Memo: example. Clearance memos


2018-03-19 04:00:53




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Internal documents of the organization, many employees know only by hearsay - memoranda confuse with the service and be wrong. It violates the primary function of such documents is the official communication within the team, hindering teamwork. That is why it becomes relevant the question of drafting memos, its differences and similarities with other papers, specification writing.

memo example


The memo is a means of communication between the officials and structural units. Sometimes referred to as a document about performing any job/work, although it may have a different character. The samples, which will be discussed in this article just reflect the possible content of the memos.

Officially, the classifier of management documents do not contain information about the paper as a memo. An example of how to write not available, but that doesn't negate the fact that this document is widely distributed to the working and labor issues for a number of reasons.

Reasons for use

A memo known as frequently used auxiliary instrument. On it rests the responsibility of ensuring the connection between the elements of a production system, i.e. employees. Why this document is so popular? Many working moments can and should be solved without the intervention of leadership positions - this proves the independence and functioning of Autonomous departments and how the system as a whole.


Unlike the above-mentioned Memorandum is that the latter means an appeal to the higher ranks, a memo, an example of which will be discussed below, forms a connection at the horizontal level. This can be addressed to the administrator of another Department or head of a unit. In any of the cases yet mentioned persons have equivalent positions, it is possible to speak about the memo. When there is inequality that needs to be drawn up Memorandum. Some of the examples presented here can be ambiguous the definition, the reasons for this will be discussed later.


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Themes memos

Typically, memos are written on security: information, commercial, logistical or organizational. Often the note can contain some request or proposal. Each of the structural elements usually some of the topics by priority and corresponds with the region in which the element itself.


The Design of the memo is the same as making a report. Therefore, changing only the content. Making memos is regulated by GOST. This allows you to maintain the unity of the processing of all administrative memo

An Example of how to write a memo

The Information technology Department (At the top of the page, left side)

The Head of the security service (At the top, right side) Lubchenco, R. L.


14.09.2015 No. 11

On Friday 17. 09. 2015 is replacing the material-technical base. In this regard, please provide access to the following employees of the organization of PE “AMIR” to perform these operations:

  1. Ageenko Sergey Gennadiyevich.
  2. Mishkov Leo G..

Head of Department (Left side) roses Antipov, R. D. (Right side)

The Design of the memo suggests a typical page format is A4.


Essentially, the analog voice message, memo has a number of advantages over the usual work communication:

  • Save in writing;
  • Official documentation;
  • Convenience in the case of transfer of complex information;
  • The possibility of sending one message to several persons.

Logical consequences following from here:

  • Able to confirm/refute a point;
  • A clear statement of the problem and its clear implementation;
  • Timely implementation;
  • Efficiency.


Writing memos can have the following character:

  • Information (message, notice, instruction, etc.);
  • Initiative (request);
  • Reporting.

The memo, an example of which was provided above is for informational purposes only, as the head of one Department shall notify the other about the upcoming execution of the work, moreover, gives simple instruction on what he must to write a memo

The Last two points often coexist: the final note is a response to a proactive (query).


Let us Consider how to write a memo based on the given example. So, this document must contain:

  • Props addressee (in this case, the role played by the head of security);
  • The name of the document (the corresponding inscription was directly in front of the text);
  • Date of the document;
  • Text
  • Props and the signature of the sender (head of the information Department).

The Text in turn, can also be distributed on the structure. However, much more conventionally:

  1. The First part defines the basis and motive of writing. Memo, a sample of which was presented above, explains the request in the first sentence.
  2. The Second part reflects the essence: in the example it goes after the words “...”.
  3. The Third part is the final. It may contain a statement of fact, proposal or request.

The memo, an example of which helps us to understand the rules of registration, connects the second and third part into one. The separation becomes more pronounced in complex service notes. The third part is required to appear in response documents.


Although for this paper allowed a free format, as well as for all other management papers to know how to write a memo, must be free to Express their thoughts in a business style, because in the preparation of any kind of documentation it will be used.


Memos do not have a clear classification, but at the same time, they can be divided into types.

For Example, is a memo:

  • Improve;
  • On the purchase;
  • On the write-off, etc.

Each type has its own specification writing. For a better understanding of how to write a memo, will also be presented and examples.

About raising

Memo for salary increases may be given to employees who feel they receive inadequate remuneration for their work. It is logical that first of all they will appeal to your boss - write a memo.

memo about raising

A memo of this type, says the head of the Department of the employee to the head of management. Sometimes these deals and also the personnel Department. While initially referred to the communication Department employee who wants to gain more salary and the HR Department. The reasons for wage increases (changes in the volume of work, qualification of the staff, etc.) must contain the memo.

The Sample below.

The Department of accounting of material resources

General Director of PE “agro Darina" Annikova G. L.


09.04.2013 No. 45

Saint Petersburg

About the increase of wages, Furmaric G. V.

Furmanis Galina Viktorovna has been working in PE “agro Darina” 4 March 2011 in the position of chief specialist of Department of the account of material means. She is a qualified master of his craft, showing the high efficiency of the work, punctual, dutiful, and diligent. During the work received no disciplinary action. In connection with the above I ask You to increase the wages of Furmaric Galina Viktorovna from 23 000 to 25 000 rubles.

The head of the Department of accounting of material creditpolicy S. A.

The Increase not only means an increase in wages, also can mean the transition to a higher position. Memo about the promotion is also head of the Department.

This is important: the same memo to the Director, that is the note from the subordinate to the head is considered a report.

The head of the Department may recommend a subordinate for a raise on the basis of:

  • Training;
  • Higher education (first/second);
  • Seniority and experience;
  • For outstanding service.

The Reasons should be specified directly in an internal memo. For example, the following.

The Department of logistics

The Director General of PP "Netflix" Lyashenko S. Yu.


19.02.2001 № 15


The promotion Belousova O. Yu.

Belousova Yulia Olegovna works in PP "Netflix" from 7 January 1999 in the position of administrator of the Department of logistics. She is a qualified specialist in their field. The employee and the Executive responsible, has high performance and endurance in stressful situations. 15 February 2001, received the diploma of master's degree in “Accounting and auditing...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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