Stressors are factors that cause stress. The effects of stress on human health


2018-03-23 23:00:14




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People say that all illnesses from nerves. This statement is only partially true. The effects of stress on human health – one of the most serious and pressing issues today. Fast pace of life, psychological stress, and the desire to do everything felt. People often get sick, citing fatigue or stress. What is it and what causes stress?this stressors

What do we know about stress?

Stress is an integral part of life, perhaps, each person. Psychologists that word to imply a special status, physical and mental stress. In modern conditions it is almost impossible to avoid. While different people have different reactions to the same load. For example, one group reacts actively, that is, their operating capacity continues to grow to the maximum possible limit (psychologists call this type of “the stress of a lion”). Another group of people showing a passive response, i.e. their operational performance immediately drops (is “the stress of the rabbit»).

In addition, stress can be acute. That is, it occurs once and is characterized by severe physical and mental shock. An example of this form can be accidents. A man once falls into the extreme conditions, then there is rehabilitation. However, there is a long form when the stress gradually builds up, suppressing the person. This can be a time-consuming conflicts in the family or the typical workload.stress and health

Stress and health-interrelated components. To find the key to recovery from illnesses, you need to understand the reasons that cause stress.


Causes of stress are external stimuli, or stressors. It's an uncomfortable situation, which happen to a person at work, at home, at school, etc. They are different in nature, impact, consequences.


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To stressors include any changes in a person's life. But not all situations can be viewed as a negative, pressing, tightening. The severity of stress is deeply personal. And its root lies in uncertainty and loss of control over the situation. In many ways, the impact of stressors depends on the man's awareness of personal responsibility and the setting of personal involvement in the current statement of Affairs.


Experts share the stressors into two main groups: physiological and psychological. This classification is based on the nature of the stressors. In the expression of the stressors – this kind of restriction. They can be really active and possible (or potential).

The Types of stressors in the second category depend on the attitudes and individual abilities. Simply put, can he adequately assess the degree of stress and properly distribute it without compromising their health.
the effects of stress on human health

However, the stressors – external stimuli. Sometimes stress arises due to the mismatch between the desired effect. That is, the stress factor focuses on the collision of the internal and external world of man. From this position, the stressors are divided into subjective and objective. The first correspond to the incompatibility of genetic programs with modern conditions, incorrect implementation of conditioned reflexes, a wrong communication and identify and etc. To objective stressors include housing and working conditions, emergency situations, interaction with the people.

As you can see, the boundaries between categories can be called conditional. Of most interest to the present consideration of the stressors of the first category.
factors causing stress


To the physiological factors that cause stress include:

  • An invalid physical activity
  • Stimuli
  • Extreme temperatures, noise and light exposure
  • Reception of excessive quantity of certain drugs (e.g. caffeine or amphetamines), etc.

The group of physiological stressors include hunger, thirst, isolation. Depending on the degree and duration of exposure to these stressors can cause a significant and minor injury.types of stressors

A Typical physiological reaction to stress can be rapid heart rate, muscle tension, shakiness (tremor) in the limbs, increase in blood pressure.


According to experts, the most destructive to the human body are psychological stressors. They are divided into information and emotional.

  • Information load (event).
  • Self-esteem or Threat to the immediate environment.
  • The Need for urgent decisions.
  • Excessive responsibility for someone or for something.
  • The Conflict situation (different motifs).
  • Alarm, etc.

It is Known that emotional stressors in their impact are the most deep. They form in the person of the grievances and fears that without adequate assessment of the situation, like a weed that will only grow. Thus, stress and health will bea single entity, a destructive mechanism.


Professional stressors, represent a mixed group. They connect the psychological and physiological stressors. This external stimuli and stress, which everyone experiences at work. Consider the example of the employee of service of rescue. It is most clearly accumulates the maximum level of stressors. But it is the extreme events with high responsibility, mental strain of readiness, the negative surrounding factors, information uncertainty, shortage of time for decision-making and life-threatening.

It is Noteworthy that the stressors are property of “infect” themselves weight. Using the same example, the employee of service of rescue can be seen that stress is not only the performer of the task, but the staff and the family of the employee. This is due to the psychological factors of interaction, trust and solidarity in society. Thus, people in the distribution of internal loads and reserves gets rid of accumulated tension.
the stressors include the

Effects of stress

The effects of stress on human health, regardless of its impact, is a negative phenomenon and has a fairly wide range of psychological, physical and social consequences. All of them can be divided into:

  • Primary occur on a psychological and intellectual level, in connection with the occurrence of extreme situations (loss of attention, fatigue, psikhonevrologicheskii state).
  • Secondary arise as a result of unsuccessful attempts to overcome the non-adaptive condition. Among these effects are observed-emotional “burnout”, abuse of nicotine, alcohol, or sedative drugs, reduced efficiency, aggressive or depressive States.
  • Tertiary combines psychological, social, intellectual and physical side. They can be expressed in deformation, frequent conflicts with others because of an internal insecurity, breakdown of family and working relationships, loss of work, study, pessimism and social apathy. Extreme degree tertiary effects are the suicides.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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