Leeks: cooking recipes


2018-04-10 20:00:39




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Leek is a vegetable that is related to ordinary, familiar to all onions. However, it has one major difference - taste. It is easy to see that the leek has a milder, creamy taste than onions. Due to this difference it is incredibly loved by many gourmets.

What value has this product and what you can do with it? About this in more detail next.


Use leek

Leek is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals that are needed by the human body for normal development and daily life. According to nutritionists, the most important part of this onion is the white part of the stem, it concentrated all useful minerals. The green product rather meager for such components, however, despite this, many connoisseurs love to use it for food, and many recipes with leeks it is found as an ingredient.

As part of the bow has a large amount of carotene, which has a positive effect on the eyesight of the person and the condition of the hair. In addition, it has iron, folic acid, sodium, potassium and phosphorus, and protein. In the structure of the leek has a huge number of essential oils that enhance the human immunity and beneficial to the skin.

The composition of the product is also a high content of vitamins of groups b, C and E.

In this regard, a vegetable widely used in medicine (the treatment of rheumatism, beriberi, gout, rheumatism, cardiovascular diseases and liver problems) as well as in cosmetics and dietetics. Moreover, with the regular use of this product in humans significantly increases the level of vital energy, which certainly is a positive impact.


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In addition to the useful properties, the leek has a small amount of harmful. The use of this vegetable in food is absolutely contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as its essential oil irritate the lining of these internal organs. Not recommended its use for people with allergic reactions to this product, or Nickel, which is contained in it.

Doctors also advise not to eat the leek of those people who tend to high blood pressure or an allergic reaction such as hives. Nursing mothers should also refrain from use in food leek with breast milk components may get into the child's stomach and cause irritation.

How to choose leeks

Well-chosen ingredients - the key to delicious cooked dishes. How to choose a tasty leek? The photo below shows the ideal vegetable that will give any dish a unique taste.

By Purchasing this variety of onion in the market, it is recommended to pay attention to its color: a perfect leek will have evenly colored green leaves and white bottom. No one part of it there should be no extraneous inclusions.

Delicious onion will have a large diameter stem is about 1.5 cm or more, the surface should be smooth, without cracks.

leek recipes

Warm salad with leeks

The Original and healthy salad with leeks, you can please your household. Before cooking you should make the sauce. For this one dish you need to mix the juice squeezed from half of a lemon, a quarter teaspoon of sweet chili sauce and a teaspoon of soy sauce. Such ingredients you need to add a couple of crushed cloves of garlic and mix thoroughly.

A Couple of chicken Breasts wash, dry and cut into strips, sauté for 4-5 minutes in a hot pan using olive oil. After it has cooled down, in General a deep bowl add the washed, peeled and chopped bell pepper, one carrot, three stalks of leeks. The whole mass should fill with the previously prepared sauce and finely chopped parsley. In this part of the salad should be sent to be fried in the pan for a couple minutes. At the end of the allotted time, the salad can be removed from the stove and serve hot.


Delicious and low-calorie soup made of leeks can be cooked in a short time. To do this, take 50 g red lentils and thoroughly rinse it several times to cook to full readiness, not adding salt.

Meanwhile, in a saucepan with a thick bottom to heat a teaspoon of sunflower oil, add 6 cm of the stem of the leek and some time later, pour 1.5 cups of broth (can use water). As soon as everything starts to boil, it is necessary to send 150 grams of celery root and carrots, pre-chopped straw. In this composition the ingredients you need to cook for 15 minutes.

After the specified time in the pot, you should add a teaspoon adzhika and pre-cooked lentils. The soup needs salt and pepper to taste.

At the end of cooking the soup to squeeze the juice of one orange and giving it a slight boil, chop all of the content with the help of a blender. The finished dish when serving you can decorate with parsley.

Salad of leeks

Onion pie

A Few Housewives are practicing baking a pie with leeks, and for good reason - in fact it turns out very tasty dish.

For such unique products to properly cook a puffy dough. For this one dish you need to combine a Cup of yogurt, three eggs, 200 g of mayonnaise, 1.5 cups of sifted flour and a small amount of salt, sugar and the sachet of baking powder. From the United ingredients need to knead the dough, for greater airiness which you can use a mixer. Ready should be set aside for fifteen minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare leeks. Its stems need to wash, dry and fry in a generous amount of vegetable oil on all sides. At the end of the cooking process, the vegetables should be lightly pepper and salt.

