How to freeze mushrooms for the winter: tips


2018-04-29 15:00:33




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Estimates differ from their fungal counterparts, rich flavor and aroma. No wonder they are so popular in our country. Mushroom soup, pizza, pies and, of course, fried with mushrooms and young potatoes – that is, on the one hand, a simple but incredibly delicious dishes. In addition, the mushrooms allow to diversify Lenten to freeze mushrooms for the winter

So that the honey is dried, salted, pickled and make them into caviar. And of course, every woman wants to keep the mushrooms refrigerated.

Whether Frozen mushrooms for the winter

Mushrooms, like many other products, are perfectly stored in a frozen state. They have a dense structure, not too watery and can stay at freezing temperatures for about 12 months. So they will retain their natural smell, taste and nutrients. And what is especially nice this way long-term storage requires much less effort than, say, a traditional pickling. Besides, marinated mushrooms can be put not in all dishes because of the sharp spices, then frozen perfect for soup, julienne, and for the to freeze mushrooms for winter recipes


Before you freeze mushrooms mushrooms for the winter, they need to collect. Experienced mushroom pickers can easily cope with this task, but newcomers have to make greater efforts. It is important not only to find mushrooms, how to make sure that they are edible. The most reasonable solution – to pick his companions of a person who is familiar with the subject and is an ardent fan of silent hunting.

If this is not possible, it should be twice as careful: this honey has a yellowish-brown cap, concave in young individuals, but more flat in adult specimens. On the reverse side of the cap is yellow or brown plates, on top of the mushrooms plaque – disputes. Cut the white mushrooms and have a distinct, pleasant mushroom smell. On the stem have to be the skirt in the form of a ring. Cap scaly.


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Important: if in doubt, you need to give up the collection!

The beauty of mushrooms is that they grow the whole family. And if you find a good place, you can collect a couple of buckets of mushrooms, literally on the spot.

To Collect mushrooms to quickly but carefully. Mushrooms to cut or remove carefully, without jerks. The second method is preferable. Avoid getting leaves and twigs in a bucket or basket – the less garbage, the less will get wrinkled mushrooms during transport.] how to properly freeze mushrooms for the winter

Sorting and cleaning

Before you freeze mushrooms for the winter, they need to carefully sort out. Despite the fact that in the forest of worm-eaten mushrooms are discarded immediately, at home it is necessary to check each mushroom for the presence of holes and larvae. Small mushrooms can not be cut, but the major divided into several parts. Special attention should be paid to the hat: if the stem of the mushroom is clean, this does not mean that mushroom top as good.

During the bulkhead can at the same time and sort the mushrooms by size: honey one caliber is more advantageous to look in any food. Besides the smaller instances to to freeze mushrooms for the winter in the refrigerator

Also, mushrooms should be cleaned of debris: sometimes it is enough just to knock on the head to shake off all unnecessary, but most of the mushrooms are still washed in a large quantity of warm water, then dry on a towel.

How to freeze fresh mushrooms for the winter?

When it comes to frozen foods you want to keep them as fresh as possible. Consequently, eliminating or minimizing heat treatment. And so many are interested in how to freeze mushrooms for the winter fresh.], how to freeze fresh mushrooms for the winter

It is worth to say that to freeze the mushrooms without heat treatment. So they are more fully retain its unique flavor, which will give the dish later. While pre-cooking of taste is lost.

Recipe: sort and sort the mushrooms, rinse them and soak for half an hour. Then dry on a towel and spread out on a baking sheet in a single layer. Freeze in the freezer at a temperature of -18-20⁰С. After sort portioned bags or containers.

Important rule: freeze mushrooms fresh right on the day of collection.

How to boil mushrooms to freeze?

Many people do not trust the mushrooms that have not been heat treated. And although many of the hosts safely store mushrooms in the freezer frozen, most prefer them all the same pre-boil.

