The Executive power in the Russian Federation by which authority? The structure of the Executive authorities of the Russian Federation. The government of the Russian Federation


2018-03-18 08:45:18




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After the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early nineties of the last century had formed the independent state-Russian Federation. There is a new flag, anthem and, most importantly, the new Constitution. The article 10th of the Basic law, which was adopted by referendum in 1993, the government was divided into three branches.

the Executive power in Russia shall

Differences from previous system

In the Soviet Union used the term “governance”, it had a clear structure and hierarchy. What has changed is that now the Executive power in the Russian Federation is a system that is independent from the legislative and the judicial. And it is clearly spelled out in the Constitution.

Exercising power

According to the Constitution, the Executive power in the Russian Federation by a two-tier system. At the highest level is a Federal constituent entities, and regional actors. Formed a unified hierarchical structure.

But independence does not mean isolation, and isolation from one another. All types of state authorities cooperate closely with each other. Only in the theories of the French enlightenment ideal of democracy such isolation, perhaps even confrontation, in the interests of the whole society. In practice, it is a utopia. This situation leads to a political dead end, the collapse of the entire political system.

the structure of the Executive authorities of the Russian Federation


The Executive power in the Russian Federation is a unified system through the operation of special entities, endowed with appropriate competence. As such act of the Executive authorities of the Russian Federation. The basic law organizes all power in the country on the principle of federalism. Difference of Federation from the unitary state - that there is a two-tier system of Executive power in Russia with local and regional laws. The government is the highest Executive authority of the Russian Federation, which are subject to the Executive actors on the ground.


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Supreme Executive authorities of the Russian Federation

Unlike the Executive and administrative

Executive and administrative authority is not the same thing. The latter serves only to extrajudicial coercive measure. The administrative authority is just one of the tools to achieve the goals of Executive power, and it is not limited to extrajudicial enforcement.

Legally, the majority of orders at all levels is carried out extrajudicially. This concerns not only the Executive but also the legislature. But incorrect to argue that they exercised administrative power.

the government of the Russian Federation


How are directives and orders? To do this, in obedience to the most-influential organizations. It is a financial, internal Affairs bodies, the army, security service, labor organization, etc.

It Should be noted that governance as a concept is not reflected in the Constitution. It is a mistake to assume that this is the Executive branch. The government is much broader, and includes both Executive power and other institutions.

the Federal Executive authorities of the Russian Federation

The Executive branch

Allocate the following functions:

• the policy Direction of the programmes of Federal significance. Examples include privatization, nationalization, development of the unified energy system, etc.

Proper regulation and provision of legal order in the economic sphere of society. examples are the activities of the Antimonopoly service, the protection of private property, support for businesses or any industry, etc.

Effective management of public sector enterprises. a mistake to assume that everyone in our country has been privatized. There are many public corporations, public-private partnership.

Control and supervision of the work of different spheres of society. Examples can serve as a control over the activities of the national accreditation Agency in the sphere of education, Remediator in the field of medicine, Rospotrebnadzor in the field of nutrition and consumer protection, etc.

the government of the Russian Federation Executive power


The First sign – chain of command when the children are subordinate to the higher authorities. the government of the Russian Federation - the Supreme Executive authority of the Russian Federation, the main institution in the system.

The Second sign – organization. There is a whole system for the implementation of laws at all levels of the state.

The Third feature – ubiquity. wherever there are human groups, or otherwise present the Executive.

The Fourth sign – huge resources. Executive power in the Russian Federation is a system with many features: legal, economic, information, security, technical services. They are all unified management center to maintain the fullness of Executive power.

The Fifth feature – the power of extrajudicial influence. For this there are many services enforcement: the army, police, state security, national guard, etc.

The Sixth feature – control over the Executive. It is a prerequisite of the legal state. Despite the separation of powers, for the effective execution of all laws necessary control, which can realize the Parliament, the audit chamber, Prosecutor's office. Wide powers of control is the institution of the presidency in the Russian Federation. Great importance to have democratic institutions, free media, civil society, the initiative group control, etc.

Executive bodies of state blastir

System and structure of Executive authorities of the Russian Federation

The Greatest difficulty causes the hierarchy. Executive power is exercised by the system of Executive authorities, which is part of the overall structure of the government. They are established by the state for the implementation of all laws and normative legal acts adopted by the respective competent entities.

The Executive authorities of the Russian Federation included in the unified management system. However, their list is not defined in the Constitution.


From the role, scope, competencies, method of education are distinguished:

1. Russia is a Federal state. It exists as a Federal Executive authority of the Russian Federation, and regional. The President and his administration are not formally part of this structure, but actively control it. The head of state is the guarantor of constitutional norms and the rights and freedoms of citizens, therefore, it is required to monitor and adjust the work of all authorities. But legally, the President is not included in this structure. The highest Executive authority of the Russian Federation is the government, headed by the Chairman.

2. Depending on the competence of isolated bodies of General, sectoral and cross-sectoral competence. the first group of regional government and administration of territories and regions. As an example, bodies of industry expertise to lead the Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of emergency situations, etc. To include intersectoral employment service, statistics bodies.

3. Depending on the resolution order of questions, structure of Executive authorities of the Russian Federation is divided into collegiate bodies and acinonychinae. First discuss the most important issues (government of the Russian Federation as the highest organ of state power of the Russian Federation, governments of the regions, Committee meetings, etc.). Acinonychinae organs are usually those who work in normal mode to eliminate bureaucratic red tape.

The Role of the President in the functioning of the Executive power

Formally, as noted above, the Russian President is not part of the system of Executive power. It costs “over all branches”, and his power forms a fourth branch-presidential. Hence the possible misunderstanding of who exactly is the head of government of the Russian Federation, the Executive to whom it must obey. The correct answer is – to the President, which directly appointed by the head of state.

The Constitutional control of the President of the Russian Federation

The Basic law contains a number of articles that “submit” the government is the President. In particular, article 83 of the Basic law. According to this article, the President of the Russian Federation appoints the Prime Minister. Therefore, we can assume that if the Prime Minister is accountable to the head of state, all Executive bodies of state power of the Russian Federation also obey him.

The Role of the State Duma in the appointment of the President

Whatever it was, but the President should appoint the Chairman of the government with the approval of the State Duma. Perhaps it was done for the productive interaction between these institutions. Thus, can legally show...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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