System pull-UPS on the bar from scratch: features techniques, tips for beginners


2018-03-26 00:32:22




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Individual pull-UPS on the horizontal bar required for each person who wants to have a strong and ridged muscles. Because this exercise has long been considered effective and useful. Now horizontal bars or rails located on all playgrounds in every yard, the gym. All the people pull-UPS familiar from school days, but not everyone knows and understands that to achieve real results you will need to do much more and better than is offered in the training programs for specific ages.

system of pull-UPS on the bar with zero

This Article explains what constitutes pullups, their right to perform and will also help to deal with the question of how does the system pull-UPS on the bar the benefit or is it a waste of time. To achieve maximum results, you must follow all rules and to follow the recommendations present in the article.

History and theory

In Ancient Greece and many other developed and developing States, there has not been a system of pull-UPS on the bar, but they definitely were part of a complex of the basic exercises. In those days people realized that this kind of training quite well strengthens muscles, helps build mass and forms a harmonious shape.

Tibetan monks developed the first system of pull-UPS on the bar from scratch, improving an existing technique. They had a few original elements that give the opportunity for a short time to achieve great heights. At the present day, people have known is not one system of pullings up on a horizontal bar. Among the variety of unique methods to find the best option to be able to every person, whether a beginner or a seasoned athlete.


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system of pullings up on a horizontal bar

Which muscles can be pumped

Athletes, for a long time working on the bar, know exactly what these exercises. For beginners it is unknown all the advantages of the horizontal bar. So, before you go to the pull-UPS on the bar for beginners, you need to understand what groups of muscles you can pump using this shell:

  • Biceps;
  • Upper and lower abs;
  • Chest muscles;
  • Forearms;
  • The back muscles.

The Bar, of course, is a universal exercise equipment, because it allows you to work out all the body at the proper level.

Exercises on the bar

People often turn to the pull-UPS on the bar in order to develop muscles, and perform more complicated exercises. Because really, the crossbar provides a sufficiently broad field for the imagination of the athlete. On this shell, you can perform incredible stunts and exercises, developing different muscle groups.

system of pullings up on a horizontal bar Armstrong

The Most popular exercises is presented below. They attract the attention of not only men, but women, despite their complexity.

At the end of individual pull-UPS on the bar, for the month you will achieve significant results, these exercises will seem easy and will not hesitate to perform on the street or in the gym.


Among the athletes of different categories the most common of this exercise. Its main feature is the fact that it is popular even among the masters of martial arts who prefer to constantly develop their endurance, strength and agility. But with all this we should not forget that this exercise in no case be included in the system of pull-UPS on the bar from scratch, because it is not always easy even for experienced athletes.

The Method of execution of a burpee is not so difficult, but it requires maximum concentration. The first thing you need to take starting position - stand in front of the bar, extend hands along the body and feet positioned clearly apart. Followed all to perform in a fast pace

  • Squat;
  • Jump jump to front support position;
  • Do one pushup;
  • Again jump back on his haunches;
  • Take the starting position;
  • Jump and perform a pull-up;
  • To return to the starting position.


Cor is almost fully functional system pull-UPS on the bar to build muscle, develop strength and endurance. An unusual set of exercises can be easily performed in the home, as the only projectile is the horizontal bar.

The First step you need to take exactly the same starting position as in previous exercise. Next, you need to perform the movement in this order:

  • Jump to the bar and do pull-up;
  • Raise your straight legs so they were perpendicular to the body;
  • Pausing in this position for a few seconds, the legs should be deleted;
  • Re-raise feet, but under a right angle, and then lower;
  • Once again, raise the straight leg so to socks touched the rungs;
  • To return to the starting position.

This exercise should be repeated at least four approaches.

system of pull-UPS on the bar incrementally

The Best system of pull-UPS on the bar step by step is given below. She issuitable for beginners, but more experienced athletes will need more of a challenge. For them the ideal option would be to perform this exercise before and following a daily pull-UPS on this system.

How to catch

Many young athletes want to develop a system for pull-UPS on the bar. 50 times, of course, to catch up can not no rookie, so many of them seek by their own efforts to achieve good results. Unfortunately, most it can't do that, because not every person, not previously involved with sports, knows how to catch up. Because of this, people get injured instead of the desired result, and it is much easier to spend time learning theory than to walk after their own indiscretions.

