuality);
  • Forget the names (it would seem, a trifle, but it can offend, and therefore write, if you are not confident in your memory);
  • Flatter as bosses and employees;
  • Show off (better to prove his superiority excellent work);
  • To talk about his previous work (perhaps colleagues will listen with interest, but his superiors may not like it);
  • To set their own rules in the office; to take on too many commitments both in terms of work and in terms of personal relationships with colleagues;
  • Insist on something, if you do not understand the question;
  • To keep the friendship with the boss or senior officials (especially if you got place for their patronage);
  • Immediately to impose its friendship or more intimate relationship.

Of Course, nobody is insured from mistakes, but the first time it is better to keep yourself under control. If you manage to prove your worth and become a valuable employee, you will have to forgive some missteps.

What you need to get on the first day

The First day on a new job - is a serious challenge. However, you need to put aside the panic and enable rational thinking. To further the work easy for you, the first day you must complete the following minimum program:

  • Take the initiative in getting acquainted with colleagues. Remember, you got into an already established team, and to take it to a certain niche, you need to make an effort.
  • Take as soon as organization of the workplace. In the future you may simply not be time for this. That way, you will be able to create the impression of an active and industrious man.
  • Try to really take in all the features work in this team and understand its atmosphere. Show observation.
  • Understand the specifics of their work, as well as the particularities of the regime. Assemble and examine all documentation, which contains information about your rights, responsibilities and other significant conditions.

first day

If you are the head of the Department

Sometimes the boss has to adapt to the new workplace is much harder than an ordinary employee. If you are a Department head, then on the first day and in its future work should be guided by such rules:

  • In no case do not criticize a subordinate in front of his colleagues;
  • Leave with his personal impression of the person - you have the right to speak only about his professional qualities;
  • Clearly and specifically Express their thoughts, giving instructions or making comments;
  • Criticism should improve performance, not to be a means of self-expression;
  • Informal communication with subordinates be be polite and be friendly;
  • Be mindful of your employees always refer their Wellness and holiday greetings.

first day of work new employee

After the holiday

First day at work after a holiday can be torture. Even inveterate workaholics the end a well deserved rest can fall into depression from having to get back to their routine duties. As stated by the psychologists, this condition is normal and eventually passes. Nevertheless, by the end of the vacation it is better to prepare in advance.

Plan your vacation so that the vacation ended 2-3 days before going to work. At this time is to adjust the sleep mode - to get used to early to bed and early to Wake up. But with a head dive into the everyday things not worth it, because you are still in legal holiday.

It Should be noted that it is difficult enough to sustain a full working week after the holidays. That's why post...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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