When all the components are ready, we must begin creating the cake. For this half of the dough to be poured into a prepared and greased form, put the fried onions and cover it with the remnants of the test. In this form, the cake should be baked for half an hour in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees.

Onion photo

Chicken with onions

Another original recipe leek - its suppression of chicken. To output delicious, should be cut into pieces 400 g chicken fillet and leave it to dry off. Meanwhile you need to wash and cut into small pieces a stalk of onion, fry it in a hot pan with vegetable oil and combine with chicken in this composition the ingredients you need to cook, stirring occasionally. When the chicken leek reached the ready state, it is abundantly watered them with a mixture made from 4 tablespoons of soy sauce and a teaspoon of honey.

Content you want to put out a couple of minutes on a slow fire, after which the finished dish can be served to the table hot.

Fried leeks can be used with other types of meat.

Soup of leek

Fish with bow

The Process of cooking leeks with fish is simple. To make a tasty dish, you can use fillet of salmon, such as salmon. Fish should wash, dry with paper towels and cut into small pieces.

To prepare this dish is optimal to use only the white part of the stem onions - they need 3 things. Onions should be pre-wash, dry and chop. Then in a hot pan should fry the chopped vegetables, using butter (40 g). Once it will become a Golden color to the onions-leeks need to send the fish. In this composition the ingredients, roast for 15 minutes.

After the specified time, salmon, you need to pour 300 g of cream and simmer this on very low heat for about 4 minutes.

Vegetables with mushrooms and cheese

Another recipe with leeks, following which, you can cook delicious diet dish. For this you need to use only fresh vegetables and mushrooms that you need to wash and peel and all the excess.

At the bottom of the greased baking dish you need to put three potatoes, cut into slices. Over them is placed the chopped Apple (preferably sour) 100 g green part of the stalk of leek 150 g of cauliflower and broccoli, carrot and 250 g of mushrooms (it is best to use mushrooms). Each layer should be pepper and salt.

Once the full design is assembled, top it needs to be sprinkled 150 g of hard cheese to smear on a couple tablespoons of mayonnaise and leave like this for 10 minutes.

After a specified period vegetables need to send in a preheated 180 degree oven and bake it for twenty minutes, until Golden brown.

Onion trade


In traditional Italian cuisine there is a dish of pasta with seafood and leeks. You can cook it very easily and quickly.

In the beginning you should boil 250g of pasta as indicated on the packaging instructions. While she will cook, you can prepare additions to it. To do this, 500 g of shrimp you need to clean and fry in a hot pan using a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. At the end of this procedure, the contents should be salt and pepper to taste. After that, not subtracting the fire, into the frying pan, you need to add 50 g chopped leeks and the same amount of butter. In this composition, it is necessary to continue the process of frying for three minutes, after which the products need to pour a Cup of cream and waiting for their thickened, remove mixture from heat.

Once the pasta is ready, it should drain the water and mix with cream sauce, serve.

leek recipes

Leek with ham

This dish can be a wonderful appetizer to any meal, it can also be used as a Breakfast. To prepare this dish you need to take 400 g of the stems of this vegetable, wash them and cut into largepieces (about 2 cm). They should be put in a hot frying pan, greased with oil, lightly fry and Bay with a little water, a little put out. At the end of this procedure, the onions need to drain in a sieve and give it a slightly dry.

Meanwhile, you need to carefully oil the baking dish. At its bottom you need to put four or five pre-boiled potatoes, chopped into slices, and 200 g of ham, cut into large cubes. Some cooks recommend for the preparation of such meals to use a smoked meat ready to snack will have a terrific flavor. On top of meat or ham need to lay out the leeks.

In a separate bowl, it is recommended to mix three eggs, a tablespoon of milk, small amount of salt and carefully whisk all until smooth. Finished mass necessary to cover the vegetables with ham. On top of all of this design can be put small amount of meat.

This dish should be baked in the oven at a low temperature to a state of complete readiness of all the ingredients.

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BE: https://tostpost.com/be/ezha-napo/25409-luk-porey-recepty-prygatavannya.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/essen-und-trinken/25436-lauch-kochrezepte.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/alimentos-y-bebidas/25453-puerro-recetas-de-cocina.html

KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/azy--t-l-k-zh-ne-susyndar/25389-piyaz-porey-recepter-dayyndau.html

PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/jedzenie-i-picie/25319-por-przepisy-kulinarne.html

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TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/yiyecek-ve-i-ecek/25402-p-rasa-yemek-tarifleri.html

UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/zha-napo/25377-cibulya-porey-recepti-prigotuvannya.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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