The pull-UPS back and legs must be straight. Raise the trunk of the body is necessary to emphasis that the chin touches the bar. The horizontal bar contains a lot of secrets that can lead to the success of any athlete. Fortunately, solving them is not necessary, because it is already made by other people:

  1. In order to build mass you need to climb as slowly as possible, and to descend, on the contrary, quickly.
  2. To strengthen muscles and increase endurance, you will need to perform rapid ascents, but the fall will slow.
  3. To improve stretching and flexibility should be at a fast pace to climb and descend, and between the approaches recommended simply hang on the bar for ten seconds.

Types of pull-UPS

As you know, to catch up in different ways:

  1. The Straight grip. In this kind of lifting on the bar hands need to be sent back towards the projectile. Slim, straight grip, hands at shoulder level; medium straight grip, hands wider than shoulder width apart about 10 cm; wide straight grip, the hands are located as far away from each other.
  2. Reverse grip. In this case, the hands should be aimed palms to the bar. Here you can also catch up a narrow, medium or wide grip.

system of pullings up on a horizontal bar 50 times

Tips for novices

The aspiring athletes who have never moved up in life and do it for a very long time, be sure to listen to the recommendations that give real professionals. Experienced athletes can recommend some great ways to learn to catch up with zero. Among them:

  1. With the stool. Standing on it, to make the pulling much easier. Reaching the highest point, you want to stay in this position for about three seconds, and each subsequent rise gradually increase that time.
  2. Insurance is with rubber. This method involves tying himself for the belt sports a special rubber band, which is the other end attached to the horizontal bar. Thanks to this support item to get to the top point will be easier.

Pull-UPS on the bar for beginners: the program

The Perfect program that is understandable and accessible to all, will be the following.


As can be seen, the load increases gradually and gently enough to save the sportsman from superfluous traumas, the as well as fatigue. After having successfully completed the first month of training, the load required to increase approximately by 2-3 times.

system of pullings up on a horizontal bar for the month


Before you start training on the bar, you need to learn the rules that will help to avoid injury and to get the desired effect as quickly as possible. These include the following items:

  1. As before any exercise, prior to the pull-UPS need to execute a warm-up. It only takes 5-10 minutes of cardio (running, jump rope, Bicycle, walk at a fast pace, and so on).
  2. To increase mass you need to reconsider your diet. It must contain more protein, and eating sweets should be kept to a minimum. You should also slightly increase the amount consumed daily calories, which will help to prevent drying of the muscle mass.
  3. Absolutely every workout should conclude with stretching. This will allow the muscles to recover faster after a workout.

Pull-UPS on the horizontal bar Armstrong

This system used the well-known major of the marine corps of the United States of America Charles Lewis Armstrong. The program includes all the necessary items that contribute to physical perfection: overload, variety, regularity.

People who have already tried to imagine this system, has achieved incredible results in just 5-6 weeks. At the end of the programme almost all beginners already can perform over 20 pull-UPS in just one approach.

system of pull-UPS on the horizontal bar the use of

Morning exercise

Every morning, just after rising, you must perform exactly three sets of push-UPS to maximum. Pushups are the best exercise which helps to strengthen the muscles of the shoulderbelt. Sam Armstrong performed the first set of push-UPS immediately on deck, and then went to the bathroom, where he cleaned up. Then he again came on deck, served for the second set and again went to the bathroom to shave. Immediately after that the major came to my cabin and performed the final set and went to take a relaxing shower.

This type of Exercise you need to perform every morning. A lot of people to achieve a good result requires about a month. This is the time that the morning sets will become a habit and will become an integral part of the training.


To Start the pull is recommended after about 4-5 hours after morning sets. The Armstrong program is divided into 5 training days (weekdays). That is, you need to deal with from Monday to Friday, but on weekends be sure to give the body and muscles to relax.

On the first day you want to do five sets, push yourself to the max. Intervals between execution of sets should be no more than 90 seconds. To worry about the number of repetitions is not necessary, as all the time required to do your best, applying all their efforts.

Workout on the second day is built on the "pyramid". Start with one repetition and then add one in each approach, reaching the maximum.

On the third day you need to do three sets medium straight grip, and then the same narrow grip. Breaks between each set should last exactly one minute.

On the fourth day you need to perform the maximum number of sets with breaks in one minute. Need to catch up to until get it right.

In the last day you need to repeat any of the four days, which seemed the most difficult. Each week the fifth day is bound to be different from the previous one.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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