How can you get better at home?


2019-06-19 23:20:33




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You can Often find the question of how to lose weight and get into old jeans. Much less people are concerned about how to get better in a short time. But still this problem exists, should not close her eyes.

healthy foods for weight

Get started

Evaluate your calorie needs for weight gain. First, you need to determine the total energy costs. Thin men need to multiply your weight in kg by 9, and slender women - 7. Then, multiply this number by an activity factor. If you lead a sedentary life, use a factor of 1.3; if you are doing exercises in the morning or have a job "on his feet" (the consultant at the store, etc.), use 1.6 if you are a man, and 1.5, if you are a woman.

If you are moderately active, you must use an activity factor of 1.7 if you are a man, and 1.6 for women. Once you've determined your ratio, add 500 to that number for your total calorie needs for weight gain to understand how to correctly recover.

In the diet Include your favorite sweets in moderation, there's no reason excess fat is to gain muscle mass you need. It will include more menu protein products - eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, meat - they can give satiety for a long time and contain lots of vitamins and protein.

If you adhere to a vegetarian diet, replace the meat with beans, couscous, sesame seeds, nuts and beans - they have much more protein than chicken. You can also eat tuna, canned fish - saury, squid, cod ROE. They are rich in essential fatty acids and also help in protein charge.


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Breakfast with lots of calories

Increase the number of meals

Eat 5-6 times a day. This will help avoid overfilling of the stomach, and thus, in General, during the day you will get much more calories. Having learned the principle of fractional power, you will understand how you can get better offer.

Balance your diet

Despite the fact that you need to eat enough calories food to gain weight, the specialists of the Academy of nutrition and dietetics argue that it is important that you include a variety of foods from all food groups, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein foods and dairy.

Meat ration

Add calories to your regular meals

Add calories in your normal meals. For example, for Breakfast make oatmeal with milk instead of water; add cheese and avocado to your sandwich at lunch; and instead of cooking the vegetables for dinner, sauté them in olive oil.

junk food

Make a high-calorie snacks

You Can get fat on seeds, fruit and nut mixes, peanut butter on toasted whole grain, cheese and crackers - all this nutrient-rich, high-calorie snacks that can help you to gain weight. How much you can recover from only one peanut butter! Per 100 grams it contains 400 calories.

Drink high-calorie drinks

Drink your calories are nutritious. Though water is good for hydration, but when you want to gain weight, it is best to drink beverages that contain calories. Milk, 100% fruit juice are the healthiest drink. The Academy of nutrition and dietetics also claim that we should drink between meals so the liquid does not affect appetite during the meal. If every day to drink a smoothie with a banana and milk, then you will no longer question about how to get better at home.

healthy meals

Things required for weight gain

To Understand how to heal fast, you will help the following things:

  • Calculator;
  • Foods high in calories;
  • Milk;
  • Fruit juice;
  • Oily dry cream.

On these subjects is based on the principle of weight gain. The main thing - all the calculate correctly, to not get health problems in case of error.

Choice of diet


Get a food diary or use an online calorie calculator to keep in mind the amount of food eaten and the numbers. Add cream to soup, yogurt, mashed potatoes or oatmeal. 1/4 Cup cream adds 109 calories and 12 grams of protein. To make sure that you are gaining muscle and not fat, add strength training to your normal workout.

Consult your physician before beginning any diet to increase the weight, or when you select set of exercises. Be careful with weights. If the figure is too good to be true, return them on the shelf until the next weigh-in.

Menu for the day for weight gain

Calculating your calorie intake and adding to it 15-20%, you can use this menu, changing quantity of products for yourself. The tips on how you can get better for the shorttime, mean set of muscles and not fat. Below are the meals in several variants.


  1. Cereal and cream or milk six percent with the addition of a piece of butter, a spoon of honey and a handful of nuts for your choice: walnuts, almonds or cashews.
  2. Sandwich of whole wheat bread, toasted, with toppings of choice: avocado + cream cheese, peanut butter + berry jelly, butter + low-fat cheese, boiled egg + chopped green onions + mayonnaise. Can experiment with toppings of your liking.
  3. Cheese or oatmeal pancake with any fillings. Pancake recipe: 2 tablespoons of oat flakes grind in a blender, pour 100 ml of milk and fry on both sides. As a topping you can use jam, jelly, or cheese, fresh sliced vegetables.


  1. Meats. Baked chicken breast, Turkey breast, beef or fish - roll the selected product in the spices, pour the yogurt and marinate for thirty to forty minutes. Then wrap in foil and bake until tender. Serve with brown rice, pasta or buckwheat.
  2. Skewers in the oven. Marinate in any marinade poultry or lamb, adding onion, roughly chopped. Mix the meat with the onions, pressing down on it to let the onion juice. Leave for 3 hours. For a grid to put the pieces leaving between them a small distance. Under the grill, insert the baking tray covered with foil. On the foil put the pieces of fat. Bake for 1-1.5 hours at 190 degrees. Serve with pita bread, pickled onion and tomato sauce.
  3. Useful Carbonara. Boil pasta of durum wheat to the state of al dente, discard in a colander. In a pan, fry the breast in butter until Golden color, pour the 10% cream, add grated Parmesan or Gouda, stir until dissolved cheese. Add to the pan spaghetti, stir, bring to a boil and turn off the stove.
Menu for the day


  1. Nutritious smoothie. As the basis used milk, dry cream, and bananas. You can add anything: oranges, fruit juices, ice cream, pears and persimmons. Try to give preference to soft fruit. For satiety you can sprinkle sesame or flax seeds.
  2. Grilled Fish with vegetables. If you have a grill pan, offer many new features, you can cook now a delicious dish that will not concede on quality of the restaurant! Just salt and pepper fish steak, fry both sides without oil, add a couple of cherry tomatoes and rings of zucchini. Delicious and nutritious dinner is ready. You can get better at home, while indulging in luxury.


