Ass like a nut. How to build gluteal muscles?


2019-09-15 22:00:24




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Round and lifted butt – this is the dream of most girls. Some are given such superiority by nature, and the metabolism is that you can eat chocolates at night and still have stunning buttocks shape, not spread out and does not put volumes. But such units, mostly the girls have to work long and hard on my body to charm men attractive forms. Today we are interested in the priest as a nut. Each of us can pump one of these, or physiological features need to be considered also? And what technique will give the most result?ass like a nut

Do All this to be holders of Brazilian ass

This is a complex issue, especially because it is the best excuse our otsenivaniya from classes at the gym. Why torture yourself, anyhow, I have a bone broad, the pelvic structure is heredity, and there you are sit down in front of the TV with a sense of accomplishment, and ass like a nut, it remains only an elusive dream. In fact, the shape of the buttocks everyone is different, but an experienced coach can help very well to improve the situation. Individual approach and regular exercises will do the trick. Regardless of complexion and age of your buttocks will begin to change rapidly, and as a result you have to be a priest, like a nut.ass like a nut how to make

Why pump ass

Indeed, many of you may ask, why would I pop like a nut? To delight the eyes of men? Not only have inflated buttocks there are a lot of advantages, and we now talk about them. When the gluteus Maximus is in good shape, it is much easier to keep your posture. This is because this muscle straightens and locks the trunk. In addition, the priests as a nut (photo we will present below) is made to play sports. This large muscle group makes you stronger, and any active games will be for you easy entertainment. Developed gluteus reduces the risk of back pain and lower to pump up the ass like a nut

Basic rules

The first thing to remember is that our body – is a single organism, and therefore physical development should be integrated. If you worked out all muscle groups – the body looks more harmonious. If you want to work only on the gluteal muscles, do not forget to first do a warm-up to prepare the muscles to the load. If you have no money and time for gym and personal trainer, it is possible to do at home, yourself downloading videos from professional fitness trainers.


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A little More patience and we will move on to the main topic: the priest as a nut. As such, we will try to consider as much detail as possible. But there is one important rule that must be followed. Is a proper diet. The combination of sport and nutrition should be the Foundation of your life. Avoid fast food and ditch unhealthy habits. The diet should be fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals and grains, meat and fish. As a result, you will get the result which you can only dream of. It is not only beautiful buttocks, but also a smooth complexion, good health, normalization of sleep, improvement in General condition.ass like a nut to pump up

A Small test

If you think about how to pump up the ass like a nut, then you are dissatisfied with its forms. But this may be due to a variety of factors. Women tend to exaggerate their flaws and extra pounds weight already be considered a tragedy, finding yourself in folds of fat, even if everyone else thinks you are perfect. Prepare a small test. Take an ordinary pencil and place it in the crease under the buttock. If the pencil is delayed, then your ass needs to be reconsidered. Similarly, you can check and chest. Now it is extremely important to consider a range of exercises, as any distortion of the technique reduces its effectiveness or even makes the work completely different muscle groups.


So, we have aimed to make the spring (birthday, wedding) we had a priest as a nut. Pump it can only be diligently doing physical exercises, as otherwise, a strong muscle will not be developed. Focusing on it, do not forget that the voltage to which it is exposed, must constantly increase. This can be done in two ways. In the first need to increase the weight, and the second time under load. Muscles will grow and develop only if they have to constantly adapt to new stimuli. Remember, however, that to achieve a three-dimensional bulges, only Cycling and other muscle groups: quadriceps, back and abs. So your buttocks will get a nice "framing" on top and bottom.ass like a nut how to pump up the ass

Start with the classics

What exercises come to mind when you hear the expression "ass like a nut"? How to pump up the ass, we are going to talk in more detail. So, of course, is squats. It would seem that everything is simple, but there are subtleties that need to know and follow. First and foremost, forget about all versions of proprietary. That pump buttock, you need to squat to full range. Don't be lazy, keep your back straight, raise your knees, inhalenose, when you sit, and exhale with your mouth when you get up. Full amplitude, therefore, to sit by the technique of "ass to the floor”. That is, the exercise is not easy, but it works every time. To perform three approach, at least 20 times. Very good to use the barbell, it will increase effectiveness.ass like a nut exercises

Variations of squats

After you will start to execute all approaches and feel that there is power to something else, move on to alternating approaches. Squats with her legs shut perfectly tighten hamstring, and if widely spread and breed socks, you get exercise sumo, which works great on the inner thighs. Do squats no less than 10 times, in several approaches. So you complete a cycle of squats and get not only a great ass, but beautiful shape of your hips, which will emphasize the perfection of the buttocks.


If you want to have a butt like a nut, exercises called "squats in scissors" are your best friends. To accomplish them correctly, you need to learn a few things. You need to go deep down and do a good step. Keep the knee in position of attack formed a strict right angle. You must perform 3 sets at least 10 times. Again, when you have mastered this exercise, you can perform it with barbell or dumbbells, and to add to the thrusts of Mahi. Squat on the left leg, and on the rise do the right the priests walnut photo


About this exercise is legendary, it is not only very useful but also beautiful. In terms of gyms you can do it on a special simulator or leaning over the goat. At home - just lying on the floor, and it turns out not worse. In the first embodiment, fix the feet (suitable partner, which they hold, or any home furniture). Now do sit-UPS with crossed behind the head with hands. Three sets of 10 times. The second option – find something to hold onto with your hands and lift with your legs. You can combine both exercises, and you get the classic “boat”.

Entering to platform

We All know how helpful walking up the stairs. If you have no desire to leave the apartment and run through the floors, then you'll appreciate this exercise. In the gym there is a special platform which is height adjustable. Thus, the higher the step, the greater the load on the buttocks. At home you can try to find a suitable bench to build a platform from scrap materials or used items of furniture. It is important to keep the back. You can perform with dumbbells or a barbell. Three sets of 10-15 times.


A Fantastically simple and effective exercise. Take a chair and holding his back, do the Mahi. 10-20 times back and forth, right and left. No need to swing too fast, on the contrary, the slower to work out each swing, the better you will feel, how the muscle. To finish the training very good simple but very good exercise. Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees. Now raise butt as high as possible, and then lowered. Don't forget to strain the muscles of the buttocks as possible. Start at 20 times and gradually get to 100.

Perform these exercises 2-3 times a week, for twenty to thirty minutes. As a result, after a month you will see how pop has changed, widened and tightened. The most important thing – do not throw training, and as a result you will have the most beautiful butt - like a nut.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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