Chronic fatigue syndrome: symptoms, causes, treatments and prevention


2019-07-12 13:20:48




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In the modern world there are many such diseases, about which our ancestors could not imagine. This is due to the quality of the products on our table, with the polluted air we all breathe, with a crazy pace in which we live. At the end of the twentieth century, the list of human diseases have joined another disease, called chronic fatigue syndrome. The symptoms of the disease are not yet fully understood. So many people showing signs of fatigue, mistaken for malingerers.

Because of “youth” syndrome, because officially he was not more than ten years, scientists still are unable to pinpoint its causes. Currently this issue is under study. There is even a theory that chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) causes a virus, the activation of which contributes to how we live in our age of relentless technological progress and new technologies.

What do we know about CFS

The Statistics of the origin and development of this condition of man is only a couple of decades. During this time, scientists have determined that the signs of chronic fatigue syndrome more frequently occur in residents of cities than those who are permanently residing in small towns and villages. This is attributed to the fact that in small towns has its own special atmosphere, in which there is no hurry, fuss, high emotional tension.

Among patients with CFS is dominated by two categories of people: knowledge workers, especially those who have irregular schedule, and employees whose activity is connected with high responsibility. These include:


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  • Physicians in some subspecialties, for example, surgeons, hospice workers, trauma specialists.
  • Teachers.
  • Office workers.
  • Business.
  • Pilots.
  • Air traffic Controllers.
  • The Rescuers.
  • All people who have two and sometimes three jobs.

But among these patients, more women than men. The explanation for this can say, is simple: our fair lady set the same high bar as the strong, courageous men, making a discount on the physiological characteristics of the female body and the fact that almost each lady has a family, which also requires dedication and energy. In many families, particularly where husbands are dismissive of the execution of home works, women, as they say, “exhausted” from high fatigue, because they have to carry the load on the production and care of the children and to keep house.

prevention of chronic fatigue syndrome

The Relative age of CFS most often is diagnosed in young and middle-aged (under 45 years), at a time when many of us are making every effort to create their own prosperity, aspire to a career growth, acquire new skills, raising small children, equip your life.

You are mistaken if You think that CFS – this is nonsense, that is only a good rest, for example, for a week to drop everything and go somewhere at the resort, and everything will fall into place. Scientists have recognized chronic fatigue syndrome disease. Hence, it is necessary to treat. Rest is only part of a comprehensive therapeutic activities. What is the danger of CFS? How it is diagnosed? How is his treatment? How to distinguish a fake from a really sick person? What is the consequence of CFS? Let's deal.

A Little history

Officially, “biography” CFS started in 1984 in the small American town of Incline village. Then the local doctor Paul Cheney has registered about 200 cases of unknown disease. Patients complained of high fatigue, depression, muscle weakness. All these people have in the blood was discovered any type of the herpes virus. Similar cases were registered earlier, but they were not given wide publicity.

In 2009, U.S. scientists put forward the hypothesis that the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome causes hitherto unknown virus. The experiments were conducted on mice that they easily became infected. Later conducted additional research, which showed that no virus CFS no, because no one person with similar symptoms it was not found.

It took several years of scientific research. In 2016 a group of British scientists showed the world the results of their work, proving that the virus CFS exists. It was found that it is present in humans in a latent state. Activate a multitude of reasons, the main of which – immunosuppression. Scholars have argued that the CFS virus infects more than just teenagers. After penetration into the human body it remains there forever.

However, to date, the pathology and etiogenic of the disease remain unknown. Yes, there is a theory that chronic fatigue syndrome can cause viruses – it is often detected in patients with early detected by the cold sore, and cytomegalovirus, enterovirus. But it's just a theory, so in identifying these and similar conditions it is not necessary to tune for the development of chronic fatigue syndrome.