  1. Granola. On a baking sheet pour any cereal that you like. Add chopped prunes, dried apricots, dried fruit and berries, chopped nuts. You can add puffed rice and sesame seeds. Bake for 10-15 minutes on a dry baking sheet at 200 degrees. Ready mix to pour the honey and serve with milk, yogurt or juice.
  2. Peanut butter. Take your favorite nuts, dry them on a dry pan. Place them in a blender and whisk to a smooth paste. For a more liquid consistency add water, you can pour salt and sugar to taste. This paste is perfect for sandwiches, as described above, and as an additive to porridge or fruit salad.
  3. Peanut Brittle. How can you get better from seed, mentioned above. But some people don't like fresh nuts or seeds of sunflower - a case of perfect peanut brittle. They are very easy to prepare at home. Make a thick sugar syrup: 1.5 Cup sugar take 1 Cup of water, mix in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and cook until the liquid caramel mixture to avoid lumps and grains of sugar. Mix your favorite nuts and seeds, pour them evenly into any shape, leaving some space for the syrup. Let the mixture of sugar and water to cool, then pour hazelnut mass, stir and put into an even layer. Leave in the fridge for 3 hours. After a time, the almonds can be eaten.

How to gain muscle not fat

Few know the answer to the question on how to get better at home. Gaining weight is not so difficult - much harder to do it right. If you just eat junk food, fast foods and sweets, you gain fat on the sides and hips. To recover properly you need to gain muscle mass, not fat. This requires strength training, which will be discussed below.

How to recover 5 kg at home

Many need to recover only five to seven pounds to reach your ideal weight. 5 pounds at home a girl can get better for a month. How? You need to calculate your calorie with an accuracy of up to a dozen. In one kilogram of fat is 9 thousand calories. Therefore, five kilograms is 45 thousand. Calculate your daily caloric, divide 45 by 30 days - get 1500 calories - the number that you want to add to its normal to gain 5 pounds in a month.

But then it turns out that you gain fat, not muscle... Is there an error? No. All right. You gain fat, but if you do strength exercises, then it "processes" in your muscle mass. If you do not do activity, instead of muscles you will get saggy sides and health problems.

Exercises for a setweight

How can you get better, not gain fat, if you can not go to the gym? Correct answer: to do at home! Here's a great home workout - if you do it with regularity three times a week, elastic, having a toned body you provided! So, our equipment home workout:

  • Dumbbells (or 3-liter bottles of water);
  • Jump rope;
  • Mat;
  • Sneakers and comfortable clothes.


  1. First you need to warm up. Starting position - feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body. Make head rotation clockwise and counterclockwise, making for 8 reps and 2 sets on each side.
  2. Starting position as in p. 1. Make 16 circular motions shoulders forward and backward.
  3. After the second exercise take a rotation at the elbows, 12 times in each direction. Repeat 2 times.
  4. Perform a circular rotation of the pelvis in both sides, repeating for 16 times.
  5. Make lunges forward, alternately spreading his legs and bending to the floor. 8 reps.

Cardio training (required for the dispersal of blood and enhance fat-burning processes). There are several options:

  1. Run. If near your house there is a stadium, a forest or an apartment is the treadmill - enough twenty-minute Jogging. Every 3-5 minutes to change the running step to catch your breath. The main thing - do not stop.
  2. Jumping rope. 100 jumps will be equal to a half-hour yoga class!
  3. Jumping on the spot. Jump, placing and bringing the feet together, each time raising his hands up and doing the hand clapping. Repeat 60 times.

Strength training. After cardio you should immediately begin working with the muscles until your body is configured to transform fat into a mass.

  1. Squats. Do 30 squats without lifting your heels off the floor. You can do 3 sets of 10 times, taking breaks one minute, if you find it hard to do all at once.
  2. Pushups from the floor or from the wall. You can start with push UPS from the knees, if your physical training does not allow you to start immediately with full-fledged exercises. 20 pushups will strengthen your chest muscles, arms and back.
  3. Strap. Starting position - as in push-UPS, standing on hands. The back should be straight, body parallel to the floor. Tighten your abdominal muscles and spine, stand fast as you can. You should start with 20 seconds, gradually increasing the time.
  4. If you have dumbbells or bottles of water, slowly lift them 20-30 times, depending on the level of training. Weight can also be used for squats make the buttocks and the back stronger.

List of foods for weight gain

In conclusion, we present a list of useful products that will help you to gain weight and have a high energy value:

  • Cottage cheese with a little fat;
  • Milk;
  • Cream;
  • Nuts and pasta;
  • Potatoes, eggplant;
  • Saury canned;
  • Fresh fruit juice;
  • Grapes, bananas;
  • Eggs;
  • Jams.

These products are leaders in the number of calories per 100 grams. Adding them to your diet, you will not only gain weight but also get much vitamins and minerals.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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