Strawberry milk: methods of cooking desserts and drinks


2019-03-09 02:00:21




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Doctors have long confirmed the fact that strawberries with milk – this is not only a delicious dessert or flavored drink. Both products are perfectly combined with each other and together make up the perfect pair. One can cook many simple, but very tasty and healthy dishes.

Refreshing dessert

In the Summer, when the street is hot, no desire to eat hot soup or take a long time to stand at the stove, trying to cook something delicious. For such a case is ideal strawberry milk. Nutritionally, this dish can replace a lunch. And for its preparation you will need only a few minutes. In addition, strawberries with milk-is a real storehouse of vitamins and other nutrients, without which it is difficult to imagine the normal development of the human body. You'll need a minimal set of products: ripe strawberries and fresh milk.

strawberry milk

Method of cooking is very simple:

  1. First berries need to sort out, removing each from their stalk. Damaged or slightly rotten instances better to throw.
  2. Rinse the strawberries under running water. At this stage, no need to hurry, because the berries grow low to the ground, and they can be a lot of pathogens.
  3. Prepared to lay down the fruits in a deep plate.
  4. Fill them with cold milk. Some people like berries, slightly mashed with a fork, but not necessarily.

Those who like this dessert seems too acidic, you can add a spoon of sugar. As such, the strawberry with milk to turn into exquisite delicacy, which in addition has the strongest cooling effect.


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Wonderful cocktail

Strawberry Season is short, so short time wants to enjoy it as much as possible. In case a lot of berries, some of them easy to prepare the perfect vitamin cocktail. For this you will need the following ingredients: a glass of fresh washed strawberries, 50 grams of sugar, 400 ml milk.

cocktail with strawberry and milk

Prepares the drink as follows:

  1. Berries need to carefully go through and cut the green stems.
  2. Thoroughly rinse the fruit, then drain them in a colander to drain all the water.
  3. Clean the strawberries, put them in a Cup (or glass).
  4. Cover it with sugar.
  5. Using the immersion blender to turn food into a puree.
  6. Pour milk and continue whisking until the mixture becomes almost homogeneous. Those who don't like the drink with foam, you can just stir the contents with a spoon.

The result is a wonderful cocktail with strawberries and milk. It can be used not only to cool off in the heat, but also to replenish the supply of nutrients in the body.

For a slim figure

For people who are trying to watch their weight, the ideal would be strawberry milk. The calorie content of dishes prepared from these products is extremely small. Therefore, they can safely be consumed during the period of the diet. No wonder, because in 100 grams of a mixture of fresh strawberries with whole milk contains only 41 calories.

strawberry milk calorie

However, this mass is very useful. For example, strawberries are many organic acids, which contribute to the normalization of metabolism. Deserves special attention and a set of vitamins. A few berries of strawberry them as much as one large orange. About the benefits of milk and no need to talk. Know it almost all. So, milk contains valuable vitamin B2, which helps convert carbohydrates and fats into useful energy. For dieters this product – a real find. And with strawberry milk becomes a powerful tool in the fight for health and a slim figure.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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