General characteristics CFS

At the moment it is believed that although CFS is a pathology quite similar in the clinic and the nature of immune disorders, however, sufficient reason to allocate it inas an independent nosological form does not exist yet. For this reason, chronic fatigue syndrome in ICD-10 at present. But the disease sometimes assign codes R50 “Fever of unknown origin" and R53 “Malaise and fatigue" that depends on the symptoms. Other names that can be found in the diagnoses – immune dysfunction syndrome postirochnoy fatigue.

With regard to the causes of CFS, the researchers, as mentioned above, still can't come to a consensus. Numerous data indicate that in CFS observed both quantitative and functional immunological disorders. In addition, as you know, in the development of responses of an organism to stressful situations, especially when the effect is intense and long-lasting, leading role of the nervous, immune and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal systems, sustainable functioning of which determine the resistance of the organism as a whole to the emotional overload and the effect of various environmental factors. For this reason, scientists believe that the breakdown in communication between the nervous, immune and endocrine system and plays a critical role in the development of CFS.

Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome can clearly Express themselves after causing the person psychological trauma, major surgery, certain viral and bacterial diseases, long terms physical and/or emotional stress. After a while all the signs of CFS can significantly decrease, but in repeated circumstances that cause stress and disturb the work of the systems of the body, again to manifest with the same force. Very rarely, but there are times when the patient is fully cured from CFS.

Now on the planet this syndrome suffer a lot of people. In the United States recorded 10 cases per 100 000 people in Australia – 37 per 100,000. In the UK the disease is seen in 2% of adolescents. In Russia, such statistics have not yet been done.

causes of chronic fatigue syndrome


As has been said, it is not known what causes CFS. Allocated only sphere of human activity and several scenarios that can serve as his “trigger”

  • Intoxication.
  • Endocrine.
  • Infectious.

Take a closer look.

The First version of the CFS involves the effect on the individual factors of the environment in which he lives. It can be:

  • Constant noise occurring in major Metropolitan areas.
  • Lack of Oxygen caused by smoke, gas pollution in big cities and industrial centers.
  • Chlorinated water used for drinking, cooking, bathing.
  • Modified and/or saturated with nitrates foodstuffs.

Endocrine option involves hormonal disorders, which can be triggered by many reasons:

  • Menopause.
  • Critical days.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Hormones.
  • Diseases of the thyroid, hypothalamus, liver, pituitary, adrenal.
  • Hypoxia, caused by different reasons. Oxygen deprivation leads to irreversible consequences in the Central nervous system, liver, and other organs that will affect their work.

Infectious option involves infection of certain viruses, which for a long time (or forever) is located in the human body. These include:

  • Cytomegalovirus.
  • Hepatitis C
  • The Group of herpes viruses (Epstein-Barr, herpes simplex, varicella-zoster).
  • Coxsackie Virus.
  • Enteroviruses.

Also, CFS can begin to manifest after influenza, SARS, and other viral and bacterial diseases.

Other factors influencing the development of the syndrome

In addition to the above reasons, give impetus to the development of CFS following factors:

  • Psychological stress.
  • Alcoholism
  • Too busy schedule.
  • Night shift (not all people can adapt to this lifestyle).
  • Fixed a high emotional and psychological stress.
  • Harsh living conditions.
  • Lack of vitamins. The first “swallow” poor quality food is not only stomach pain, but constant fatigue. Leanness, as such, a symptom of poor diet is not. People can be fat, have a lot. His daily menu is not balanced, rich in carbohydrates and poor in vitamins.
  • Depression.
  • The various conflict situations (at work, neighbors, family).
  • The Race for increasing revenues in any way, the desire to quickly ascend the career ladder.
  • Irritable bowel Syndrome (this is determined researchers from Columbia University).
  • Reduction in blood L-carnitine.
  • A metabolic disorder in the cells.