The Most suspicious cooks boiled mushrooms twice: the first time wait to a simmer and cook for twenty minutes, then change water, add some salt it and drop the mushrooms into boiling water for 10-15 min. Most people boil the mushrooms once the cooking time after boiling 15-20 minutes. Some believe that these mushrooms need to boil in a little water (1 Cup in 5-6-quart saucepan), no more than 10 minutes, add salt and Bay leaf. And the broth is subsequently also freeze and use for soups and sauces.

Based on the fact that mushrooms suitable for freezing and fresh, the cooking processit appears as a method more compact storage of mushrooms: after the heat treatment they give plenty of water and lose much in volume.

How to freeze mushrooms for the winter in the fridge after boiling: a recipe

After cooking the mushrooms should be washed with cold running water (so they'll get cold) and drain in a colander. To give time to drain all excess water. To dry 30 minutes on a towel. Spread out on a baking sheet in a single layer and put in the freezer. To be packaged in portion packages after a complete freeze. Lee frozen mushrooms for the winter

Caviar experience

How to freeze mushrooms for the winter? The recipes are different, but one of the most popular is cooking mushroom caviar. In the classic version of mushroom spawn – chopped mushrooms with spices and the garlic, Packed in jars.

But there are other ways. For example, to save space in the freezer, you can twist fresh mushrooms and store them for 3-4 months. This product you can get at any time, sauté and use as a complement to mashed potatoes or as a filling for to freeze mushrooms mushrooms for the winter

There is another option how to freeze mushrooms for the winter as eggs. For this it is necessary to touch mushrooms and soak them in cold water for 30-40 minutes. Then boil them in salted water for 15 -20 minutes. When cooking not to forget to carefully clean the scum. After you discard the mushrooms in a sieve or colander, rinse them with cold water, allow time to drain all excess liquid.

After the mushrooms need to twist, salt and mix with a small amount of good olive oil. This caviar is ready for consumption after defrosting and does not require careful thermal processing.

Fried mushrooms in oil: preparation and storage

How to freeze mushrooms winter roasted? It's much easier to do than it seems: the mushrooms are boiled for the usual freeze, and then fry in a pan until evaporation of all the liquid and are lightly browned. Further, the semi-finished product needs to cool to room temperature, after which the mushrooms are laid out in portioned containers and pour the fat.

The Disadvantage of this method of storage fungi in this product can be stored up to 3 months, whereas regular boiled mushrooms can lie in a deep freeze for up to 1 year.

Freezing and storage

How to freeze mushrooms for the winter in the fridge after all the preparations?

  1. Freeze in a freezer, previously holding the thermostat to the lowest temperature. Conventional household freezers, this figure is not more -25⁰С. You should know that frequent fluctuations of temperature do not go to the unit to benefit and reduce its service life.
  2. After a complete freezing the semifinished products may be placed in a warm chamber with a temperature -9⁰С. However, if it is possible, it is better to leave them in the office, deep frozen, it increases the shelf life.
  3. Ideally, you need to have a separate freezer for deep-frozen products, so it is possible not only to maintain the ideal temperature but also to avoid the appearance of any foreign smell and fungi.
  4. Store mushrooms and other semi-finished products in a separate freezer compartment.
  5. Need to know how to freeze mushrooms for the winter for maximum shelf: remember that fried eggs or mushrooms stored not more than 3, maximum 4 months, then boiled as suitable for consumption after a year.
  6. Never re-freeze products, so it is important to store mushrooms in the freezer immediately in portion containers.
  7. Sign the package. So you can immediately know in what form are these specific mushrooms and how much they already lie.


It is Important to know not only how to properly freeze mushrooms for the winter, but how them competently to cook after defrosting. It should be guided by a simple rule: the smaller the mushrooms were subjected to a heat treatment before freezing, the more they need to cook (roast, stew) dish. Otherwise, you can rely on my culinary imagination, as the frozen honey can be an ingredient in hundreds of different dishes.

So now you know how to freeze mushrooms for the winter. Recipes and tips are simple and easy to repeat to anyone.

A Good quiet hunting and Bon appetit!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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