Yoga: morning complex for beginners. Exercises and recommendations


2019-07-29 10:00:30




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Yoga is a complex of morning, afternoon or evening which are not simply a kind of sport. In fact, it is the ancient Indian philosophy of controlling the body, spirit and mind. All three of these components contribute to the achievement of harmony and enlightenment, which is difficult to achieve by any other complex morning

Benefits of yoga

Many are thinking about the question, does yoga at home? Morning complex has a lot of advantages, the main of which is given below:

  1. The Body will become strong, healthy, will gain flexibility. After regular classes, each person will feel the flexibility which they could not achieve previously. With yoga the muscles and ligaments become more elastic and allow to harden in the position, which a month ago seemed impossible.
  2. Guaranteed relaxation. Your mind will calm, and the anxious thoughts will go away. After a few sessions the body will become resistant to stress and any external irritations.

Where to start

Yoga - morning exercises, which does not need to spend money on equipment. To perform the exercise, you only need comfortable clothes and sliding surface. The premise should choose a spacious, the most appropriate temperature. Special music for lessons will help to relax and remove any useless thoughts.

morning yoga set for beginners

Beginner's workout

Yoga (morning complex for beginners) is required for each person. If you perform basic exercises, positive emotions and cheerfulness will not leave for the entire day. And even the bad news will be perceived more easily and without aggression.

The Most simple yoga complex morning or evening, consists of 4 exercises, which will be enough to get the first positive results:

  1. Standing directly, feet on width of shoulders, feet and torso to expand in one direction. You should then tilt your torso parallel to the floor, and arms stretched forward.
  2. Again upright, but legs apart a little wider. Hands maximum falls to the floor. The head should go down and the tailbone up.
  3. In the previous position of the foot turn outwards, and hands raised up (to be parallel to each other or to connect the palm). Then the legs bend at the knees, not sinking to the formation of a right angle.
  4. The Final pose - relaxation. To do this, simply lie on the floor, his whole body forming a straight horizontal line, and relax for at least 3 minutes.

Breathing exercises

Breathing yoga - morning complex for beginners which will help to establish a connection with your own consciousness. After mastering the inner consciousness, each person will be able to control your thoughts and keep calm in stressful situations.


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morning Hatha yoga

  1. Cleansing. Standing in a level position, you should take a deep breath using your nose, and then, depicting the face of a wide smile, exhale in small amounts through the mouth.
  2. For the development of the voice. In the same position through the nose, inhale, and then through the wide open mouth - a sharp and quick breath.
  3. Morning. Breathing yoga - morning complex that can accommodate exercise to get rid of the sleepiness. This requires exactly standing on the Mat, the maximum straining all muscles. Lifting on socks, take a deep breath, and after 3-4 seconds, coming down again on the foot, - a full exhalation.

A beautiful Evening

The Usual morning yoga pack for men can be replaced by a formal option. Because often men are too lazy to do anything early in the morning. The exercises are fairly simple so making them easy everyone can do.

morning yoga for energy complex

  1. Standing straight, with your back straight and evenly stretched hands up in the air, you need to slowly bend your legs as if sitting down on a chair. You should try to hold this position for about 30 seconds, then after 10-20 seconds again.
  2. Sitting on the floor, the feet together and the knees bred. With the help of hands should be lowered back to the floor without lifting the feet from the floor. It is recommended to lie down a minute, and then repeat 4-5 more times.
  3. Starting position - standing, feet on width of shoulders. Hands apart, feet turn in one direction and one leg bent appearance of the straight angle. Then one hand goes on the floor, and the second should be sent straight up. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

Hatha yoga

The Morning Hatha-yoga, like the girls more and more. Because these exercises develop flexibility, energize for the coming day and give positive emotions.

morning yoga pack for men

Many people immediately trying to try to imagine the difficult exercises, which is a mistake. The first step is to become familiar with these for beginners as well as more information about this type of yoga.

Basic rules

The First step is to find out at what age classes will benefit:

  • The small children need fresh air and a casual walk in the Park;
  • 6 years of age can begin to teach your child proper breathing.and try simple yoga exercises;
  • 10 years of age are allowed to relax in the Lotus position;
  • In the 17 years it is time to begin to master the complex static and dynamic exercises and learn to control your breath;
  • Up to 40 years should regularly practice and improve their skills, but after crossing this line in addition to yoga it is best to add walking;
  • After 50 years, the rate is preferably reduced, but not to stop training.

yoga morning exercisesWomen are fan of yoga and I think its the best sport and way to relax, but they have some limitations:

  • During menstruation are strictly forbidden to perform the exercises upside down, it is better to replace breathing exercises;
  • Beginners instead of the power elements, often walk in the fresh air or in the swimming pool;
  • In the early days of pregnancy is allowed to do all the asanas, but before it is better to consult a doctor;
  • After birth (first few months) are prohibited from engaging in, and after the expiration of time to begin execution of exercises should be the simplest.

In Addition to the above precautions, you should also know what the total (men and women) are the limitations of yoga. The morning drill for harmony and beauty will necessarily result, which will be visible pretty quickly. But not to overdo it to achieve the desired goal.

yoga morning complex for harmony and beauty

Simple rules must be obeyed by all:

  • After an extended time in the heat it is not recommended to engage in;
  • People having problems with pressure or cardiovascular system, are unable to perform the exercises without consulting a doctor;
  • To combine several kinds of sport, performing them at one time, is prohibited;
  • If you have frequent dizziness exercises with inclination of the head down should be replaced with forward bends.


Energy yoga (morning system) that requires preparation before class. In the first place should pay attention to the clothes (she should be free to not hamper movement) and shoes (if possible better to do without shoes). In addition, there are a few simple rules:

  • 20 minutes before the training will not be superfluous invigorating douche;
  • Ideal time for yoga - 5-6 o'clock in the morning;
  • Go on an empty stomach is not necessary, but between food intake and exercise must be at least 2 hours;
  • Exercise in the fresh air will run easier and relaxed street atmosphere will help you to concentrate.

Five invigorating asanas

Knowing all the basic rules and recommendations, you can begin to exercise. The top five asanas will show what true yoga. Complex (morning) will not require additional equipment.

yoga at home morning complex

  1. Asana Tarudin (interlocking hands). Performed in the standing position: one leg entwined around the other (so the fingers were on gastrocnemius muscle). Hands intertwined on the chest level in order to unite the palm of your hand. After 20 seconds of being in the position we should take a short break and repeat, changing legs and direction of twisting of the hands.
  2. Vrikshasana Asana (the tree pose). In vertical position the foot of one leg is placed on the second knee, and the hands rise up, joining the palms. In the tree pose it is recommended to be at least 20 seconds, then change legs.
  3. Virabhadrasana Asana (warrior pose). Standing straight, one leg raise backward, forming with the body straight and the other leg is the perpendicular. Stretch the hands forward and interlock with each other. The balance must be kept for about 30 seconds, then change leg.
  4. Matsyendrasana Ardha Asana (spinal twist). Sitting on the Mat, one leg bent and pulled up towards the torso (heel and knee on the floor), and the second leg, bent at a right angle, placed the foot over the knee taut. The body itself is twisted at the waist. In this pose, relax not allowed more than a minute.
  5. Asana Gomukhasana ("cow's head"). One arm is raised straight up and bent at the elbow so that the palm pulled to the shoulder blades. The second hand makes the same steps, only the bottom, that is lowered, bent at the elbow. Then the fingers of both hands interlock. When you run keep your back straight (do not slouch and not caving in). Just can hold out in this position for about 20 seconds, alternately changing hands.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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