Since the disease is caused by a virus, it requires specific treatment. Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized by the fact that strikes at the immune system. This reduces the quantitative value of LgG antibodies. It decreases the number of other antibodies and the number of killer cells or attenuated their activities.

symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome

Approximately 1/5 of sufferingCFS in the analysis of the blood revealed leukocytosis and lipocytes or leukopenia and lymphopenia. These conflicting phenomena are indicative of immune dysfunction. The same blood test identifies patients with CFS reduction or increase in the level of immunoglobulins (and the one and the other 30% of cases), reduction of immune complexes (50%) or a decrease in the activity of a compliment (25%). Recall that the last term for specific proteins engaged in the humoral defense against pathogenic agents, trapped in the body.

All this makes a man unarmed in front of thousands of germs present in the environment. As a result, sufferers of CFS increases the risk of catching any infection.

The Symptoms

Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome is incredibly diverse, which is associated, first, with individual characteristics of the people, and secondly, that the disease is still at an early stage of the study. Cheerleaders and cause a desire to conduct a survey of such phenomena and States:

  • In the Morning after sleep with the feeling that the body is not rested.
  • Regular headaches.
  • Insomnia, despite the late hour and fatigue.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Apathy, fatigue, the state where nothing cares.
  • Muscle Pain.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Fatigue and sleepiness experienced constantly. Some patients note that during the day there are times when the body shuts down involuntarily like – man for a few moments falls into the darkness, but awake, may not understand how this could happen.

Disturbing must that you have suddenly started to get sick often. Before such was not, and now should be in the draft or get wet in the rain, and immediately starts acute respiratory infections, fever, itchy throat, lost appetite.

Symptoms in the disorder and Central nervous system

Experience with CFS almost all the time fatigue and sleepiness, significantly affect human performance. Many complain that they are unable to concentrate on anything important his attention, clearly and quickly to answer questions relating to familiar topics. Some people say that you can't easily read difficult words (for this they need to make a mental effort). Also observed that patients with CFS memory (visual, audible).

From the psychological changes are observed:

  • Depression.
  • Anxiety and fears.
  • Anger, irritability for no reason (nervous everyone – people, family members, the sounds of traffic, the clatter of spoon against the Cup when stirring the sugar, dripping water and so on).
  • In a Bad mood even when all is well.
  • Obsessive pessimistic thoughts about their uselessness, the futility of efforts.
  • Night terrors, anxiety, flimsy danger (e.g., fear that criminals will break the lock and rush in the house).

Diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome

To Determine that the person is CFS, it is very difficult. Taken into account all of the symptoms listed above. They are divided into two groups: large and small criteria. The second include:

  • Fever.
  • Swollen lymph nodes.
  • Tremor and muscle pain, constant weakness.
  • Aching joints.
  • Headaches.

The first – all the other symptoms.

If a patient is having multiple large and small criteria, there is a high probability that he will diagnose CFS. But first, the doctor will direct the patient a complete examination to exclude a classic somatic diseases.

drug treatment of CFS

To Determine the diagnosis, the doctor directs the patient for consultation to specialists – the therapist, neurologist, oncologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, infectious diseases. Also, the patient is given a urine sample, blood from a finger and from a vein, other biomaterials.

Now the Internet offers a lot of tests for chronic fatigue syndrome. They are free, consist of the many questions that should be answered very honestly. A positive test result – a reason to seek medical attention.

Treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome

Treatment of this disease is complex. It is divided into two types – non-medicinal and medicinal.

The First includes the following events:

  • Normalization of day.
  • Diet.
  • Massage.
  • Medical gitrepository.
  • Physical therapy.
  • Psychotherapy.
  • Non-traditional methods (chiropractic, acupuncture, autogenic training).
  • A Change of lifestyle (if possible).
  • Organization of active leisure.

Drug treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome is primarily aimed at restoring the immune system. With this purpose, prescribers choice:

  • “Gepon”.
  • “Timogen”.
  • “Imunofan in cancer”.
  • “Timalin”.
  • “Taktivin”.

These funds increase the activity of T-cells. To restore activities of NK cells, the drugs of choice:

  • “the Immunomax”.
  • “Polyoxidonium”.
  • “Likopid”.

To restore the immune system can assign the ‘interferon”, “Myelopid”.

A major role in the recovery vitamins play. When chronic fatigue syndrome you can use any complexes, incorporating key vitamins andmacro and trace elements.

Also in CFS prescribe drugs affecting the Central nervous system:

  • Antidepressants.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Antiviral.
  • Antifungal (according to indications).
  • Antihistamines.
  • Chelators.
  • Tranquilizers.

According to the testimony can be assigned to “Isoprinosine”, “Zadaxin”, “Galavit” or their analogues, if immunodeficiency is lymphocytic form.

diet for chronic fatigue syndrome

An Important role in the treatment of CFS is diet. It is not designed for weight correction and normalization of metabolic processes. However, the extra pounds it helps to lose, as its menu is only useful for body products. Nutritionists advise people with CFS to include in the diet:

  • Rabbit, veal.
  • Fish (sea and river).
  • Seafood, seaweed.
  • Vegetables (especially broccoli, celery, onion).
  • Fresh Herbs (parsley, spinach, leeks).
  • Fruits and berries (very useful bananas, pomegranate, lemon, pineapple guava, GDI).
  • Dark chocolate.
  • Nuts.
  • Med.

It is Advisable to give up coffee, Smoking, large doses of alcohol.

Traditional methods

Healers have in their Arsenal a variety of recipes to relieve fatigue and normalization of the Central nervous system (if not associated with serious brain diseases).

tea from fatigue

The Perfect may be a relaxing bath with essential oils. This method therapy in chronic fatigue syndrome reviews is the most favorable. Water should be a temperature that is pleasant for your body. Plants, essential oils that you can use:

  • Ylang-Ylang.
  • Geranium.
  • Lavender.
  • Orange.
  • Frankincense.
  • Bergamot
  • Mint.
  • Rose.
  • Marjoram.

A Great relaxing tool recognized as herbal teas. The proportions to make them pick and choose because one will suit more full-bodied taste and aroma, and others only slightly perceptible. Teas made from thyme, rose petals tea, chamomile, Valerian, mint, balm, clover, wild strawberries, black currant (leaf and/or berries), Ivan-tea. You can take the plants one at a time or make different variations of fees. A very good effect buy such drinks, if they add the honey.

Another recipe includes the use of ginger. This plant is famous for its many useful properties. Among them – an increase of immunity and a positive effect on psycho-emotional background. Of ginger, you can prepare tea and alcohol tincture.

In the first case, a small piece of root is cut into small pieces, pour boiling water and allow to cool to an acceptable temperature. To drink add a slice of lemon and a little honey.

For tincture, you need 200 g of root crushed (can be grated), pour 1 liter of vodka and infuse for a week. Take a spoonful several times a day. The tool can not drain, but keep preferably in the refrigerator.


The Question of how to cope with chronic fatigue syndrome, occurs after the disease has begun. It is advisable to know ways to warn him, to not have to deal with the treatment.

non-pharmacological treatment for CFS

The Advice is so elementary that not all people pay attention to them, so I don't want to follow them. But let's not forget the famous expression “All the brilliant – just!» Prevention of chronic fatigue syndrome is as follows:

  1. Don't get carried away with diets for weight correction. Perfect is not among them. Every diet has consequences, which negatively affect health.
  2. Even if you like meat only, enter in your diet fruits and vegetables.
  3. Do Not refuse vitamin complexes.
  4. Do Not neglect physical exercises. If no time to visit the pool or fitness room, make it a rule every day Hiking. These are especially useful after work.
  5. Make time for trips outside the city. A day spent in nature is considered the perfect healing method for body and soul.
  6. Even if you have a career – this is the main goal of life, remember that in the world there are other values. Paying attention only for labor achievements, you are endangering your own health. Ultimately, this may prevent you from achieve the desired.

If you start to notice the symptoms specified in this article, try a few days to relax from all the worries. If the condition has not improved, contact your doctor.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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